91.Miss Gao said, "I like living here". Miss Gao said living there. 查看更多




Two teachers were sitting in the teachers' room. For a moment there was silence. Then one of them, Miss Smith, said, "I'm afraid I'd have to fail him! I just can’t let him   16   . "

"Now Alice," said her friend, Mrs Jackson, "is he so terrible a student?"

"That's just the trouble!" the other woman answered, "Tom was ever my   17   student. The problem is that he is so lazy that he never gets his work done. He hasn't handed me a piece of homework for three     18    !"

Mrs Jackson had never seen Miss Smith so   19   before. "Have you had a word with him about it?" she asked.

"Why should I? Every student must hand in homework. I made    20   very clear on the first day for class.  I don't know what has happened. When the lessons started, he did so well that I   21   thought about asking the school to give him a scholarship(奖学金). But now he often sleeps in class! I've never seen such a   22   in a student."

"You should have a talk with him. Give him a chance. "

Miss Smith spoke to Tom and learned all about it. He was studying all day and working most of the night in a factory to   23    for his schooling. Of course he was   24   in class and sometimes could hardly   25   awake. Miss Smith soon asked the school to give him a scholarship and he was able to devote himself to his lessons again.

1.A. leave          B. pass         C. work         D. sleep

2.A. laziest            B. busiest        C. worst         D. best 

3.A. minutes        B. hours       C. weeks        D. years 

4.A. worried            B. pleased          C. useless          D. kind

5.A. them           B. him              C. that             D. one

6.A. even          B. only         C. mostly           D. still 

7.A. trouble            B. hope         C. change           D. danger 

8.A. pay           B. call             C. save             D. share 

9.A. forgetful          B. careless         C. asleep      D. tired

10.A. seem         B. keep             C. look             D. get 



The clock in the old building in front of Max showed six o'clock. As the clock began   1  , he noticed a tall man with a bag walking to him. 2 turned around, looked at the clock, and then moved his steps   3  . Max walked faster as well. Miss Fritz invited him for dinner. He didn't want to be  4 .

"I’m glad you can come," Miss Fritz said. "I've  5  a lovely cake for us. " She pointed Max to a chair. "Good thing I prepared just now. A surprise visitor just left. " "Who  6  you?" Max asked.

"A teacher  7 a school for the deaf. He was totally deaf (耳聋的)himself. What a poor man! But he could  8  the shape of my mouth perfectly. He wrote down   9   he wanted to tell me." "Why was he here?"

"Well, the   10  needs more money. I was glad to help out. I got    11   money from the bank so I was able to give him five hundred   12  ." "Did he just leave? Was he a   13  man with a bag?"


"We'd better 14  the police. I don't think that man is honest. I know for sure   15   was not totally deaf," How did Max find it out?

1.                A.to go           B.to work         C.to run    D.to ring


2.                A.Max           B.A teacher       C.The man  D.Miss Fritz


3.                A.farther         B.closer          C.slower    D.faster


4.                A.late            B.early           C.polite    D.tired


5.                A.passed         B.given           C.made D.sold


6.                A.helped         B.decided         C.visited    D.traveled


7.                A.by             B.behind         C.around   D.from


8.                A.fit             B.take           C.read D.find


9.                A.what           B.who           C.whom    D.which


10.               A.factory         B.school         C.police D.bank


11.               A.little           B.some          C.no   D.less


12.               A.chairs          B.bags           C.clocks     D.dollars


13.               A.fat            B.thin            C.tall   D.short


14.               A.beat           B.call            C.catch D.save


15.               A.I              B.it             C.he   D.she




1. My hometown _________ (change) a lot since I was 8 years old.
2. Noise pollution _________ (be) also a big problem now.
3. They will go _________ (boat) tomorrow.
4. Ben ________ (clap) his hands while the performers were marching across the park.
5. I saw Lily ________ (fly) the kite in the park at 10 this morning.
6. It's highly possible that I'll go fishing instead of ________ (swim).
7. You use this set of keys for _________ (type).
8. I ________ (tell) that there would be a meeting the next week.
9. Miss Gao said that the Red Cross ________ (start) in 1863.
10. It is necessary for you _________ (walk) the dog in the park once a day.


1. Jim is often seen to be made             __    (stay)behind after schoo1.
2. It was raining hard when he_____ (arrive)home.
3. Because I            ____ (lose)my bicycle,I have to walk to school.
4. The singer,together with her family,           ____  (1eave)Paris for Hong Kong soon,isn't she?
5. She won't go to the cinema if she             _____ (not finish)the work tomorrow.
6. It's not a good way to educate children by_____ (punish)them.
7. I saw Lily ____(fly) the kite in the park at 10 this morning.
8. —Are you going to Terry's birthday party?
    —Yes, I will if I          ____(invite).
9. Miss Gao said that the Red Cross  ____(start) in 1863.
10. It is necessary for you            _____(walk) the dog in the park once a day.


1. I have been                  (collect) stamps for five years.
2. You shouldn't                  (argue) with your classmates.
3. When he was very young, he took great more                  (interest) in science.
4. It was raining when the plane                  (land) in London.
5.                 (predict) the future can be difficult.
6. Could you please                   (not fight) with your classmates?
7. The girl was                   (shop) when she saw a car accident.
8. Miss Gao said                   (polite) "How do you do".
9. My father made a living by                   (sell) toys when he was young.
10. It's bad manner to ask                   (person) questions.

