5.The boy likes (粥) very much. 查看更多



     Dick is seven years old. He begins to go to school this term. He studies very hard and listens to the teachers
carefully. He is polite (礼貌) and has lots of friends. So they all like him very much.
     It's Saturday today. Dick, his sister Kate and his mother stay at home. His mother is doing some housework
and he is watching TV and the girl is doing her homework. At ten his father comes back from the farm with a
bag of apples. The boy likes them very much and wants to eat some. His mother gives him four apples and says,
"Go to wash them in the kitchen."
     Dick washes the apples and then gives them back to his mother. The woman says, "Which apple do you
want, Dick?"
     "The biggest one, Mummy."
     "What?" says Dick's mother,"You should be polite and want the little one."
     "Should I tell a lie just to be polite, Mummy?"
1. At what age do children begin their schooling in Dick's country?
2. Is Dick's sister a student? 
3. Why does the mother ask Dick to wash four apples
4. Who do you think may eat the biggest apple?
5. What's the meaning of "just to be polite" in the last paragraph in Chinese?




The boy began             to play         piano                 seven.


I like            English             maths.


Some people think Mozart was             European         .


Xian Xinghai            in        ,China 1905.


What          Mozart                        operas?



Last Friday, after doing all the family shopping in the town. I wanted to have a rest before catching the rain. I __1__ a newspaper and some chocolate and __2__ into the station coffee shop. It was a cheap self-service place with long tables to __3__ at. I put my heavy bag down on the floor, __4__ the newspaper and the chocolate on the table and then went to get a cup of coffee.
  When I came back with the coffee, There was someone __5__ in the next seat. __6__ was a boy, with dark glasses and old clothes, and __7__ bright red at the front. He had started to eat my chocolate!
  Naturally, I was rather uneasy about him, but I didn’t want to have any __8__. I just read the newspaper, tasted my coffee and took a bit of chocolate. The boy looked at me in __9__.Then he took a __10__ piece of my chocolate. I could hardly believe it. Still I didn’t say anything to him. When he took a third piece, I felt more angry than uneasy. I thought, “Well, I shall have the last piece.” And I got it.
  The boy gave me a strange look, then __11__ up. As he left, he shouted out, “There’s something __12__ with that woman!” Everyone looked at me, __13__ I didn’t want to quarrel with the boy, so I kept quiet. I did not realize that I had __14__ a mistake until I finished my coffee and was ready to __15__. My face turned red when I saw my unopened chocolate under the newspaper. The chocolate that I had been eating was the boy’s!

  1. A. stole          B. bought       C. sold       D. wrote
  2. A. went         B. sat           C. seated     D. looked
  3. A. sit            B. seat          C. lie        D. laugh
  4. A. pushed       B. took         C. put       D. pulled
  5. A. jumping      B. playing        C. sitting     D. sleeping
  6. A. He          B. It           C. Who       D. What
  7. A. cut           B. washed      C. covered    D. colored
  8. A. coffee        B. trouble        C. chocolate    D. matter
  9. A. carelessness    B. anger          C. surprise    D. happiness
  10. A. first         B. second        C. very       D. last
  11. A. stood       B. took         C. cried     D. looked
  12. A. strange      B. wrong         C. OK       D. funny
  13. A. and          B. but          C. so        D. while
  14. A. spelt        B. corrected       C. made     D. found
  15. A. finish        B. leave          C. jump      D. shop


It’s surprising that the ____________ boy is ________________.

 A. 12-year-old, 2-metre-tall B. 12 years old, 2-metre-tall

C. 12 years old, 2 metres tall    D. 12-year-old, 2 metres tall


阅读短文,然后根据短文内容选择正确答案 。

   A friend of mine named Paul received an expensive car from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street urchin was walking around the shining car. “Is this your car, Paul?” he asked.
  Paul answered, “Yes, my brother gave it to me for Christmas.” The boy was surprised. “You mean your brother gave it to you and it didn’t cost you nothing? Boy, I wish…”He hesitated.
  Of course Paul knew what he was going to wish for. He was going to wish he had a brother like that. But what the boy said surprised Paul greatly.
  “I wish,” the boy went on, “that I could be a brother like that.” Paul looked at the boy in surprise, then he said again, “Would you like to take a ride in my car?”
  “Oh yes, I’d love that.”
  After a short ride, the boy turned and with his eyes shining, said, “Paul, would you mind driving in front of my house?”
  Paul smiled a little. He thought he knew what the boy wanted. He wanted to show his neighbours that he could ride home in a big car. But Paul was wrong again. “Will you stop where those two steps are?” the boy asked.
  He ran up to the steps. Then in a short while Paul heard him coming back, but he was not coming fast. He was carrying his little crippled brother. He sat him down on the step and pointed to the car.
  “There she is, Buddy, just like I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn’t cost him a cent. And some day I’m going to give you one just like it …then you can see for yourself all the nice things in the Christmas window that I’ve been trying to tell you about.”
  Paul got out and lifted the boy to the front seat of his car. The shining-eyed older brother climbed in beside him and the three of them began an unforgettable holiday ride.
  注:urchin顽童, hesitate犹豫, neighbour邻居, crippled残疾,cent 美分

(  ) 1. The street urchin was very surprised when _______________

A. Paul received an expensive car   B. Paul told him about the car
  C. he saw the shining car       D. he was walking around the car
(  ) 2. From the story we can see the urchin _______________
  A. wished to give his brother a car
  B. wanted Paul’s brother to give him a car
  C. wished he could have a brother like Paul’s
  D. wished Paul could be a brother like that
(  ) 3. The urchin asked Paul to stop his car in front of his house ____________
  A. to show his neighbours the big car
  B. to show he had a rich friend
  C. to let his brother ride in the car
  D. to tell his brother about his wish
(  ) 4. We can infer(推断) from the story that___________
  A. Paul couldn’t understand the urchin
B. the urchin had a deep love for his brother

C. the urchin wished to have a rich brother

  D. the urchin’s wish came true in the end
(  ) 5. The best name of the story is ____________
  A. A Christmas Present   B. A Street Urchin
  C. A Brother Like That    D. An Unforgettable Holiday Ride

