-What’s your name, please? -Robert Thomas Brown, but you can call me Mr. Brown. A. family B. given C. first D. full 32. - DO you still have a headache, Bill? - No, it’s . I’m all right now, mum. A. dropped B. run C. left D. gone 查看更多



A: Good morning, Madam.          1         

B: Yes, please. I’m afraid I left my handbag in a taxi this morning.

A:         2         

B: About 50, 000 dollars.

A:         3         

B: Yes, my ID card, I think.

A: What’s your name?

B: Betty White.

A:Just a moment.          4         

B:Yes, it’s mine. Thank you so much.

A:         5          The taxi driver found it and brought it here.

B:Oh, what a kind person he is! I want to meet him and thank him.

A. Nice to see you.

B. Anything else?

C. You’re welcome.

D. Excuse me.

E. Is this your handbag?

F. What’s in your handbag?

G. May I help you?



A: Good morning, Madam.          1         
B: Yes, please. I’m afraid I left my handbag in a taxi this morning.
A:         2         
B: About 50, 000 dollars.
A:         3         
B: Yes, my ID card, I think.
A: What’s your name?
B: Betty White.
A:Just a moment.          4         
B:Yes, it’s mine. Thank you so much.
A:         5          The taxi driver found it and brought it here.
B:Oh, what a kind person he is! I want to meet him and thank him.

A. Nice to see you.
B. Anything else?
C. You’re welcome.
D. Excuse me.
E. Is this your handbag?
F. What’s in your handbag?
G. May I help you?


name What's meet last clock first
1. —________ your name?
2. I'm Alan. Nice to ________ you.
3. —What's his ________? 
4. —What's this in English?
    —It's a ________.
5. Jack Smith's ________ name is Smith.
    And his ________ name is Jack.


— What’s      matter?

— A car is in      way.

A.a; a              B./; the             C.the; a            D.the; the



— What’s      matter?
— A car is in      way.

A.a; a B./; theC.the; aD.the; the

