A: "What's this?" B: "b". A. It B. It's C. This is 查看更多



One of the things to be learnt in a foreign language is guessing all the time what kind of thing to come when listening to someone talking. People do this all the time in their own language, so it is necessary (必要的) to do this in a foreign language, too. Here are some examples.

1. "What's the matter?" "I went to a party last night, so I…"

2. "I feel so tired these days."" I think you'd better…"

3."Of course, she never stops talking. She is one of the most…"

You can see from the above three examples that the context (上下文) helps a lot in understanding what is being talked about. So "guessing "is very important in understanding English, especially (尤其)spoken English.

1.This passage tells us mainly about _________.

A. the importance of "guessing " in learning a foreign language

B. how to guess what one is going to talk about

C. some examples of right guessing

D. how important it is to guess all the time

2.From the context, we can see maybe the finished answer in EXAMPLE 1 is _________.

A. "… so I didn't have a good time."         B. "…so I went to bed very late."

C. "…. So I felt unhappy."                      D. "… so I got up very early."

3. Maybe the finished answer in EXAMPLE 2 is ________.

A. "I think you'd better have a good rest and take good care of yourself."

B. "I think you'd better have something to drink."

C. "I think you'd better get some help from your friends."

D. "I think you'd better be more careful."



An Englishman was showing a foreign visitor around London. "What's that strange building?" asked the visitor. "That's the Tower of London." "I see. How long did it take to build it?” “About 500 years." "In my country we can build it in five months." said the visitor. A short time after that, they come to St. Paul's Cathedral (大教堂)."Very interesting, "said the visitor, "How long did it take to build it?  Nearly forty years." said the Englishman. "In my country we can finish it in forty days." said the visitor. This went on all day. They visited most of the best known buildings in the city. Every time they saw a new one, the visitor asked what it was and how long it took to build it. Then he said that they could do the same things much faster in his country. At last the Englishman got angry with the visitor though he tried not to show it. A few days later they came to the House of Parliament(议会大厦) and the visitor asked his usual question. "What's that?” The Englishman answered, "I've no idea. It wasn't there last night."

1.The Englishman showed the foreign visitor around____________.

A.the Tower of London

B.St. Paul's Cathedral

C.some famous buildings in London

D.the whole city of London

2.The visitor said that in his country it would take them ____________to build St. Paul's Cathedral.

A.less than half a year

B.more than a month

C.five hundred years

D.forty years

3.The Englishman was very angry by the end of the day, but he______________

A.tried not to let the visitor know it

B.tried not to show the visitor around the city

C.had no time to tell the visitor

D.didn't want to say anything

4.The Englishman's last answer showed he______________.

A.was sorry that he hadn't seen the building before

B.could say nothing because he didn't know anything about it

C.was not happy and decided to give him a surprising answer

D.didn't know how to tell the visitor the name of the building

5.The best title (标题) for this passage is_______________.

A.English history

B.Around London

C.What's that strange building?

D.How long did it take to build it?




A girl complained to her father about her hard life. She didn't know what she had to do and wanted to 36 . She felt tired for fighting and fighting. One problem had been finished but another came.

Her father,  a cook,  took her 37 the kitchen. He poured water into three pans(锅)and boiled(煮)it. When the water was boiling,  in the first pan he put some carrots,  in the 38 he put some eggs and in the last he put some coffee. He     39      them for a few minutes without any words.

The girl closed her mouth and waited impatiently,  not knowing   40   her father was doing that. After about 20 minutes,  her father turned     41   the stove,  took out the carrots and put them in a bowl. He took out the eggs and put 42    in another bowl. After that the   43   was poured into a cup. Turning back to his daughter,  he asked,  "What do you    44   ?" "Carrots,  eggs,  and coffee, " she answered.

Her father told her to 45 her eyes and let her touch the carrots. She did and felt that the carrots were soft. After that he asked her to take the eggs and 46 them. Then,  she got the eggs,  cooked and hard. At last,  the father asked her to smell the coffee. "What's the meaning,  Father?" He 47 that each had suffered the same unlucky experience— the boiling water,  but 48 had a different reaction(反应). The strong and hard carrots had become soft and weak after being in the boiling water. The eggs became hard 49 being cooked. The coffee was very special and it changed the wa­ter. "Who are you?" asked her father,  "When calamity(厄运) 50 your door,  what's your reaction? Are you carrots,  eggs,  or coffee?"

1.A. grow up       B. give up          C. set up            D. pick up

2.A. into           B. within           C. out of            D. away from

3.A. first          B. second           C. third              D. fourth

4.A. looked for     B. searched for      C. waited for          D. called for

5.A. that          B. what            C. where             D. why

6.A. on           B. over            C. off                 D. in

7.A. it            B. its              C. them              D. themselves

8.A. eggs         B. carrots           C. coffee             D. water

9.A. hear         B. taste              C. smell              D. see

10.A. close        B. open             C. wash              D. drop

11.A. keep        B. protect           C. break               D. drink

12.A. complained  B. explained          C. told                D. expected

13.A. every      B. all                C. each               D. either

14.A. before      B. after              C. behind              D. under

15. A. lies in     B. comes across       C. meets with           D. knocks at



—If a="4," b="5," what’s the answer to the question “ a + 2ab +1 =?”

?   —     .






D.One hundred and twenty-one



Grandma was always forgetting things." What's wrong with her?" Anna asked. "We think she's getting old, and she may be ill. We may have to send her to a nursing home so that she can be taken good care of. But we can go to see her and bring her presents, like strawberry ice cream." Mother said.

One day, they went to see Grandma at the nursing home. Anna hugged(拥抱) Grandma. "Look," she said, "we've brought you strawberry ice cream!" Grandma didn't say anything. She just took it and began eating. "Do you know who I am?" Anna asked. "You're the girl who brings me ice cream." Grandma said.  "Yes, but I'm Anna, your granddaughter. Don't you remember me?" she asked, throwing her arms around the old lady. Grandma smiled, "Remember? Sure. You're the girl who brings me ice cream." Suddenly Anna realized that Grandma would never remember her. "Oh, how I love you, Grandma!" she said. Just then she saw a tear roll down Grandma's cheeks (脸颊). "Love," she said, "I remember love. n "You see, dear, that's what she wants—love!" Mother said. It's more important to remember love than someone's name.   

1.Anna realized that________.

A. Grandma would never remember her     B. she had no ice cream

C Grandma could go home with her       D. she could no longer go to visit Grandma

2.What did Grandma remember?






