2.It is snowy today. the weather today? 查看更多



It is Sunday today. Lily and Lucy ________ in the park

  A. is playing    B. playing     C. plays      D. are playing



1. The dress is f                for me. I'll take it.   
2. Don't f________ to turn off the lights when you leave the classroom.   
3. Today is a nice day and the air is very f________ outside. Let's go outing, shall we?   
4. Let's do it for f              , for it is very interesting.   
5. Can you g________ what this word means?   
6. How many foreign g________ will come to our school?   
7. He is very strong with straight h                .   
8. Please help me to h_________ the picture on the wall.   
9. You hurt me! My h                 is broken.   
10. I can h_________ believe that they are twins because they don't look the same.


任务型阅读  请根据材料内容,完成各题。

Easter(复活节) is a happy time in western countries like the UK and the USA. After Christmas, it is the most fun holiday. It began as an important religious(宗教的) festival, but for the non-religious it is also a special time. It is an official holiday, so most people visit their families or friends during Easter.

The most important Easter tradition is giving each other Easter eggs, ②because eggs are the symbol of new life. People used to paint chicken eggs, but today they give each other chocolate eggs.

A fun game during the festival is the Easter egg hunt(搜寻). Parents hide chocolate eggs in the garden, and then children go out to hunt for them. What they find, they can eat! It’s quite normal for children to feel sick after Easter weekend as a result of eating too much chocolate.

The date of Easter follows the cycle of the moon. It is always sometime  ①  late March  ①  late April.

1. 在①处横线上填入适当的词。___________ ___________

2. 将②处划线部分翻译成中文。


3. What do people usually give each other today during Easter?


4. 找出并写出所给句子的同义句。

Normally, children eat too much chocolate and as a result, they feel sick after Easter weekend.


5. 找出并写出最能表达该短文主题的句子。




  It is Sunday today. Tom is lying in bed. It is eight-thirty. He doesn't want to
get up.  His father is watering the flowers(浇花).  His mother is cooking
breakfast. His sister is doing her homework.
  "Get up,  Tom. "  says his mother,  " Go to help your dad. " Tom  has to
leave the bed, but he finds a math book in his bag. He stdrts to read loudly. "
Three times (乘)  five is fifte.en,  three times six is six-teen. . . " His mother
hears this and  becomes  angry (生气).   She  asks," What are you reading,
Tom?"  "I don't know. "  " Aren't you reading?"" Yes,  I am, " answers the boy.
" But I am not listening ! "
1. There are _____ people in Tom's family.
A. two      
B. three      
C. four          
2. The family are all busy except(除…以外_____.
A. Tom      
B. Tom's si    
C. Tom's father      
D. Tom's mother
3. Tom doesn't want to get up because          .
A. it is very early              
B. he is very tired
C. he has no homework            
D. he doesn't need to go to school
4. _____, so he begins to read the book.
A. Tom doesn't want to get up to help his father
B. Tom doesn't want to help anyone
C. Tom likes reading very much
D. Tom likes to study math very much
5. Tom's mother is angry because _____.
A. her son doesn't go to help his father
B. what her son is reading is not right
C. her son is reading a math book
D. her son doesn't listen to her


 ____ it is rainy today, ____ he still works outside.

         A. Although, but  B. /, although  C. Although, /    D. But, although


