VI. 补全对话(共10小题.每小题1.5分.计15分) A) 根据对话内容.将方框内符合对话情景的句子抄写在对话的空白处.使对话恢复完整.选项中有两项是多余的. A: Hi, Lisa. 1. . B: I’ll stay at home and watch TV. A: 2. . B: Great. Here is the newspaper. 3. . A: OK. Look, there is a talk on science at 8:00 on CCTV 10. B: Wonderful! I like science programs. A: 4. . B: There is still a little time left. Let’s watch other programs first. A: 5. . I prefer TV plays. Let’s find out what’s on. So do I. Why not watch TV together? Neither do I. All right. What are you going to do tonight? B) 根据下面对话中的情景.在每个空白处填入适当的语句.使对话恢复完整. A: Hello, Wang Lin. How beautiful your new bike is! B: 6. . A: Where is it made? B: It is made in Shanghai. A: I also want to buy one. 7. .? B: In Minsheng Department Store. And there are many different colors. 8. .? A: I like green best. 9. .? B: About 150 yuan. A: Mm- The price is OK. Well, would you like to go to the shop with me next Sunday? B: 10. .. 查看更多





A:Hello,Mona!How are you?

B:I’m fine,thank you.1________

A:She is my friend,Sally.




A:Yes,she loves sports.

B: 4_____________

A:Yes,it is.


A:That sounds good.

A. Do you like sports?

B .Let’s play volleyball.

C. What’s her last name?

D.Is this your volleyball?

E. Does she like sports?

F. Who’s this boy in the photo?

G. Who’s this girl in the photo?


1.______ 2._________  3._________4.________  5.________



A: Hey, Lucy! What are you doing for vacation?
B: 1  I'm leaving on Friday. How about you?
A: I'm going sports camping.
B: Oh, cool!
A: 2
B: I'm going with my mother.
A: 3
B: On the eleventh.
A: 4 What about Tom? 5.
B: He's going to the beach with his family.

A.When are you going?
B.Sounds great!
C.Who are you going with?
D.We are leaving this weekend.
E. Where is he going for vacation?
F. I'm visiting my cousins in Canada.


补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)   根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

A: Hello, Ann .  __1.____              B: Because I walk to school today.

A:        2.                       B: By bike. _____3._____

A: I’m sorry to hear that. ___4.__ _      B: All of them live near our school, so they usually walk.

A: __________5._____ _              B: By bus

A: Does anybody come by car?            B: No, I don’t think so.

A: How do you usually come to school?

B: Sometimes I walk to school.

C: How do your classmates come to school?

D: Why are you looking so tired?

E: But something is wrong with me today.

F: What about other students in your school?

G: Do they go to school by bus?





Bob:Hey,Joe!  1                                
Joe:I’m  OK.thanks.And you?
Bob:I’m fine,too. 2                      
Joe:Sure.You can ask anything you like .      
Bob: 3                                         
Job:My favorite subject is math.                
Bob: 4                                      
Joe:Because it’s very interesting.        
Bob:  5                                      
Joe:My  math teacher is Mr Martin.
Bob:Wow!  He is a very great teacher!



A: Hey, Lucy! What are you doing for vacation?

B: 1  I'm leaving on Friday. How about you?

A: I'm going sports camping.

B: Oh, cool!

A: 2

B: I'm going with my mother.

A: 3

B: On the eleventh.

A: 4 What about Tom? 5.

B: He's going to the beach with his family.

A.When are you going?

B.Sounds great!

C.Who are you going with?

D.We are leaving this weekend.

E. Where is he going for vacation?

F. I'm visiting my cousins in Canada.


