The koalas like eating l . 查看更多



1. --What k         of drinks do you like? 

--Orange juice.

2. I often go to school by bike, but s         I take the bus.

3. The koalas like eating l        . 

4. The phone pay is b         the bank and the supermarket.

5. He is l         to music in the bedroom.

6. Please be f         to the new classmates(同学). 

7. Is there a post o         near here? 

8. The boy is from Japan. He speaks J        .  


1. The Great W_________ is very famous in the world.
2. I'm free (空闲的) today. I have n_________ to do.
3. The song is very p_________. Everyone likes singing it.
4. Koalas like eating l_________.
5. Please don't talk l_________, your brother is sleeping.
6. _________(地理) is one of our subjects.
7. How do you _________(度过) your spare time?
8. Some brooms (扫帚) are in the _________(墙角) of the classroom.
9. They often _________(打仗) at home. Mom is very angry.
10. The music makes me _________(记住) Johnny Dean.



     Round eyes, round head, round ears, round body! What is this lovely animal?
     He looks like a bear, but he is not a bear. He's a koala(考拉). There are about 100.000 koalas in
     People in Australia love koalas and look after them well. They have good places for them to live
safely. No one can kill them for their pretty fur. When a koala is born, he has no fur. And he is very
small. The mother koala has a pocket in the front of her body. The baby goes into this warm pocket.
There he stays for six months.
     Koalar, could not live without a special kind of tree. The trees give them both home and food. For
most of the days they sleep in the trees.
     At night koalas look for food. They may go kilometers to find the special leaves of these trees. They
don't eat anything else. And they eat more than one kilo each night!
(     )l. There are about one million koalas in Australia.
(     )2. People in Australia are not allowed to kill koalas for their fur.
(     )3. Baby koalas stay in their mothers' pockets for half a year.
(     )4. Koalas sleep at night and look for food in the daytime.
(     )5. Koalas like eating small animals.

