39.The writer lives .but he doesn't feel . A.alone:alone B.lonely,alone C.alone,lonely D.lonely,lonely 查看更多



At a nation’s saddest moment, its greatest heroes are born.

  On September 11th, 2001, many police officers and government officials in America worked day and night to save lives from the big fire at the World Trade Centre. And in Japan, after the serious earthquake, a group of workers showed their courage.

  The earthquake on March 11th made Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant(福岛核电站) turn off and stop its protective cooling systems. And later, a fire broke out.  Workers were told that the plant’s radiation(辐射) could be harmful to human health. Hundreds of workers left the plant quickly. However, a group of workers decided to fight against the fire and the damage, though they knew it could cause very serious health problems. There were 50 workers in all, so they were also named the "Fukushima 50". The workers worked in shifts(轮班).

  People knew little about the workers, who were mainly experts (专家) with the skills to control the situation. One woman said that her father had volunteered to stay there. “I heard that he volunteered even though he would retire(退休) in just half a year and my eyes were filled with tears. I am really proud of him. And I pray for his safe return.”

  1.The passage mainly tells us                           .

  A. what happened in America on September 1lth, 2001

  B. "Fukushima 50" stayed in the nuclear power plant bravely

  C. who saved many lives from the big fire at the World Trade Centre

  D. what Japanese government did after the nuclear power plant was turned off

 2. Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant was turned off because                          .

  A. there were no heroes there        B. many workers left the plant

  C. it was destroyed by a big fire      D. the earthquake damaged it heavily

  3.        workers stayed in Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant after the earthquake.

  A. 11             B. 50              C. 100             D. 150

  4. Which of the following is TRUE?

  A. The woman was happy to know his father was there.

  B. A woman’s father who had retired from work still stayed there.

  C. Little was known about the workers when the passage was written.

  D. The workers didn’t know staying in the nuclear plant was harmful to their health.

  5. The writer thinks                          .

  A. American police officers were very strong

  B. the nuclear radiation would do no damage to humans

  C. all the workers who stayed in the plant should return quickly

  D. all the workers who stayed in the plant are great heroes



Have you planned your school holidays? If not, I hope this guide will help you. Here are a few suggestions on how to spend your school holidays well.

Traveling — relax and refresh your mind and soul (心灵)

Travel to some interesting places. Traveling locally or to foreign countries will certainly relax and refresh your mind and soul. Mountains and beaches are good places for you to take a holiday.

Doing a part-time job — get some working experience

Work part-time, and you can get not only money but also some working experience. The working experience will be an advantage in your future jobs. For me, I have some experience in working as a waiter in a five-star hotel.

Taking courses or going to a camp — improve yourself

There are some interesting courses to choose from, specially designed for students during school holidays, such as computer courses, English courses and driving courses. These courses are necessary if you want to learn some new skills. And you can also go to a camp like an English camp to improve yourself and extend (拓宽) your social circle (社交圈).


46. There are    pieces of advice on how to spend school holidays in the passage.

47. The writer thinks    are good places for students to take a holiday.

48. The working experience will be good for students’    .

49. Taking courses during school holidays can help students    .

50. The writer advises students to    during school holidays to extend their social circle.




We spent a few days in Paris last week. We visit the famous city quite regularly. After all, it only takes three hours from London to Pairs. It’s always a pleasure visiting places we really like, exploring areas we’ve never been.

The only unlucky thing this time was the weather. As soon as we got there the temperature reached almost 35 degrees C (which lasted until we left). It was so hot that Matthew just couldn’t stand it — for him, it wasn’t the most enjoyable trip. I felt sorry for him because every time we go there he has to put up with (忍受) my endless shopping spree (狂欢) …

Because of the heat, we ended up just having lots of ice-cream and drinks most of the time, although we managed to pay a few visits to the new Herme shop on rue de Vaugirard at least. It’s not as busy as the shop on rue Bonaparte so you can choose whatever you like without worrying about a queue behind you! I really enjoyed his bread this time as well as the cakes. And I must say that his Croissant aux Amandes and Bostock were simply the best I’ve ever had.

1.Which of the following is TRUE according to the first paragraph?

A.It was the first time for the writer to go to Paris.

B.It was a long way from London to Paris.

C.The writer lives in London.

D.The writer only likes to go to places she has never been to.

2. The underlined word “stand” in the second paragraph means ____.





3. What can you know about Matthew from the second paragraph? 

A.He doesn’t like shopping.

B.He doesn’t like travelling.

C.He is one of the writer’s relatives.

D.He isn’t a good husband.

4. The shops on rue Bonaparte ____.

A.has no bread that the writer likes

B.is often crowded with customers

C.don’t have anything the writer likes

D.is not very busy all the time

5.What’s the best title for the passage? 

A.An unpleasant trip

B.A great city

C.A shopping centre

D.A trip to Paris



The writer lives _______, but he doesn’t feel _______.
A.alone; aloneB.alone; lonely
C.lonely; lonelyD.lonely; alone


The writer lives _______, but he doesn’t feel _______.

A.alone; aloneB.alone; lonely
C.lonely; lonelyD.lonely; alone

