54.( )A.flowers B.books C.shoes 查看更多




This is Tom's bedroom. It is nice and new. A chair and a bed are in it. A cat is under the chair and some shoes are under the bed. A desk is on the floor. Some flowers are on it. A bookcase is behind the bed. Some English books are in the bookcase. A picture is on the wall, and three people are in it. The man is his father and the woman is his mother. Who is the boy? Do you know?

(1)Some shoes are ________.

[  ]

A.behind his bed
B.under the bed
C.under the chair
D.in the desk

(2)Some flowers are ________.

[  ]

A.on Tom's desk
B.under the chair
C.in the book case
D.in his desk

(3)-Is a cat under the desk?


[  ]

A.Yes, it is
B.No, it isn't
C.Yes, it isn't
D.No, it is

(4)-Where are the English books?

  -They are ________.

[  ]

A.behind a bed
B.in his desk
C.in the bookcase
D.under the chair

(5)The man in the picture is ________.

[  ]

A.Tom's brother
B.Tom's mother
C.Tom's father



This is my room.It's small but it's very nice and clean.There is a desk, a bed and two chairs in it.The desk is near the window.You can see some books and flowers on the desk.The bed is near the desk, and under the desk there is a ball.My shoes are under the bed.There is a map of China on the wall.There is a picture on the wall, too.I like my room.


There is ________ in the room.

[  ]


a desk


some maps


three desks


some balls


________ are on the desk.

[  ]


A book and


A book and some boxes


Some books and some boxes


Some books and flowers


There is ________ under the desk.

[  ]


a chair


my shoes


a ball


a box


________ are on the wall.

[  ]


A map of China


A map of China and a pictttre


A picture


A window


My room is ________.

[  ]




nice and clean




A and B


Uncle Wang works in a book shop in the middle of the city. The shop is not far from his home. It is about one kilometer away. So Uncle Wang seldom goes to work by bus. He usually goes there by bike, sometimes on foot. It takes him twenty minutes to get there by bike and forty minutes on foot. Today his bike is broken. He wants to walk there.
Now he is having breakfast. He leaves home at ten minutes to eight and he walks to work twenty minutes earlier. His work starts at half past eight in the morning and finishes at a quarter to five in the afternoon.
小题1:What does Uncle Wang do?
A.He sells books.B.He grows flowers.
C.He makes shoes.D.He works in a hospital.
小题2:Why does he seldom go to work by bus? Because________.
A.there is no bus
B.his shop is not far from his home
C.he likes riding a bike
D.his shop isn't in the middle of the city
小题3:How long does it take him to walk to his book shop?
A.Twenty minutes B.Forty minutes C.Ten minutes D.Half an hour
小题4:He usually finishes his work at ________in the afternoon.
A.4:45 B.5:15 C.4:55 D.5:05
小题5:What time does he usually leave home by bike?
A.7:50 B.8:10 C.8:20 D.7:30


School BBS (校园论坛)

Topics(话题): Ask for help


I’m shy. I want to talk to my classmates, but I am afraid they will laugh at me. What should I do?


There are so many net bars(网吧) around us. I spend too much time and money in playing computer games. I can’t pass the exams. My parents are angry with me. What should I do?


Father’s Day is coming. My father is good at playing basketball. He also likes to watch films. What present should I give to my father?


I like Chinese. I am good at Chinese. I often win the writing competition(竞赛). But my English is not good. I can’t speak English well. What should I do to learn English well?

1.The topic of the BBS is             .

A.how to learn English

B.to ask for help

C.how to make friends

D.Don’t play computer games.

2.If you want to help Simon, what should he do ?

A.Don’t play computer games any more, and spend more time on lessons.

B.Go on playing computer games.

C.Don’t play computer games in the net bars, just play games at home.

D.Pay no attention to (不在意) parents and teachers.

3.Which is the best present for Tom’s father?

A.A coat.                               B.A pair of sports shoes.

C.Some flowers.                          D.Some story books.

4.Which is Jim’s favourite subject?

A.English           B.Chinese           C.Maths            D.PE

5.If you have problems, what will you do?

A.Don’t tell anyone about your problems.

B.Have a talk to your classmates and ask them to help you.

C.Pay no attention to (不在意) them.

D.B and C



Kate’s room is big. A TV set (电视机)is in the room. The TV set is on the table. Some red flowers (花) are on it, too. We can see a nice picture on the wall(墙). We can see a hat and some books on her bed. Her shoes are under the bed. A desk is near the window(窗户). On the desk is a clock. It’s time to go to school (该上学了). Where’s Kate’s bag? Oh, it’s on the chair. Kate is putting on (穿上) her shoes.
【小题1】We can see ______ on the table.

A.a TV set and some red flowers B.some red flowers
C.a TV set D.a picture
【小题2】Where’s Kate’s hat? It’s _______.
A.on the chair B.on the bed C.under the chair D.under the bed
【小题3】Where’s Kate’s bag? It’s _______.
A.on the chair B.under the bed C.on the wall D.on the bed
【小题4】How many pictures are there in the bedroom?
A.Three. B.Two. C.One. D.four
【小题5】What’s the Chinese meaning for the word “shoes”? It’s        .
A.拖鞋 B.袜子 C.鞋子 D.大衣

