--Are there erasers in the case? --No, A. some, there aren't B. any, there don't C. some , there don' t D. any, there aren't 查看更多



    Beijing is so ___, I’m ___ ___!
    You are ___ ___ ___ ___ there.
    ___ ___ is it ___ China ___Canada? About ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.
    Don’t ___ ___ the desk.


1. great, so excited 
2. too young to go 
3. How far, from, to, eight thousand five hundred kilometres 
4. jump on


1. 北京这么伟大,我太兴奋了。  
    Beijing is so ___, I'm ___ ___!   
2. 你们太小而不能去那里。  
    You are ___ ___ ___ ___ there.   
3. 从中国到加拿大有多远?大约8500公里。     
    How far is it ___ China ___Canada? About ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.   
4. 不要跳到课桌上去.     
    Don't ___ ___ the desk.



Water, it’s a problem for the whole world. A bottle (瓶) of water may not seem like much to us,  1  it can help the people who live in drought-hit (遭受旱灾的) areas in China.

  In the past few months, many places in southwest China have 2     a serious drought. There has been very little  3 since last autumn. More than 20 million people are 4   trouble finding safe drinking water.

  After learning about the drought, many people around the country helped by  5   away water, money and other resources (资源) to the people there.

  Last week, the Young Pioneers and the Communist Youth League in China called on (号召) each student to give one bottle of water to the drought-hit area. In Xi’an, 900 students bought over 1000 bottles of water 6     their pocket money. They also wrote their  7   on the bottles. “I hope you get more rain there. I hope you are happy.”

  A bottle of water isn’t much, but thousands of bottles will be very  8  . The serious drought has also made students  9  the importance of saving water. One student said, “I have decided to take a shower twice a week  10   every day to save water.”

1.                A.unless          B.and            C.but  D.because


2.                A.bought         B.experienced     C.studied   D.missed


3.                A.rain            B.wind           C.snow D.sunshine


4.                A.causing         B.making         C.having    D.bringing


5.                A.drinking        B.giving          C.getting   D.collecting


6.                A.By             B.in             C.for  D.With


7.                A.plans          B.notes          C.wishes    D.dates


8.                A.relaxing        B.beautiful        C.boring    D.helpful


9.                A.think           B.realize          C.miss D.regard


10.               A.instead         B.instead of       C.except    D.because of




Every morning, the newspaper chief editor(主编) holds a meeting with the reporters. They discuss the main events(事件) of the day. Reporters are then sent to cover the events.  

As soon as the reporters know what to write about, they get down to work. They telephone people and fix a time for a face-to-face interview with them. Sometimes they do telephone interviews. Checking information is very important. They go to the newspaper's own library to look up any information that they need. This is called “doing one's homework”.

At the same time, the picture editor decides which photographs will be used for the next day's paper. All the people who work on a newspaper must be able to work fast. Reporters have to stop working on one story and start working at once on the important new one. They must find out the new information as quickly as possible. Later in the day, everything is put together at the news desk. Reporters return, type their stories into the computer and hand them to the editor.  

The chief editor decides which will be the most important story on the front page. Sometimes this will have to be changed if something more important happens late in the day. Other editors read the stories which the reporters have written and make any necessary changes.  

Finally, there is no more time left for adding new stories, and the time for printing(印刷) the newspaper has come. This is done on fast-moving printing machines. The newspapers are then delivered(发送) by truck, plane or rail. Speed is important. People want to buy the latest newspaper; nobody wants to buy yesterday's.  

1.What is the work in a newspaper office like? 

A. Interesting and confusing B. Important and patient.  

C. Particular and necessary. D. Fast and busy.

2.According to the passage, the right order for a reporter's work is ____________.  

a. writing stories         b. doing interviews  c. joining in a discussion   

d. doing homework       e. handing stories to the editor

A. c-b-a-d-e     B. c-d-e-a-b     C. c-b-d-a-e     D. c-a-d-b-e

3.The front page contents(内容) are decided by ___________.

A. the importance of the events

B. how well the stories are written  

C. the knowledge of the chief editor

D. whether they are the latest  

4.Word editors' work is to ____________.

A. help the chief editor with the morning discussion  

B. decide when and how the papers can be printed  

C. read the stories and make necessary changes  

D. get together information from reporters and photographers

5.The best title for this passage is “____________”。  

A. How a newspaper is produced     B. How newspapers are delivered  

C. What kind of papers readers like   D. Whose work is more important



Everyone has worries. How do you deal with your worries? There is always something you can do to help yourself feel less worried. Sitting there worrying is no fun and it won't solve your problems.
Grades at school are often a top worry for kids. if you worry most about grades, ask yourself these questions:
●  Why are grades important? What do grades mean to me?
●  How do I get ready for class? Do I go over my notes even when there isn't a test?
●  Do I have a good place to do my homework?
●  Have I tried different ways of studying?
If your worry is about a fight you had with your friend, you might write down al! the things you could do-write a note to him or her, invite him or her to watch a basketball game, say sorry to him or her and so on. Once you have a list of things you could do, you can choose one thing that could get your friend back.
You can ask for help when you're worried. You can find someone to talk to, such as your parents, friends, and teachers.
(  )11. What do kids often worry most about?
 A. Their hobbies.                     B. Their homework.
 C. Their marks at school.               D. A fight with their friends.
(  )12. According to the passage, when you're worried, you'd better _______.
   A. work hard                        B. talk to someone
 C. get ready for class              D. write down your worries
(  )13. If you're worried about grades, DON'T ask yourself "_______".
 A. Why are grades important?           B. What do grades mean to me?
 C. How do I get ready for class?         D. Why not give up my studies?
(  )14. If you had a fight with a friend, you could _______.
A. invite him or her to watch a game      B. put the blame on him or her
C. try to make new friends              D. leave him or her alone
(  )15. What does the passage mainly tell us?
   A. Who is often worried.               B. When people are worried.
  C. How to deal with worries.      D. What kinds of worries people have.

