(三)听对话 录音中有五组对话.每组对话听两遍.根据对话内容.从11-15各小题的A.B.C三个选项中选出能回答所给问题的正确一项. 11.Were is the hospital? A.It’s next to the Middle School. B.It's behind the Middle School. C.It's across from the Middle School. 12.What does Tom think of the city? A.Very clean. B.Very beautiful. C.Very large. 13.Why does Alex like sunglasses? A.Because they are cheap.B.Because they are cool. C.Because they are fun. 14.How was the weather there? 15.What does Huanhuan like playing? 查看更多



听对话录音中有五组对话,每组对话听两遍,然后从1-5各小题的A B C三个选项中选择能回答所给问题的正确答案。
1. How was Mary's school trip?  
A. Difficult        
B. Interesting        
C. Boring
2. When was Bill Gates born?
A. In 1953.      
B. In 1965.    
C. In 1955.
3. What are they going to do? 
A. Make an apple milk shake.    
B. Eat an apple.
C. Buy an apple milk shake.
4. How is Jim going to do that? 
A. Take science lessons.  
B. Take acting lessons.
C. Take computer science lessons.
5. Whose watch is more expensive?
A. Tom's      
B. Mary's      
C. Tom's father's


1. What kind of movies do they like?
A. Comedies.
B. Action movies.
C. thrillers.
2. Who is Bob's favorite actor?
A. Paul Jackson.
B. Jackie Chan.
C. Ben Jackson.
3. What does the man want to do?
A. To play computer games.
B. To play football.
C. To watch TV.
4. When does Peter often go to the movies?
A. On weekends.
B. Every week.
C. On school days.
5. What festival does Mike's school have?
A. A Music Festival.
B. An Art Festival.
C. A Sports Festival.


1. What are they talking about?
A. The country
B. The TV
C. The film
2. Which country is the letter from?
A. China
B. Japan
C. America
3. How long can the boy keep the book?
A. Three days.
B. Two weeks.
C. Two days.
4. How many children are there in the woman's family?
A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
5. What would Kate like to have?
A. A cup of tea.
B. A bottle of milk.
C. A glass of water.


1. When will Mrs. White come back?
A. Right now.
B. Quite soon.
C. At four.
2. What sport does the woman like?

        A                    B                       C
3. What does the woman prefer to do?
A. To see the new play.
B. To do some shopping.
C. To go to the bank.
4. What are the man and woman doing?
A. They are looking for a CD player in a shop.
B. They are learning how to press the button.
C. The man is teaching the woman how to use the CD player.
5. Why was Frank on the news last night?
A. He walked along the beach at night.
B. He swam alone in the cold water.
C. He got the boy out of water and saved him.



1.A.At a meeting.          B.At a party.          C.At dinner.

2.A.She's from America.    B.She's from Canada.   C.She's from Germany.

3.A.On foot.               B.By car.              C.By bike.

4.A.A pair of ear rings.   B.A lovely bear.       C.A pair of shoes.

5.A.5 minutes.             B.10 minutes.          C.45 minutes.

