- Is this your dictionary? - Oh, yes. Thank you. Where you it? A. do, find B. did, found C. were, finding D. did, find 查看更多



 ---Is this your ruler?

---No, it isn’t. It’s ________.

A.he’s            B.her              C.his               D.she



---Is this your basketball?
---   ________.

A.Yes, it’s.B.No, it’s not.C.Yes, it is.D.No, it is.


—Is this your sweater, Joy?

—No, It's not________ sweater. ________is yellow.

A.my, My

B.my, Mine

C.mine, Mine

D.mine, My




1.This is my book. (改为一般疑问句)  _____  ______  ______ book?

2.This is a dictionary. (画线部分提问)    ________   this?

3.Is this your ruler? (否定回答)    _______,  ______   ______.

4.Is that her watch? (改为肯定的陈述句) _______  _______ her watch.

5.How are you? (回答)   ______  fine.




Volleyball Club俱乐部

Need a relax? Like to make more friends. We are here. Join us now. Call Army at 498-2456.

Lost: My school ID card

My name is Mike.

Please call 487-2349.

Found: A book

Is this your book ?

Please call Tony at495-3456.

 Jack Wilson Club

Join us soon! We have a good baseball player Jack Wilson. Let him help you.

Call 476-5939.

Dear Feifei,

Please take带去 these things to your sister: her hat, watch, notebook, keys and ID card. They are in your brother’s room.                          Yours


1.__________ found the book.

A. Tony        B. Jack Wilson        C.  Mike      D.  Army

2.You found an ID card, you can call Mike at __________.

A. 495-3456     B.487-2349          C.  476-5939   D. 498-2456

3.If you want to play volleyball, _________ can help you.

A. Tony        B. Mike             C. Jack Wilson   D. Army

4.Take the things to __________.

A. Feifei                           B. Feifei’s grandma  

C. Feifei’s sister                     D. Feifei’s brother

5.How many 多少 things does Feifei take?

A.2            B.3                C. 4            D.5


