根据句意或语境.选择可填入句子的最佳选项.41.The cars made in Japan are much cheaper than made in America. A.ones B.those C.that 查看更多




1.The cook added salt into the soup but it still wasn’t_______ enough. (salt, salty)

2.The story book is interesting and it was______ by Mark Twain. (written, writing)

3.“What do people in Korea do when they meet _______the first time?” “They usually bow.” ( in, for)

4.Singapore has a night_______, you can watch many kinds of animals there.(zoo, party)

5.Every year, Guiyang attracts larger numbers of tourists, ______in summer.( especial, especially)



1. May I ___________(借) your dictionary? I left mine at home.
2. Everyone should take an active part in _______________(保护)the environment.
3.The confident young man will have his ______________(二十) birthday.
4. Everyone should try to be _____________(有礼貌的) and helpful to others.
5. China has got a _______________( 人口) of 1.3 billion.


1.Tom usually t_____ the school bus to school.
2. Yao Ming is a f_____ basketball player. Many people know him.
3. —What's the d_____ today? —It's November 3rd.
4. There're sixty m_____ in an hour.
5. What's the matter with you? You look i_____.
6. She is very s_____. I never see her laugh.
7. E_____ too much junk food is bad for your health.
8. Take the m_____ twice a day, and you will feel better.
9. Changchun is in the n_____ of China.
10. Are you f_____ tomorrow? I'd like you to join in my party.


根据句意及汉语提示, 在空白处填入适当的单词。
1. I think the girl ____ ____(穿黄衣服) is Maria.
2. Liu Mei often ____ ____(照看) her grandparents at home.
3. ____ ____(随便吃) to some fruit, girls.
4. — What would you like to drink?
    — I'd like ____ ____ ____ ____(一玻璃杯水).
5.  I'm sorry I can't. I ____ ____(不得不) cook.


1. My father is the f______ person in my family.
2. Jason's has b______ quality than Trendy Teens.
3. I wish you s______.
4. Tom is a bad worker, but Jim is even w______than him.
5. There isn't e______ food for sixty people, so I'll go and get some.

