25.You should express your thanks by returning the kindness when you get help From . A.other B.another C.others D.the other 查看更多




    Writing a thank-you letter can be a great way to express thanks for a favor (帮助;恩惠) someone did for you. Consider these following steps when writing your letter, which will help make your thank-you letter more meaningful and sincere.

Before you start, buy some special stationery, such as nice paper or blank cards. The stationery doesn’t have to be expensive, since even one-dollar card can be very nice. And you must decide whether you prefer to type your letter or write it by yourself. Handwriting has a more personal feeling, while a printed thank-you letter looks more professional (专业的).

Now, you can start writing. You should express your purpose from the beginning. Start your letter by thanking the person for the gift or service he or she provided. Then you should explain how you plan to use the gift or service, or explain how the gift or service has already been used. What’s more, you can also express your feelings on the gift or service by saying that “It was a wonderful birthday present…” It also helps to mention a personal feeling such as “I was just so happy with the party.” In the end, you should mention that you want to see or talk to the person again soon. For close relatives and friends, you can also tell them how much you miss them and express regret that their visit was short.

Sign your thank-you letter personally and with a heart. Try “Love”, “Yours truly”, or “Take care” instead of “Sincerely” as it is more for business.

In this way, you will always maintain (维持) a pleasant relationship with your friends and relatives.

Title: How to Write a    76     Letter


To write a    77    and sincere letter to show your thanks.


Before     78    

Buy some stationery that is nice and   79    .

Decide whether to type the letter or to write it by   80   .

The text of the letter:

At the beginning of the letter,   81   your thanks to the person providing the gift or service.

Introduce how the gift or service is   82    for you.

Express your personal feelings about it if needed.

Mention that you are looking forward to their next  __83    .


“Sincerely” is not proper because it is usually used in  84   letters.


Your relationship with others will stay   85   .


You should express your thanks by returning the kindness when you get help from ___________.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.
    the other


Traveling by train is usually not easy in China. It can be hard to get a ticket. When you’re traveling to the railway station you look at your watch, afraid you will miss your train.

But there is good news for people traveling between Beijing and Shanghai. Construction (建设) on the express railway (高速铁路) between the two cities started just before the Spring Festival of 2008. When it is finished by 2013, taking a train will be as easy as taking a bus.

“There will be trains every several minutes. Buying a ticket, getting through the checkpoint (检查站) and taking your seat, will take just 10 minutes,” said an engineer.

There may be high-speed trains running at 350 kilometers an hour. The travel time between the two cities will decease from 10 to about 5 hours. The trains will carry twice the present number of passengers.

The new line will be 1,318 kilometers long and go across specially built bridges. It will run along side the present line. There will be 21 stations in Hebei, Tianjin, Shandong, Anhui and Jiangsu.

“The cost of traveling by the express railway may be around 800 yuan. That will be more expensive than an ordinary train, but cheaper than by air.” Said Zhang Xiaoling, a Jiangsu government official.

According to Zhang, the higher price is caused by the large cost of the railway project. At about 200 billion yuan, the project may be even more expensive than the Three Gorges Project (三峡工程).

1.The express railway between Beijing and Shanghai will be finished _______.

    A. at the end of this year                  B. before the Spring Festival of 2008

    C. after 2013                           D. in about 5 years

2.Before taking your seat, you should _____ with your ticket.

    A. buy a ticket                         B. get through the checkpoint

    C. pack your things                     D. make some friends

3.The word “decrease” in the passage possibly means ______ in Chinese.

    A. 延长             B. 缩短         D. 提速             D. 限速

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

    A. Traveling by train is usually difficult in China because tickets are too expensive.

    B. The high-speed trains will have 21 stations in Hebei, Tianjin, Shandong, Hunan and Jiangsu.

    C. Tickets for the high-speed trains will be cheaper than those for planes.

    D. The cost of the express railway project is as high as that of the Three Gorges Project.

5.What can be the best title of the passage?

    A. An enormous project.                 B. Train tickets will get more expensive

    C. Specially built bridges              D. Beijing—Shanghai express railway



Assertiveness is the ability to confidently express your opinions, feelings,attitudes, and rights, in a way that doesn't infringe(侵犯) the rights of others.

    Many of us are taught that it is not nice to consider our own needs above those of others. If someone says or does something that we don't like, we should just be quiet and try to stay away from that person in the future.

    Why is Assertiveness important?

     If you don't know how to be assertive, you might experience:

•Depression - Anger, a sense of being helpless, hopeless, or of having no control over your life.

•Resentment - Anger at others for taking advantage of you.

•Frustration - Why did I allow that to happen?

     Most people find it easier to be assertive in some situations than in others. This makes perfect sense. It's a lot easier to hold your ground with a stranger than with someone you love. But the more important the relationship is to you, the more important it is to be assertive. Assertive behavior leads to increased respect from others!

      But before you decide to act assertively, you have to decide if you can live

 with the results. Although assertive behavior usually will result in a positive

 response  (积极的回应),some people  might react differently.

   How to be effectively(有效地) assertive:

 •Use "I" statements. Keep the focus on the problem you're having. "I'd like to be able to tell my stories without interruption." instead of "You're always interrupting my stories ! "

 •Use facts, not opinions. "Did you know that shirt has a hole?" instead of "You're not going out looking like THAT, are you?"

 •Express ownership of your thoughts, feelings, and opinions. "I get angry when he breaks his promises. " instead of "He makes me angry. "

 • Make clear and direct requirements. Don't invite the person to say no. "Will  you please?" instead of 'Would you mind...?" or "Why don't you...?"

•Keep repeating your point. Use a low level and pleasant voice. Don't try to explain yourself.

1.The writer probably agrees that­­­____________.

A. you should consider others' response before you act assertively

B. you should be assertive if you want to get good marks

C. assertiveness is the ability to infringe others' rights.

D. assertive behavior will bring you bad feelings

2.The expression "hold yourground" probably means “_________________”

A. reach an agreement

B. insist on your point

C. keep your word

D. keep on fighting

3.Which of the following helps you to be effectively assertive?

A. Explaining yourself in a soft and sweet voice.

B. Expressing ownership of others' thoughts.

C. Making requirements directly and clearly.

D. Using your opinions instead of facts.



In Britain you may often hear “Drop in any time” or “Come to see me soon”, but you can’t really do that. People just say those things to make you feel welcome. It is better to telephone before visiting someone at home. If you receive a written invitation to an event that says “RSVP”, you should reply to let the person who sent the invitation know whether or not you plan to go.

You should never accept an invitation unless you really plan to go. You may refuse by saying, “Thank you for inviting me, but I will not be able to come.” If, after accepting, you are unable to go, be sure to tell those who are expecting you as soon as possible that you will not be there. Although it is not necessarily expected that you give a gift to your host, it is considered polite to do so, especially if you have been invited for a meal. Flowers, chocolate, or a small gift are all appropriate(合适的). A thank-you note or telephone call after the visit is also considered polite and is an appropriate way to express your appreciation for the invitation.

1.What can you do when a British friend says, “Drop in anytime”?

A. Visit him or her at any time.

B. Say no time to him or her seriously.

C. Telephone him or her before visiting.

D. Visit him or her soon.

2.What does the underlined word “RSVP” probably mean in Chinese?

A. 请自便                    B. 请回复                 C. 请审阅                 D. 请来访

3.What should you do if your British friend sends you an invitation but you do not want to go?

A. Do not give him or her an answer.

B. Tell another friend to go instead of you.

C. Tell him or her that you can’t be there for some reason.

D. Tell him or her that you don’t want to go there.

4.Which of the following is considered impolite in Britain?

   A. Buy small presents when invited.

   B. Refuse the invitation without telling anyone.

   C. Write a thank-you note after a visit.

   D. Give a telephone call after a visit.

5.Where would you probably see this passage?

   A. In an invitation.     B. In a guidebook.    C. On a poster.                   D. In a newspaper.


