雨好像还要下很久. that the rain will last long. 查看更多



1. 我妈妈同意和我逛商店了,是吗?

My mother agrees to go shopping with me,               ?

2. 我准备领他去看电影,以便他会高兴起来。

I am going to take him to the cinema to        him        .

3. 雨好像还要下很久。

                  that the rain will last long.

4. 老实说,他这个人对自己要求一向是比较严格的。

To               , he is always strict with himself. 

5. 这种志愿者工作每周占用他们每人数小时的时间。

This volunteer work        each of them several hours a week.

6. 父母要告诫孩子远离网吧。

 Parents are supposed to warn their children to                      the Internet.

