5.Lucy Can’t come to the because he has to study for a test. 查看更多




1.Tom, can you play basketball _____ me?

2. I have to go to the doctor ____ Saturday.

3. We will go to the movies _____ the evening.

4.Can you come to my party _____Sunday afternoon?

5.How ____ going for a walk?

6. We have to study ____ a test.

7. Thanks ____ giving us a present.

8. Why don’t you come over ____ China for a holiday?

9. Lucy was ____ duty yesterday, but she forgot to clean the classroom.

10. it’s very nice ____ you to get me tickets _____ the World Cup.



1. Tom, can you play basketball _____ me?
2. I have to go to the doctor _____ Saturday.
3. We will go to the movies _____ the evening.
4. Can you come to my party _____ Sunday afternoon?
5. How _____ going for a walk?
6. We have to study _____ a test.
7. Thanks _____ giving us a present.
8. Why don't you come over _____ China for a holiday?
9. Lucy was _____ duty yesterday, but she forgot to clean the classroom.
10. It's very nice _____ you to get me tickets _____ the World Cup.



1.How often do you eat junk food?  H       ever.

2.Eating a lot of vegetables can help you k     in good health.

3.The old man likes to be quiet, so he likes to live in the c      

4.Chinese m        is very popular in western countries.

5.Lucy can't come to the           (音乐会) because he has to study.

6.What do you often do on             (工作日)?

7.He has basketball           (训练) every afternoon.

8.Many t        come to China every year.

9.The girl looks very w     .So she need go to see the doctor.

10.He bought a nice/paustko:d/            to his teacher.



Jim: Hi, Kate!

Kate: Hi, Jim! Can you come to my birthday party next Saturday?

Jim: Sure,   1     2   

Kate: Ann, Lucy, Lily and Jack.

Jim:   3   

Kate: It’s going to start at half past four.

Jim: Oh, but   4   I must practice playing the guitar first.

Kate: That’s all right.   5   

Jim: All right, see you then.

Kate: Bye.

A. I will be late.

B. You may be a little late.

C. I’m afraid I can’t get there on time.

D. What time is it going to start?

E. It doesn’t matter.

F. Thank you for asking me to your party.

G. Who else have you asked?

1.         2.         3.         4.         5.        


     Come and buy clothes at Mr Cool's Clothes Store. Do you like sweaters? We have many sweaters at
  a very good price.  The big white sweater is only 12 dollars.  The medium (中等的) sweater is only 10
  dollars.  The small sweater is only 6 dollars.
     Come and see for yourself at Mr Cool's Clothes Store.

Dear Lucy,
     How are you? Can you come to my birthday party? My party is on Sunday, November 6th at 7:00. It's
  at Creen Restaurant. My family, our math teacher Mr Brown, Bill, Tony and Lily are coming. I hope you
  can meet my family and my other friends.
     Please write to me soon.
(      ) 1. Mr Cool's Clothes Store has many T-shirts at a good price.
(      ) 2.  The big white sweater is only 8 dollars.
(      ) 3.  Cindy's birthday party is on November 6th.
(      ) 4. Only Cindy's family are going to the party.
(      ) 5. Mr Brown is Cindy's math teacher.

