7.Is that girl (you)friend? What’s her name? 查看更多



Look at the photo _1_ the two girls. This girl is Mary Smith. Her _2_ name is Mary. Her _3_name is Smith. This is _4_ school. Her teacher(老师)is Ms. White.  She  _5_  a good teacher. This is Li Min. She is a Chinese(中国的)girl. She is her good _6_ at school(在学校)。_7_ a ruler. Is the ruler Li Min’s ?  No, it _8_.

1.                A.in             B.of             C.and  D.on


2.                A.first           B.good           C.last  D.this


3.                A.first           B.good           C.last  D.this


4.                A.you            B.that            C.her  D.it


5.                A.are            B.be             C.is   D.am


6.                A.father          B.friend          C.girl  D.cousin


7.                A.What          B.They’re       C.That’s   D.The name’s


8.                A.isn’t          B.is              C.are  D.am not




Jim:Do you know the girl, Sandy?
Sandy:Yes, she's my friend.
Jim:What's her name?
Sandy:Jane George.
Jim:When is her birthday?
Sandy:November 10th.
Jim:l guess she Is 14 years old.
Sandy:You are right. Is that boy your brother?
Jim:No. But I know his name. He's Jack Smith.
Sandy:ls he also 14 years old?
Jim:No, he's thirteen.  His birthday is June 21st.
NAME:_   1     George
DATE OF BIRTH:      2      
AGE:      3      
NAME:Jack    4     
DATE OF BIRTH:        5      
AGE:       6       


1. A: How are you?
    B: I'm ____1____, ____2____ ____3____. And you?
2. A: What's ____4____ name?
    B: My name ____5____ Lilian.
3. A: Sit down, please.
    B: ____6____ ____7____.
4. A: What's this in English?
    B: ____8____ a baseball.
5. A: Excuse ____9____! Are you Mr. Green?
    B: Yes, I ____10____.
6. Mike: Good morning!
    Tom: _____11___ ____12____, Mike. Do you know Kate?
    Mike: No. Who's Kate?
    Tom:: Come and ____13____ her. ____14____ ____15____ Kate. Kate, this is Mike. Mike is my good 
             friend. Kate: ____16____ ____17____ ____18____ ____19____, Mike.
    Mike: Nice to meet you, Kate. Is that girl your sister? You look the same.
    Kate: ____20____, we are twins.


  Here are two pictures. A man and a boy are in one picture. Who are they?

Let me tell. The man is Mr White, and the boy’s name is Bill. He‘s the man’s son. Now they are in Bill‘s bedroom. We can see some Chinese books in the desk. And on the bed a shirt. It’s Bill‘s. His trousers are on it, under his shirt. too.

  Now let’s look at the other picture. You can see a woman and a girl in it. The woman is Bill‘s mother and she’s in her daughter, Ann‘s room. You can see a photo of the Whites on the white wall. Between the windows is a desk. A Clock is on the desk. It’s eleven. What‘s that on the floor? Oh, it’s Ann‘s hat. but it looks like a brown hat.

( )1.In the two pictures we can see ____.

  a.two people  b.three people c.four people  d.five people

( )2.Mr White is ____.   

  a.Ann’s brother b.Ann‘s father c.Bill’s friend d..Bill‘s teacher

( )3.Bill’s trousers are ____.

  a.on the bed  b.in the desk  c.on the floor d.under the desk

( )4.What colour is Ann‘s hat?

a.White. b.Red.     c.Black. d.Brown.

( )5.In Ann’s bedroom we can see a ____.

a.cat      b,ball     c.shirt d.clock



Jean is a young girl who comes from a rich and famous family. She goes to a good university and has almost everything that money can buy. The problem is that Jean’s family are so busy that they can hardly find time to be with her. Jean is quite lonely (孤独的). So she spends a lot of time on her QQ. She likes being anonymous (匿名的), talking to people who do not know about her famous family and her rich life. She uses the name Linda on QQ and has made a lot of friends.
Last year Jean made a very special friend on QQ. His name was David and he lived in San Francisco. David was full of stories and jokes. He and Jean had the same interest in rock music and modern dance. So it always took them hours to talk happily on QQ and sometimes they even forgot their time. Of course, they wanted to know more about each other. David sent a picture of himself. He was a tall, good-looking young man with big, happy smile. As time went by, they became good friends and often sent cards and small things to each other.
When Jean’s father told her that he was going on a business trip to San Francisco, she asked him to let her go with him. She wanted to give David a surprise for his birthday. She would take him the latest DVD of a rock singer. But when she knocked on David’s door in San Francisco, she found that her special friend was a 70–year-old man named Jim! How disappointed Jean was!
【小题1】Jean spends a lot of her time on QQ because she is_______.
A.richB.young C.a bad studentD.lonely
【小题2】Jean thought “David” was special because he ________.
A.made her very happy on QQB.was from San Francisco
C.was tall and good-lookingD.was rich
【小题3】What are both Jean and “David” interested in? 
A.Pop music and sports. B.Music and science.
C.Rock music and modern dance. D.Stories and jokes.
【小题4】Which of the following is True?
A.Jean has got everything in her life.B.“David” and Jean sent cards to each other.
C.“David” didn't tell Jean his real address.D.Jean's family members often get together.
【小题5】What’s the main idea of the passage? 
A.Don’t go to meet those you get to know on QQ.
B.People don’t use their real names on QQ so often.
C.Don’t believe those you get to know on QQ easily.
D.Don’t spend much time on QQ.

