5.Our aunt a nice cat to me yesterday. 查看更多



    "What are you busy with yourself, Mom?" the girl of six years old asked her mother.   
    "Making dinner for the neighbor aunt."   
    "Because the other day the aunt l(1) her dear daughter in the earthquake and is so sad now. We must take g(2)
care of her these days."   
    "Why n(3) our care?"   
    "Because from then on the aunt can't do what she liked to along with her daughter. Making dinner and doing
housework are also becoming so d(4). I don't know what to do. My dear, can you come up with an i(5) to make
the aunt feel better?"   
    All of a sudden, the girl went to the neighbor's house and k(6) at the door.   
    "What can I do for you?"asked the neighbor.   
    "I h(7) my mother say you're very sad without your daughter…" The girl handed the band-aid (创可贴)
tightly h(8) in her hand to the neighbor.   
    Tears ran down from the neighbor's eyes. She took the girl in her a(9) and said, "Thank you. Your band-aid
will h(10)."
1.                 2.                 3.                4.                 5.                
6.                 7.                 8.                9.                 10.             



1.As the first Chinese woman astronaut, Liu Yang l    on the moon in June successfully.

2.Ninety d     by three is thirty.

3.Tom spoke so q    that I couldn’t follow him.

4.The horse could not raise i    from the ground after a long run.

5.It’s our d    to look after our parents when they get older.






1.互相帮助 2.学会倾听 3.与他人合作 4.发表个人见解 ……


1.制定学习计划 2.合理安排时间 3.独立思考 4.做学习的主人

注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可适当发挥,加入个人观点; 3.发言稿的开头已给你写好,但不计入总词数。参考词汇:study in groups, work together,make good use of time

  Dear friend,

  Welcome to our school.________________________________________________________________

  Thanks for listening!



Everyone should do something to protect the environment. How did we help to save our earth this week? Let me tell you.

First, my family try to save ??? ???? . We never left the lights on when leaving the rooms. We turn off the TV when ??? ??? is watching it. Mom only uses cold water in the washing machine.

  Second, we also start recycling this week. We ??? ???? to write on both sides of the paper, not just on one side. We also ??? ???? our rubbish into different bags for bottles, cans, paper and food. Mom keeps the plastic shopping bags from the supermarket to use them again as rubbish bags. These are great ??? ??? to help our environment.

  Third, my family also save water. We never take long baths and have short showers ??? ???? . We wash the toilet with used water. My sister and I don’t

??? ?? the tap running when we brushed our teeth.

  At last, mom and dad begin to save gas. Mom ??? ???? to drive us to school, but now my sister and I start riding our bikes to school. It’s hard work ??? ???? good exercise! This week dad and his workmates(同事) also start to go to work together in one ??? ???? and share the cost. This also help reduce greenhouse gases.

  These are great ways to help protect our environment.

1.A. water????????????? ????????????? ????????????? B. oil????????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. electricity????????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. food

2.A. somebody??? ????????????? B. everybody?? ????????????? C. nobody??? ????????????? ????????????? D. anybody

3.A. want??????? ? ????????????? B. keep??????? C. refuse????? ????????????? ????????????? D. try

4.A. divide????? ????????????? ??? B. check???? ? ????????????? C. buy?? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. change

5.A. ways??? ????????????? ????????????? B. advice????? ????????????? C. information?? ????????????? ??? D. news

6.A. again??? ????????????? ????????????? B. instead???? ????????????? C. already?? ????????????? ????????????? ??? D. too

7.A. leave??? ????????????? ????????????? B. stop???? ????????????? ??? C. finish?? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. watch

8.A. hoped??????? ????????????? B. began????? ????????????? C. used?? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. needed

9.A. or???????? ????????????? ??? B. but???????? ????????????? C. for????? ????????????? ????????????? ??? D. and

10.A. car???????? ????????????? B. bus???????? ? C. subway?? ?? ????????????? ??? D. train




Everyone in the world has one n 1  at least.And to each person his name is i 2 ?because it is his own.

Remember how you don’t like it very m 3 if people can’t r 4  your name,or pronounce it w 5 ?Remember how you like to see it printed in the newspaper or even on the b 6 at school?That’s b 7  it is your own and only you can have it.

Of course,names aren’t important themselves.There are no“good”names o 8 “bad” names.But they are useful in our l 9 .You don’t have to go around shouting “ Hey!You!”or“Hello!Girlwith the red hair!”or“Thank you.Man who lives at the end of the street.”

Wouldn’t it be f 10 ?


