36.-- I'm sorry I my exercise book at home. -- Don't forget it to school tomorrow, please. A.forget; to take B.left; to bring C.forget; to bring D.left; to take 查看更多



-I’m sorry I ______ my exercise book at home.
-Don’t forget _______ it to school tomorrow, please.

A.forgot, to takeB.left, to bring
C.forgot, to bringD.left, to take


 -I’m sorry I ______ my exercise book at home.

-Don’t forget _______ it to school tomorrow, please.

A.forgot, to take                          B.left, to bring

C.forgot, to bring                         D.left, to take



-I’m sorry I ______ my exercise book at home.
-Don’t forget _______ it to school tomorrow, please.
A.forgot, to takeB.left, to bring
C.forgot, to bringD.left, to take


—I’m sorry I_______ my exercise book at home.

—Don’t forget _______it here tomorrow , please.

A.forgot; to take

B.forgot; to bring

C.left; to take

D.left; to bring



—I’m sorry I_______ my exercise book at home.

—Don’t forget _______it here tomorrow , please.

A.forgot; to take

B.forgot; to bring

C.left; to take

D.left; to bring


