2.We are playing tennis now.(用at six yesterday改写) . 查看更多



We are playing football. Come and _____________ us. 


B.join in





Dear James,
My name is Bob. I live in Toronto, Canada. Toronto is a beautiful and ___【小题1】__(干净的) city. It’s a good place for us to live. My house is __【小题2】__ (在……之后) the airport. In my neighborhood there is a big park. It’s in the __【小题3】__(中心) of my neighborhood. In it, there are many trees. The ___【小题4】__(树叶) on the trees are always green all the year. When it is sunny and __【小题5】__ (暖和的) , my sister and I go to the park and __【小题6】___(躺) on the grass. I often read some __【小题7】_ (故事) books and my sister just_【小题8】__ (睡觉). When it is __【小题9】  (夏天) , we go to the beach to play volleyball. When we are playing volleyball, my mother is _【小题10】___(惊讶的) we can play in this heat.
I hope you can come to my home on vacation!


We are playing football. Come and _____________ us.

A.joinB.join inC.playD.do


We are playing football. Come and _____________ us.

A.join              B.join in            C.play              D.do



阅读短文,判断正(T) 误(F)。

We are playing a hide – seek game (捉迷藏). My name is Bill, where am I?  I’m under the bed. My friend Tom and Tim are in the tree(在树上). My friend, Eric is in the big(大的) case. My sister, Gina is looking for us(寻找我们).

1.Bill is under the bed.

2.Tom and Tim are in the tree.

3.Eric is Bill’s brother.

4.Gina isn’t Bill’s sister.

5.There are (有) 5 children(孩子) playing the game (做游戏).


