A)根据首字母和句子提示写出单词.71.Holland is a E country. 查看更多



【小题1】People often go to the  r__________ to eat and drink things .(饭馆)
【小题2】This car is very e_______ , it’s not cheap .(昂贵的)
【小题3】No one will write on a blackboard w______ chalk.(用)
【小题4】he will r_______ for the test this weekend.(复习)
【小题5】Don’t get in, they are getting d____________(穿衣服)


【小题1】People often go to the  r__________ to eat and drink things .(饭馆)
【小题2】This car is very e_______ , it’s not cheap .(昂贵的)
【小题3】No one will write on a blackboard w______ chalk.(用)
【小题4】he will r_______ for the test this weekend.(复习)
【小题5】Don’t get in, they are getting d____________(穿衣服)


小题1:People often go to the  r__________ to eat and drink things .(饭馆)
小题2:This car is very e_______ , it’s not cheap .(昂贵的)
小题3:No one will write on a blackboard w______ chalk.(用)
小题4:he will r_______ for the test this weekend.(复习)
小题5:Don’t get in, they are getting d____________(穿衣服)


1. What's this in E_____?
2. —Can you s_____ your name, please?
    —Yes, M-A- R-Y, Mary.
3. E_____ me, is this your pencil?
4. This is my ID c_____.
5. You can look up the word in the d_____ you don't know it.
6. Your _____ (戒指) is very nice.
7. My _____ (尺子) is blue.
8. I have a new _____ (手表).
9. My father can play _____ (棒球).
10. There is a _____ (笔记本)


1. What's this in E_______?
2. —Can you s_______ your name, please?
    —Yes, M-A- R-Y, Mary.
3.  E_______ me, is this your pencil?
4. This is my ID c_______.
5. You can look up the word in the d_______ (字典) if you don't know it.
6. Your _______ (戒指) is very nice.
7. My _______ (尺子) is blue.
8. I have a new _______ (手表).
9. My father can play _______ (棒球).
10. There is a _______ (笔记本)

