4.The building over there is very . 查看更多



Many years ago in another country there lived a poor student. He had very little money. He lived in a very small room over a restaurant. His room was at the back of the building over the kitchen. The restaurant owner was a very mean (吝啬的) man. Nobody liked him. But he was good at cooking and many people came to his restaurant.

One day the restaurant owner was working quietly in his kitchen when he heard the poor student talking to his friend by accident.

“You must be very unhappy,” said his friend, “living in a poor room like this.”

“Oh no,” said the student, “I am busy with my studies and I am not interested in my room.” “But you only eat rice – you don’t have money for anything tasty.”

“Yes, it’s true, I eat only rice. But the delicious smells that come from the kitchen make the rice very tasty indeed.”

The restaurant owner was angry on hearing this. This student was stealing his smells from his kitchen. He decided to take him to court (法庭).

Everybody in the court laughed when the mean man accused (控告) the student of stealing his smells. But the judge took him seriously. “Every man should be able to complain to the court,” he said.

When the restaurant owner told the judge everything, the judge said, “You are right. The student is guilty (有罪的).” The restaurant owner was very pleased, but the poor student was very much afraid. What could he do? He had only a few coins in his pocket.

The judge asked the student if he had any money. The student took 5 coins from his pocket and held them out to the judge in his right hand.

“Let the coins fall into your left hand,” said judge.

The courtroom was very quiet. Everyone heard the light ringing sound of the coins as they fell into the student’s left hand.

“Well,” said the judge to the restaurant owner, “you’ve heard his money. You’ve been well paid for your smells.”

93. Where did the poor student live?


94. When did the owner hear the student talking to his friend?


95. The poor student was not interested in his room, was he?


96. Why did the owner decide to take the student to the court?


97. What was the attitude of the people in the court?


98. What do you think of the judge?



1.  It is very important for children to learn to be ________ (有礼貌的).
2.  What is the ________ (高度) of the building over there?
3.  Different people have different ________ (能力) to do different things.
4.  He ________ (重复) his words to make himself understood at yesterday's meeting.
5. The Greens had a ________ (令人愉快的) trip to Beijing last week.


The 2010 Winter Olympic Games will take place in Vancouver and Whistler(惠斯勒) from February 12 to 28. As the world’s 1._____ athletes will compete there, Canada is preparing for it well.

It will be broadcasted(播出) in Canada’s two 2._____languages——English and French. Billions of television viewers worldwide will 3.______ the opening ceremony of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games. Athletes from more than 80 4.______ will compete in 86 medal events over 17 days. Then the Paralympics(残奥会) will 5._____ from March 12 to 21. Canada has 6._____ millions of dollars preparing. Thousands of spectators will visit the country. Canada will be 7._____ it all.

 The building of Olympic gyms began in 2005. Opening and closing ceremonies will be held indoors, at BC Place Stadium. It’ll 8.______55,000 seats. Some competitions, 9.______ ski, and bobsled, will take place in Whistler. It’s a ski village. During the Games, roads will be closed. More than 15,000 policemen will work to 10.______ the peace throughout the Games.

The United States is the only country to host the Winter Games four times. Team USA hopes 2010 will be a golden year.

11. A. worst      B. best               C. cleverest            D. tallest

12. A. special   B. unusual         C. official      D. ordinary

13.A. watch         B. notice           C. look         D. hear

14. A. cities    B. towns            C. villages            D. countries

15. A. run          B. begin            C. stop     D. end 

16. A. paid         B. took             C. cost   D. spent

17. A. full of      B. ready for        C. worried about  D. afraid of

18. A. give         B. serve        C. hold             D. host

19. A. with         B. including        C. as        D. so

20. A. keep             B. make             C. let        D. protect



A famous building in New York City is turning 100 years old. A year-long celebration is planned for Grand Central Terminal, which is usually called Grand Central station, the sixth most-visited place in the world.

The huge building has not changed much since it opened in February, 1913. About 750,000 people pass through Grand Central every day. Some just come to look at it, others to visit the stores. But most are there to catch the trains that enter and leave from the station. It is the largest train station in the world. There are 67 train tracks, all of them underground.

The main part of the building has large, arched windows, a jeweled four-sided clock and ticket windows. Grand Central has been seen in many movies through the years. Dan Brucker is with the New York Transit Authority, which operates the station. Dan Brucker has worked for the transit authority at Grand Central for 30 years. In all those years, he has not lost his interest in the building.

Justin Ferate, a historian, has been giving tours of Grand Central Station for 30 years. He says the station was designed to make travel a pleasure.

“Why people don't run into each other in Grand Central is simple: each block of stone in Grand Central is the length of your leg. Each block of stone in Grand Central is the length of your arm. Each block of stone is a different color, so it’s a checkerboard, based on you.”   

A ten-year-long fight against plans to build a huge office building over Grand Central in 1968 helped create the modern preservation(保护) movement. Now, no one would think of changing the beauty of the station.

1.How long has Grand Central been in service ?

A.For 30 years.       B.For 10 years.       C.For 45 years.       D.For a century.

2.A lot of people can’t ___________ in Grand Central.

A.enjoy the beauty of the buliding            B.visit the stores

C.take the trains                          D.see movies

3.Which of the following statements about the station is WRONG?

A.It’s in New York City.

B.It’s one of the most-visited places in the world.

C.It’s the largest train station in the world.

D.It has been changed much over the years.

4.Both Dan Brucker and Justin Ferate ___________.

A.have worked for the station for 30 years

B.have given tours of the station for 30 years

C.show interest in the station

D.create the modern preservation movement for the station

5.Which of the following statements can we infer(推断)according to the passage?

A.The station won’t be changed.

B.People will spend one month celebrating its anniversary.

C.More and more people will catch the trains in the station

D.The station will become larger and larger.



The 2010 Winter Olympic Games will take place in Vancouver and Whistler(惠斯勒) from February 12 to 28. As the world’s 【小题1】_____ athletes will compete there, Canada is preparing for it well.
It will be broadcasted(播出) in Canada’s two 【小题2】_____languages——English and French. Billions of television viewers worldwide will 【小题3】______ the opening ceremony of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games. Athletes from more than 80 【小题4】______ will compete in 86 medal events over 17 days. Then the Paralympics(残奥会) will 【小题5】_____ from March 12 to 21. Canada has 【小题6】_____ millions of dollars preparing. Thousands of spectators will visit the country. Canada will be 【小题7】_____ it all.
The building of Olympic gyms began in 2005. Opening and closing ceremonies will be held indoors, at BC Place Stadium. It’ll 【小题8】______55,000 seats. Some competitions, 【小题9】______ ski, and bobsled, will take place in Whistler. It’s a ski village. During the Games, roads will be closed. More than 15,000 policemen will work to 【小题10】______ the peace throughout the Games.
The United States is the only country to host the Winter Games four times. Team USA hopes 2010 will be a golden year.

A.full ofB.ready forC.worried aboutD.afraid of

