(二)录音中有五组小对话.每组对话听两遍.然后从每小题A.B.C三个选项中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案. 6. What does Mom tell Jim to do? A. Do the dishes. B. Fold his clothes. C. Clean the living room. 7. Where is he going to meet Mr Black? A. With his daughter. B. Next Sunday. C. At the airport. 8. Did he enjoy himself at his grandfather’s 70th birthday? A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didn’t. C. Yes, he was. 9. How much is hotel room a night in Sanya? A. About 220 yuan. B. About 380 yuan. C. About 320 yuan. 10. Why does she like the Movie Palace best? A. Because the price is low. B. Because it has the best service. C. Because it has the most comfortable seats. 查看更多




1.A.Hi!I’m Mike. B.Nice to meet you, Mike. C.How are you?

2.A.No, thanks. B.Yes, I like. C.Yes, I do.

3.A.It’s delicious. B.So am I. C.Me, too.

4.A.That’s great! B.Never. C.Never mind.

5.A.Oh, well done. B.That’s all right. C.Use mine, please.


6.What’s the weather like now?

A.Cloudy. B.Rainy C.Windy.

7.What time is it now?

A.04∶55. B.05∶00. C.05∶05.

8.Who may be in hospital?

A.Sally. B.Lucy. C.Maria.

9.How does the woman like the music?

A.Terrible. B.Boring. C.Wonderful.

10.Where are the man and the woman?

A.At a train station. B.At a bus station. C.At an airport.


11.How many rooms does the man need?

A.One. B.Two. C.Three.

12.How long will the man stay here?

A.One day. B.One night. C.One day and one night.

13.Which room will the man live in?

A.218, on the first floor.

B.128, on the second floor.

C.218, on the second floor.

14.How much will the man pay?

A.45 dollars. B.55 dollars. C.90 dollars.

15.What’s the man?

A.A bus driver. B.A taxi driver. C.A tourist.


16.Where did the story happen?

A.In a club. B.In a hotel. C.In a restaurant.

17.What did the ladies usually do after the meetings?

A.Stood up and left. B.had a meal together. C.Drank some tea.

18.How many people in the world are hungry?

A.Half. B.More than half. C.Less than half.

19.How can we solve the food problem according to the story?

A.Try to control the population.

B.Try to produce more food.

C.Give more food to the poor countries.

20.What can we know from the story?

A.One woman is having a baby.

B.One day a man came and talked about food.

C.The woman who said at last is very clever.




1.A.Yes, please.

B.Good idea.

C.Of course, it is.

2.A.Certainly you are.

B.Sure.Hold on, please.

C.I'll do that.

3.A.Oh, they are over there.

B.I'm glad you've found it.

C.Go straight and turn left.

4.A.OK, I will.

B.Yes, I think so.

C.Good for you.

5.A.Never mind.

B.You are welcome.

C.I'm sorry.


6.When will Mrs.White come back?

A.Right now.

B.Quite soon.

C.At four.

7.What sport does the woman like?




8.What does the woman prefer to do?

A.To see the new play.

B.To do some shopping.

C.To go to the bank.

9.What are the man and woman doing?

A.They are looking for a CD player in a shop.

B.They are learning how to press the button

C.The man is teaching the woman how to use the CD player.

10.Why was Frank on the news last night?

A.He walked along the beach at night.

B.He swam alone in the cold water.

C.He got the boy out of water and saved him.


11.Where could the dialogue happen?

A.In a shop.

B.In a library.

C.In a hospital.

12.Why did the young man go to see the doctor?

A.He didn't know where to begin his talk.

B.He felt difficult to fall asleep.

C.He felt unhappy most of the day.

13.How long has the young man been ill?

A.For about two years.

B.For about three weeks.

C.For about six months.

14.In what season did the young man feel worse?

A.In spring.

B.In autumn.

C.In winter.

15.What did the doctor ask the young man to do?

A.To take some medicine.

B.To burn away his worries.

C.To take more exercises.


16.What happened to the three boys in a cold day?

A.They lost their way.

B.They couldn't find the big house.

C.They had to spend the night in the open air.

17.What did the three boys ask the farmer to do?

A.To give them some water and food.

B.To let them stay in his house for a night.

C.To tell them the way to walk out of the forest.

18.Why did one of the boys have to sleep in the big house?

A.The farmer didn't like the third boy.

B.One of the boys made a loud noise when he slept.

C.There wasn't enough room in the farmer's house.

19.Who was the first to sleep with the horses?




20.Why were all the horses outside at the house door?

A.Because someone drove them out of the house.

B.Because the smell in the big house was really terrible.

C.Because the horses didn't like to stay with people at night.






1ANo, you aren't

BYes, it is

CSureHere you are

2AShe works at a restaurant

BShe works very hard

CShe works for eight hours a day

3AYes, we really do

BYes, we'll buy a car

CNot until the wind stops

4AMe, too

BNever mind

CI'm sorry to hear that

5AHold on, please

BIt's very kind of you

CNo, I don't think so


6What does the girl want to be when she grows up?




7What was the weather like last Saturday?




8How did the man come to school today?

ABy bike

BOn foot

CBy bus

9Where did Cathy go last Saturday?

ATo the lake

BTo the beach

CTo the park

10What does the boy want to do in this conversation?

ABuy a pen

BChange a pen

CTake a pen


11What are the speakers mainly talking about?




12What will the woman do in the city?

AWork at a store

BAttend a school

CHave a picnic

13Who will the woman stay with?

AThe man

BHer family

CThe man's brother

14What do they do in the morning when they camp?

AGo swimming

BPlay basketball

CTell stories

(  )15What can we learn from the conversation?

AThe woman has worked for four summers

BJohn is the man's brother

CSummer vacation is coming







[  ]

A.A good idea.

B.Enjoy yourself.

C.I think so.


[  ]

A.Take care.

B.Have a good time.

C.Good luck.


[  ]

A.You are too young.

B.Better wait until spring.

C.You need more exercise.


[  ]

A.My pleasure.

B.That's all right.



[  ]

A.She is a teacher.

B.She is my sister.

C.She is English.


6.How much time is left for the woman?

[  ]

A.Twenty minutes.

B.Ten minutes.

C.Thirty minutes

7.How will the man go to Beijing?

[  ]

A.By plane.

B.By train.

C.By car.

8.Who is the man speaking to?

[  ]

A.His daughter.

B.His daughter's teacher.

C.His teacher.

9.What is Mary going to do after supper?

[  ]

A.See a film.

B.Go to a meeting.

C.Prepare for her speech.

10.Which of the following pictures is right about Jane?


11.How long has the man had the radio?

[  ]

A.Two days.

B.Two weeks.

C.Two months.

12.Why does the man come to the shop?

[  ]

A.He wants to buy a radio.

B.He wants to get a different radio.

C.There is something wrong with his radio.

13.Why can't the man wait long?

[  ]

A.He needs the money very much.

B.The factory is too far away.

C.He is using it to learn English.

14.What does the man hope to do?

[  ]

A.Change his radio for another one.

B.Send it back to the factory.

C.Get it repaired.

15.What may be the result?

[  ]

A.The man gets back his money.

B.The man gets a new radio.

C.The man gets his radio repaired.


16.Who is the speaker?

[  ]

A.Mr. James.

B.A student.

C.A geography teacher.

17.What are the students going to do tomorrow?

[  ]

A.Have a picnic.

B.Have a writing class.

C.Have a field trip.

18.What will the students have to do tonight?

[  ]

A.Look at the rocks.

B.Study the piece of paper.

C.Write a report.

19.What will the students try to look at in the field?

[  ]




20.What should the students do to make it a rewarding(值得的) experience?

[  ]

A.Take care of plants and animals.

B.Put their hearts into it.

C.Put some money in the bank.




1.A.Aren’t you leaving?

B.You’d rather not.

C.You are?


B.Be glad to.

C.Don’t worry.

3.A.Yes, we really do.

B.Yes, we’ll buy a car.

C.Not until the wind stops.

4.A.I went shopping by car.

B.Yes, you may give me a hand.

C.I’d like to make a reservation for next Monday.



6.How often does the woman go swimming?



C.Every day.

7.How many girl students are there in the class?

8.Who are the two speakers?

A.They’re workers.

B.They’re strangers.

C.They’re classmates.

9.Where did Cathy go last Saturday?

A.To the lake.

B.To the beach.

C.To the park.

10.What does the boy want to do in this conversation?

A.Buy a pen.

B.Change a pen.

C.Take a pen.


11.What’s new in Andy’s life?

A.New neighbors.

B.A new garden.

C.A new school friend.

12.What did Andy do when he saw a boy in the garden?

A.He played basketball with him.

B.He asked the boy some questions.

C.He introduced himself and talked to him.

13.Why was Andy confused(迷惑的)?

A.The boy got angry.

B.The boy cried suddenly.

C.The boy asked him the same questions again.

14.Where did Andy see a boy again?

A.At school.

B.In the garden.

C.In the street.

15.What is the relationship between the two boys?

A.They’re friends.

B.They’re cousins.

C.They’re twin brothers.

