86.I think it is easy. I it is difficult. 查看更多




I think it is easy to live a low carbon life if you want to make our life better. Here are some _____【小题1】____ of advice: Travel by bus, bike or on foot as much as possible and ask our parents to drive as little as possible.
Plant trees as many as you can. Trees can help to make the air cooler in summer. ___【小题2】____ the lights if it isn’t necessary to keep them on.
Don’t waste the water, oil, _____【小题3】___ etc. Of course, there are many __【小题4】______ things we can do in our daily life. After all, the earth is our common home. If everyone _____【小题5】____ small changes, we can make a difference.



I think it is easy to live a low carbon life if you want to make our life better. Here are some _________ of advice: Travel by bus, bike or on foot as much as possible and ask our parents to drive as little as possible.

Plant trees as many as you can. Trees can help to make the air cooler in summer. _______ the lights if it isn’t necessary to keep them on.

Don’t waste the water, oil, ________ etc. Of course, there are many ________ things we can do in our daily life. After all, the earth is our common home. If everyone _________ small changes, we can make a difference.




A: Do you like English?

B: (111)________________. It’s my favourite subject.

A: (112) ________________________________?

B: No, it isn’t. I think it is easy to learn English. (113) __________________ ?

A: My favourite subject is history. Are you good at chemistry?

B: (114) ___________________ . What about you?

A: I am good at chemistry, too. (115)_______________________ .

B: Oh, no, chemistry is interesting and English is also interesting.


     You need 3D glasses to see some films. I think it is easy to make your own 3D glasses instead of buying
      There are two ways to make 3D glasses. You can decide which way would be easier for you.
      The first way seems like the cheaper way but the things needed to make the glasses this way may not be
things laying around the house. First print out a template(模板) for the glasses at
http://paperproject. org/ PDF files/3 dglasses. pdf. 
     After you cut out the template, cut your cellophane (玻璃纸) to fit the holes in the glasses. Make sure you
place the red cellophane on the left eye and the blue on the right. You can either stick or tape the cellophane in
place. You are now ready to use your glasses.
     To leam more about why your eyes see different colors, read this article:
http:// nzphoto. tripod. com/sterea/anaglyphs. htm#redcyan.
     To learn some more cool things about your eyes, check out the games at this link:
http_://faculty. washington. edu/chudler/chvision. html.
     Another way you can make 3D glasses is to find an old pair of sunglasses. Take out the lenses(镜片).
Get a piece of clear plastic and place the lenses on it, draw a line around the lens and then cut the new
plastic lens out. Place the lens back into the sunglasses frame (框). Color the left lens red with a marker
and the right eye blue. You now are ready to watch 3D films.
1. When do we need to use 3D glasses?
A. When the sun is bright.
B. When we cook dinner.
C. When we make things.
D. When we see some films.
2. If we want to know why our eyes see different colors, we can find the information at____.
A. http://paperproject. org/PDF files/3dglasses. pdf
B. http://nzphoto. tripod. com/sterea/anaglyphs. htm#redcyan
C. http://faculty. washington. edu/chudler/chvision. html
D. http://www. xcjyyxw. cn/tresearch/XCindex/index. js
3.What does the writer think of making our own 3D glasses?
A. Easy.
B. Hard.
C. Interesting.
D. Boring.


    Wang Lei 1._____
    The most difficult thing about learning English is to remember new words. I study the words and remember
them, but a week later I have forgotten most of them. When reading something in English, I always get into
trouble when I come across a new word. There must be a better way to learn new words.
    Li Qiang 2. _____
    I have been studying English for so long now, but I don't enjoy it any more. I used to like it, but now I feel
that I'm not making any progress, I'm just not motivated (有动力的) any more. I wish there was something I
could do to make me interested in studying English again.
    Fang Zhe 3. _____
    I wish I could improve my spoken English. Every time when I take part in a group discussion or try to
speak English to someone, I find it difficult to express myself. I don't know what to say and I can't think of
the words I need.
    Huang Wei 4. _____
    I don't like English at all. Why do we have to study English? I'd rather spend more time on math and
science, because I think those subjects are more important.
    Zhong Mei 5. _____
    I think it is easy to remember new grammar rules. But when writing something, I always make a lot of
mistakes. How can I learn to use the rules that I have learned?
根据以上五位学生在英语学习中遇到的困难, 从所给的选项A-E中,选出每个人所需要读的文章。
A. How to speak good English
B. How to put English grammar to use
C. How to master (掌握) English words
D. How to realize the importance of English
E. How to get interested in English

