Ⅰ.根据句意.解释.首字母或者中文提示完成句子.1.Peter is our monitor and陆never tells lies.We all think he is . 查看更多



1. This exercise is difficult but that one is e_________.
2. —Doctor, I have a toothache.    —Open your m________ and let me have a look.
3. The young man likes to eat out because he h________ to do the dishes at home.
4. Could you please s________ the floor? It's vey dirty after the dinner.
5. In some ways we look the same, in some ways we look d________.
6. China is in the east of ________ (亚洲).
7. Today is Tuesday and ________ (昨天) was Monday.
8. Peter's ________ (梦想) is to buy a big house for his parents.
9. I'm very ________ (口渴的). So I want to drink some water.
10. Could you please ________ (喂养) my cat when I'm on vacation?


1. Guangzhou is in the s___________ of China.
2. He got up so early that he could c__________ the early bus.
3. This kind of apple looks good and t__________ sweet.
4. Sorry, I took your dictionary by m__________.
5. To tell you the t____________, I really don't know who she is.
6. He likes living in the countryside because the air there is ________(新鲜的).
7. — How old is the young lady? — It's a ____________(秘密).
8. When she met the old man, she ____________(握手) hands warmly with him.
9. It was winter. The mountains were ___________(覆盖) with snow.
10. Can you use your own words to __________ (描述) the picture below?


【小题1】Bridge Street is very busy, and it's a g       place to have fun.
【小题2】Johnny Dean used to wear glasses, but he doesn't wear them any m _   _.
【小题3】Rapid Fire is an_  _ (动作) movie that interests a lot of people.
【小题4】 The alien had thick __ (棕色的) hair and big green eyes.
【小题5】The main      (意思) of his words is to stop it from happening again.
【小题6】She didn't always think      ( 仔细地)about what she was doing.
【小题7】The __ (own) of the house doesn't want to sell it at a low price.
【小题8】Jingmen produces one      (eight) of Huhei's rice.
【小题9】 He took out pieces of old bread and      (feed) the birds.
【小题10】 Having the right equipment at hand will be very       (help).


1. What k_________ of movies do you like? I like action movies.
2. What's your e-mail a_________?
3. Come and see your clothes for y_________.
4. The t_________  month of a year is December.
5. The first day of the week is S_________.
6. My favorite _________ (科目) is English.
7. I like science _________ (因为) it's interesting.
8. Can you _________ (说) English?
9. Do you have a Music _________ (节目) at your school?
10. She _________ (也) likes Beijing Opera.



  1.I'm t_____.I want some water.

  2.My mom never drinks milk.She says it makes her s_______.

  3.---What's your favorite P____?

    ---It's Animal World.

  4.Traditional Chinese doctors b_______ we need a balance of yin and yang to be


  5.H_______ ,we both enjoy going to parties.

  6.Among some students,buses are not popular because they often have too many  ________

  7.It's not_______(必需的)to be the same.

  8.I love junk food,but I________ (努力)to eat it only once a week.

  9. I always take vacations in________(欧洲).

  10.About three days_________ (以前),I started to have a toothache.

