26.一 May I play computer games.Mum? 一 No.You wash your clothes first. A.would B.can C.must D.will 查看更多



Idioms are phrases and sentences that do not mean exactly what they say. Even if you know the meaning of each word you see or hear, you may not understand the idiom because you don’t understand the culture behind it.
For example, if an American boy asks his mother what’s for dinner tomorrow, she may say “I’ll play it by ear”, that means she doesn’t have plans for dinner and she will decide later. "Play by ear" used to mean playing music using the sheet music, but now people often use it when they’re not talking about music.
There’re many idioms in English. If you learn to use them, your English will be more vivid and colorful. English idioms are more common in spoken English. They can be difficult to remember sometimes. Next time when you hear somebody saying to you, "Give me a hand", you don’t necessarily stretch out your hand to him/her, but you do need to be helpful. And when the situation is out of hand, you usually can do very little to manage all that. What about a green hand? It’s not about the color of your hand! You’re a green hand when you are very new at your work and don’t have much experience. If you and your partner always work together hand in glove, you two definitely work together very well.
Can you guess the meanings of some common English idioms to do with parts of your body?
【小题1】What is an idiom ?
【小题2】What does “ Can you give me a hand “ mean ?
【小题3】Are English idioms more common in written English or spoken English ?


Idioms are phrases and sentences that do not mean exactly what they say. Even if you know the meaning of each word you see or hear, you may not understand the idiom because you don't understand the culture behind it.
For example, if an American boy asks his mother what's for dinner tomorrow, she may say “I'll play it by ear”, that means she doesn't have plans for dinner and she will decide later. "Play by ear" used to mean playing music using the sheet music, but now people often use it when they're not talking about music.
There're many idioms in English. If you learn to use them, your English will be more vivid and colorful. English idioms are more common in spoken English. They can be difficult to remember sometimes. Next time when you hear somebody saying to you, "Give me a hand", you don't necessarily stretch out your hand to him/her, but you do need to be helpful. And when the situation is out of hand, you usually can do very little to manage all that. What about a green hand? It's not about the color of your hand! You're a green hand when you are very new at your work and don't have much experience. If you and your partner always work together hand in glove, you two definitely work together very well.
Can you guess the meanings of some common English idioms to do with parts of your body?
【小题1】What is an idiom ?
【小题2】What does “ Can you give me a hand “ mean ?
【小题3】Are English idioms more common in written English or spoken English ?


Idioms are phrases and sentences that do not mean exactly what they say. Even if you know the meaning of each word you see or hear, you may not understand the idiom because you don't understand the culture behind it.
For example, if an American boy asks his mother what's for dinner tomorrow, she may say “I'll play it by ear”, that means she doesn't have plans for dinner and she will decide later. "Play by ear" used to mean playing music using the sheet music, but now people often use it when they're not talking about music.
There're many idioms in English. If you learn to use them, your English will be more vivid and colorful. English idioms are more common in spoken English. They can be difficult to remember sometimes. Next time when you hear somebody saying to you, "Give me a hand", you don't necessarily stretch out your hand to him/her, but you do need to be helpful. And when the situation is out of hand, you usually can do very little to manage all that. What about a green hand? It's not about the color of your hand! You're a green hand when you are very new at your work and don't have much experience. If you and your partner always work together hand in glove, you two definitely work together very well.
Can you guess the meanings of some common English idioms to do with parts of your body?

  1. 1.

    What is an idiom ?

  2. 2.

    What does “ Can you give me a hand “ mean ?

  3. 3.

    Are English idioms more common in written English or spoken English ?


     English idioms are interesting. An idiom is a phrase that we can't understand from the meaning of
each word. For example, if an American boy asks his mom what's for dinner tomorrow, she may say
"I'll play it by ear", that means she doesn't have plans for dinner and she will decide later.
      "Play it by ear" used to mean playing music without using the music (乐谱), but now people often
use it when they're not talking about music!
     There are many idioms in English. If you learn to use them, your English will be much more
vivid (生动的) and colorful.
     Have you ever heard the idiom "He bought the farm?" It means he died. Do you know how it
became popular? It was first used in World War I. When a soldier died, the government gave his
family enough money to buy a farm.
      In the early 1930s, people in the US often did not know when or where their next meal was. So
as soon as they got something in their hand that could be eaten, it would go into their mouth. That
was how people began to use the idiom "living hand to mouth" to mean "living a poor life".
     And don't be angry if your English friend says this to you, "Break a leg in your game!" He is
wishing you good luck! Hundreds of years ago, people believed in sprites (小妖精). Sprites enjoyed
causing trouble. If the sprites heard you ask for something, they would make the opposite happen.
Tell someone to "break a leg" and the sprites would make something good happen.
     Aren't English idioms interesting? And break a leg in your next football match!
Idioms Original (原始的) meaning Current (现时的) meaning
1. play it by ear A. bad thing  a. He died
2. He bought the farm? B. going into their mouth as soon as they
    got something in their hand
b. not have plans for dinner 
3. living hand to mouth  C. play music without using the sheet music c. Wish you good luck!
4. Break a leg in your game! D. When a soldier died, the government gave
     his family enough money to buy a farm.
d. living a poor life
1. ______ ______      2.______ ______     3._____ _____      4._____ _____


I'm thinking about what I'm going to do this summer.

      Maybe I'll get a job. If I get a job, I'll have ____money to buy some new things. I'd like to have some new dresses ____ I start school again in September. I can also buy some books or some music CDs. I really love jazz(爵士乐).I could buy some more CDs____my jazz collection. Or I can use the money ____tennis lessons. I can play tennis ____,but I'd like to learn to play it much better. Or maybe I can use the money to pay for the piano lessons.I'd like to learn to play the piano,too.

    If I don't get a job this summer, I'll visit my grandparents in San Francisco. They live in a beautiful old house ____ the sea. My grandparents are always very nice to me. They'll let me sleep late. I ____ have to get up until 10 o'clock every day. I'll eat delicious food because my grandmother is an excellent ____.  She  always cooks my favorite food. I'll also go to the ____ with my grandparents. Because I like swimming in the sea. My grandparents like to go to museums but I don't enjoy it so much, so maybe I'll ____to watch TV.

1.A.less           B.many           C.a few          D.enough

2.A.because        B.where          C.when          D.if

3.A.in             B.to            C.at             D.as

4.A.to skate        B.to pay for      C.to spend        D.to buy

5.A.very good      B.well           C.better          D.best

6.A.in             B.at           C.near           D.to

7.A.be able to       B.won't        C.must           D.may

8.A.cook           B.lawyer        C.agent          D.teacher

9.A.museum        B.San Francisco  C. shop            D.beach

10.A.travel         B. go to college   C. stay at home      D. lie on the beach


