(A)请你根据句意及所给首字母.补全单词.千万不要张冠李戴哦.1.When the car a happened.1 was just passing by. 查看更多




1. There are two p________ on the wall. They are very nice.

2. His phone n________ is 0532 -8101616.

3. Mary has a computer. She p________ computer games every day.

4. We have three sports c________ basketball, ping - pong and soccer. Please join us!

5. Tomatoes are h________ food. Please eat more tomatoes!


1.We should try our best to protect the e_________.
2.There are four s_________ in a year, spring, summer, autumn and winter.
3.She is a careful girl, so she made few m_________ in the exam.
4.My brother joined the army (军队), because he wanted to be a s_________ in the future.
5.The p_________ of China is over 1.3 billion (十亿).

