9.When I got there, I saw some boys on the playground. A.playing B.played C.to play D.was playing 查看更多



--What       they       when you got there, Tom?

--Sorry, I forget.

A.are; doing         B.were; doing        C.did; do           D.will; do



My parents have always loved everything about India, so a year ago we went on holiday there. It’s a wonderful    15  with beautiful scenes and interesting people . However, I didn’t enjoy Indian  16  very much.

On the second day we planned to see an old palace. At the  17  they said. “If you go by train, it’ll take you only two hours to get there.” However, the hot   18  took over four hours. I was very  19  when we got there , so we had some rice and vegetables with bread in a small restaurant. We were  20  to find it was quite nice. I wasn’t full up though and I saw a man nearby eating some little meatballs.

I said to my dad, “I’ve been eating rice all week. Can I have some meatballs please?”

Well, they looked delicious so I ate the first one very  21  . I was just putting the second one in my mouth when I felt myself  22 —my mouth was on fire! I started to cough(咳嗽)and there were tears (泪水)in my eyes. I couldn’t  23  how spicy (辛辣的) it was!

I drank about ten glasses of water but the worst thing was everyone was laughing at me. You couldn’t make me eat another Indian meatball for all the   24   in the world!

1.                A.town           B.city            C.country   D.restaurant


2.                A.food           B.scenes         C.people   D.costumes


3.                A.palace         B.hotel           C.airport   D.entrance


4.                A.sail            B.walk           C.drive D.ride


5.                A.hungry         B.curious         C.cheerful  D.nervous


6.                A.shocked        B.surprised       C.bored    D.tired


7.                A.quietly         B.easily          C.quickly   D.gently


8.                A.burning        B.watering        C.crying    D.smiling


9.                A.feel           B.believe         C.think D.know


10.               A.diet           B.luck           C.time  D.money




There once was a master who went to India. In those times, we didn't have airplanes or many kinds of transportation that we do now. So the master went to India     . And when he got there, he saw a lot of fruit. In India they have plenty of fruit to sell, but much of it is     because they can't grow much       the water situation. So he saw one basket, a big basket of some very red, long fruit. And it was the cheapest in the shop, not expensive at all.

So he     and asked, "How much per kilo?" And the shopkeeper said, "Two rupees."(印度货币) Two rupees in India is     ; it's like dirt (尘土). So he bought a whole kilogram of the fruit and started eating it. But after he ate some of it: Oh, my God! His     __ watered, his mouth watered and burned, his eyes were burning, his head was burning and his face became     . As he coughed terribly , he       up and down, saying, "Ah! Ah! Ah!"

But he still continued to eat the fruit! Some people who were looking at him shook their heads and said, "You're crazy, man. Those are chilies(辣椒)! You can't eat so many; they're not good for you! People use them      a condiment(作料), but only a little bit to put into food for taste. You can't just eat them by the handful like that; they're not      !" So the silly master said, "No, I can't stop! I paid money for them,      now I'll eat them. It's my     !"

   And you think that master was silly, right? Similarly, we sometimes do a lot of things like that. we still continue just because we've     money, time, effort and love into it. Just like the man who ate the chilies and felt so bad but couldn't stop because he didn't want to waste the money he'd paid.

So      you've lost something, let it go and move on. That's better than continuing to      .

1.A. by air                   B. on foot                    C .by taxi                               D .by car

2.A .delicious      B .cheap                    C .expensive         D .fresh

3.A .because of              B .with the help of         C .in need of                    D .as a result

4.A .got up                  B .went up                  C .turned up                  D .looked up

5.A .something     B .nothing           C .everything                  D .anything

6.A .eyes          B .ears              C .mouth            D .nose

7.A .sad            B .ugly            C .red                          D .cold

8.A .searched        B .climbed                C .jogged                      D .jumped

9.A .as             B .for                       C .to                           D .with

10.A .medicine       B .vegetables             C .fruit                         D .food

11.A. instead         B .and                   C .but                         D .also

12.A .money         B .food             C .fruit              D .drink

13.A. joined         B .spent                  C .paid                         D .put

14.A. as if           B .ever since         C .even if                          D .so that

15.A. fight           B .fail                    C .try                       D .lose



A young man and an old man were waiting for a bus at a station. They sat _1__ each other. “What’s that in your bag?” asked the young man, pointing to a big bag beside the ___2__.
“Money, nothing but money,” answered the old man. The young man could ___3___ believe his own ears. “What?” he said to himself in surprise. “So much money? My God! How I __4__ to be able to get so much money!” Then he began to think about how to get the money.
The old man ___5__ tired and it seemed that he could hardly keep his eyes open. “Are you tired, sir?” asked the young man.  “Then you’d better lie down on the ___6____ and have a good rest.  Don’t worry about ___7___. I’ll wake you up in time. ”
“All right . It’s very kind of you, young man. ” The old man lay down and ___8___ he fell asleep.
The young man took the big bag gently. ___9___ when he was just going to run away , he found a corner of his fur coat (皮衣) was ___10___ the old man’s body . Several times he tried to pull it out, but he couldn’t. At last he took off his ____11____ and went away with the bag.
The young man ran out of the station as quickly as his ___12___ could carry him, he reached a place, and there he thought the old man couldn’t ___13___ him, he stopped and quickly opened the bag.
To his surprise, there was ___14___ but old newspapers in it. He hurried to the station at once. But when he got there, he found the old man was ___15____

A.forB.onC.next toD.far from
A.the bagB.the moneyC.the busD.me
A.by and byB.at last C.at firstD.in the end



1.---I found it difficult _________ (get) to sleep during the night.

--- In my opinion, _________ (drink) some milk is good for you.

2.He _________ (arrive) here to spend his one-week vacation next week. I can’t wait.

3.Many people were glad to hear the _________(amaze) new.

4.After traveling America last year, Peter _________(fall) in love with that country.

5.You must believe your teachers, because they have much teaching _________(experience).

6.The shop was ________(close) when we got there yesterday.

7.--- What’s wrong with you? You look so sad today.

--- I _________ (lose) my coat on the playground.

8.Why not think about _________ (go) to a movie with your friends?

9.The welcome party really_________ (surprise) him a lot.


