There are some pens on the table. There pens on the table. 查看更多



     Ann is    1    English girl. She is fourteen. She is a    2   student. Her teacher is Miss White. Ann helps
her teacher to put    3    books and ruler on the desk.
     They have a new    4   . In it you can    5    40 desks and chairs. A blackboard, a clock and a map
are    6    the wall.
     There are some pens on the desks. The red    7    is Ann's, others are Kate's. Kate is Ann's    8    
friend. Kate isn't    9    here today. She is ill.
     Look at the clock. It's about four o'clock. It's time   10   to play games.
(     )1. A. a            
(     )2. A. middle school
(     )3. A. my          
(     )4. A. room        
(     )5. A. look        
(     )6. A. on          
(     )7. A. pens        
(     )8. A. fine        
(     )9. A. /            
(     )10. A. come        
B. an          
B. Middle School
B. your        
B. class        
B. look at      
B. in          
B. pencil      
B. good        
B. at          
B. to come      
C. the            
C. middle school's
C. his            
C. grade          
C. see            
C. at              
C. one            
C. nice            
C. on 
C. go            
D. /                
D. Middle School's
D. her              
D. classroom        
D. see at          
D. to              
D. ones            
D. right            
D. of              
D. to go            


    Ann is__1__English girl. She is fourteen. She is a__2__student. Her teacher is Miss White. Ann helps her teacher to put__3__books and ruler on the desk.
They have a new__4__. In it you can __5__40 desks and chairs. A blackboard, a clock and a map are__6__the wall.
    There are some pens on the desks. The red__7__is Ann’s, others are Kate’s. Kate is Ann’s __8__friend. Kate isn’t__9__here today. She is ill.
    Look at the clock. It’s about four o’clock. It’s time__10__to play games.
(     )1. A. a            
(     )2. A. middle school
(     )3. A. my          
(     )4. A. room        
(     )5. A. look        
(     )6. A. on          
(     )7. A. pens        
(     )8. A. fine        
(     )9. A. /            
(     )10. A. come        
B. an          
B. Middle School
B. your        
B. class        
B. look at      
B. in          
B. pencil      
B. good        
B. at          
B. to come      
C. the            
C. middle school’s
C. his            
C. grade          
C. see            
C. at              
C. one            
C. nice            
C. on              
C. go              
D. /              
D. Middle School’s
D. her            
D. classroom      
D. see at          
D. to              
D. ones            
D. right          
D. of              
D. to go          


Welcome to my room. Open the door(门). You can see a desk. There are some books on the desk. My pens are on the desk, too. Behind the door there is a basketball. I love it very much. On the wall there are two pictures. Look at the boy. It's me. Where is my football? Oh! It’s on the sofa(沙发). Is my computer on the desk? No , it isn’t . It’s next to the desk. I love my room. It’s very nice , isn’t it?
【小题1】.Where are the books? They are___________.

A.on the sofaB.on the wallC.on the deskD.under the desk
【小题2】. There isn’t a _______ in my room.
【小题3】Who is the boy in the picture?  It’s ______. father
【小题4】 Is my football under the sofa?
A.Yes, it is.B.No, it isn’t.C.Yes, it’s.D.I don’t know.
【小题5】 Where is my computer?  It’s _______.
A.on the deskB.on the to the to the sofa


    Welcome to my room. Open the door(门). You can see a desk. There are some books on the desk. My pens are on the desk, too. Behind the door there is a basketball. I love it very much. On the wall there are two pictures. Look at the boy. It's me. Where is my football? Oh! It’s on the sofa(沙发). Is my computer on the desk? No , it isn’t . It’s next to the desk. I love my room. It’s very nice , isn’t it?

1..Where are the books? They are___________.

A.on the sofa    B. on the wall      C. on the desk    D. under the desk

2.. There isn’t a _______ in my room.

A. computer           B. football        C. basketball     D. TV

3.Who is the boy in the picture?  It’s ______.

A. me             B. my brother     C. my friend      D. my father

4. Is my football under the sofa?

A. Yes, it is.        B. No, it isn’t.     C. Yes, it’s.     D. I don’t know.

5. Where is my computer?  It’s _______.

A. on the desk    B. on the sofa   C. next to the desk  D . next to the sofa



1. What's the __________ (mean) of the word?
2. There are lots of ___________ (man) over there. Oh, they are all __________ (man)
    teachers in our school.
3. This is the ___________ (begin) of the Garden tour.
4. He often ___________ (swim) in the ___________ (swim) pool.
   Yesterday he ___________ (swim) here with some of his friends.
   They __________ (be) very ___________ (exciting).
5. You can call Helen for some more ____________ (information).
6. Don't swim there alone. It's ___________ (safe).
7. It's very ___________ (crowd), because there are so many ____________ (passenger).
8. There are some ___________ (woman) ____________ (play) beach volleyball.
9. He didn't go climbing with his classmates, because of his ___________ (ill).
10. (1) —Would you like ___________ (other) one? —No, thanks.
     (2) Many people are on the beach. Some are swimming in the sea.
          Some are playing beach volleyball. ____________ (other) are ___________ (lie)
          on the beach, enjoying the sunshine.
     (3) Sandy is taller than the ___________ (other) girls in her class.
     (4) I have two pens. One is old, ____________ (other) is new.
     (5) She is better at English than _____________ (other) student in the class.
     (6) We must help each ____________ (other).

