20.How beautiful the painting looks at night when you all the lights! A.turn over B.turn off C.turn down D.turn on 2l.--- I fill in the check-in form right now.sir? ---No.you needn’t You can complete it this afternoon. A.May B.Can C.Would D.Must 查看更多



— How beautiful the library!

—Yes. It ________ last year.

     A. builds        B. built            C. was built            D. is built 




—________ the small town is!

  — Yes, it is more beautiful than ________ town that I visited last year.

   A. How beautiful; the            B. How beautifully; the

   C. How beautifully; a            D. How beautiful; a



—How beautiful the MP4 is!

—Yes. This kind is my favorite, but I can’t    it.

A. afford           B. spend            C. pay



B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

1.Come and warm _________(you) by the fire ,Millie and Jane .

2.------How beautiful the dress looks. ----It must be one of the _________(perform).

3.The kids made so much noise that I  _________ (simple )can’t fall asleep.  

4.If the robot is _______(correct) used , it will go wrong .

5.I asked her if she was ready to go and she __________(nod)



—Look , how beautiful the car is!

       —Yes, but it’s too _________ for me.

A. expensive        B. high             C. cheap            D. low


