A.用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空.每空格限填一词.每词限用一次. my well north different tooth 66. Are there any between these two pictures? 查看更多




want,      your,      visitor,      between,      any

     In England, afternoon tea is the most informal (非正式) meal of a day. It is usually
1______ 4:00 and 5:00. If you are a friend of the family, you may come for tea at
2______ time. Very often it is not taken at a table. The members of the family and
3______ take the tea in the sitting room. Each person has a cup, a saucer (茶盘), a
spoon and a small plate for bread and butter and cakes. By the way, do not help 4______ to cakes first, but bread
and butter first, and then cakes. Do remember: though you can eat as much as you 5______, do not put more
than one piece of bread or cake on your plate each time.



work, ever,  rich, to, care, bad, go, down, doctor, with

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Well,milk may 61  in the same way!

Milk is the natural food form mammalian(哺乳动物的)babies.It helps them grow strong because it is 62 in protein(蛋白质),calcium(钙)and vitamins.

Milk can also help you sleep better because it calms you 63 .But remember to drink milk with  64 . Find out how old the milk is. Make sure it's fresh and hasn't gone  65  .
  Don't drink milk when your stomach is empty. Eat some bread or corn at the same time. That'll help you take in more protein and vitamins.
    66  say teens need at least 500ml of milk a day. That's two  67 three cups.

Is milk just a good drink? Not at all. People can use it to do lots of things. Can you think what they are? If your white clothes get dirty  68 ink, don’t worry. Wash it with clean water first. Then wash it with old milk. After you wash it with detergent(洗涤剂) the third time, you’ll find it’s as white as  69 .

But for fruit stains(污点), you need to take care of them in another way. Firstly, apply some milk to the dirty place. After several hours, wash it with clean water. Then the stains will be  70 .



live, develop, spend, by ,development ,recent , produce, be ,keeping ,better

In the past, China __101 very poor. It has 102 more quickly in __103__ years. With the 104 of China, what changes will take place  105 2050? Now we have some modern factories. They can ___106_ products with high quality(质量). And some people are looking for 107__ ways  108 free time. They want 109 a happy life. So 110_ up with the changes of the world is a great challenge for the young people.

101___102.____103____104.____105.__106______107____108____109___ 110_____


line,   cigarette,   man,   smoke,   annoy,   anything,   careful,   cough,   wait,   polite,   because,   what
     I went to the doctor's yesterday 1._______ I had a bad cold. I have 2.________ for three days, so I had
a sore throat. When I got there, there were many people 3._______ inline. I had to join the line at the end. But
the man who was in front of me was 4._______ there. The smoke made me sick. I wanted to stop him but I
was afraid he would get 5._______. But I really couldn't stand it. So I told him 6._______, "Would you mind
smoking outside?" After hearing what I said, the man threw the 7._______ on the ground and said to me,
"Sorry." I thought it was bad to do so, but I said 8._______ and picked up the cigarette. Seeing what I was
doing, the 9._______ face turned red and felt very sorry about 10._______ he did. He turned to me and said,
"You are a good girl. I won't do that again."


everything,   robot,   spend,   factory,   fly,   able,   housework,   answer,   other,   work,   space,   science
     In one hundred years everyone will carry a small computer. The computer will give people the 1.______ to
all their questions. We will all have 2._______ at our home. So we'll be 3._______ to let robots do most of
the 4._______. While making a telephone call, we'll also be able to see the people on the 5._______ end at the
same time.
     A lot of people will live and work under sea or in 6._______ because there will be big towns and 7._______
there. Robots will do most of the work, and people will just 8._______ two or three days a week. They'll be able
to 9._______ to the moon in a spaceship and 10._______ their holidays there.

