I can’t wait my friends. 查看更多




  Every person my meet something that they can't 1 . Some people don't' like dogs and cats 2 they have fur. Some people don't like snakes because they are terrible. 3 have many different reasons. Fox example, Mrs Lee likes shopping. But she doesn't like waiting 4 line when the 5 is having along telephone 6 . He or she will talk happily to their friends and make the customers 7 for a long time. She also doesn't like salesperson to 8 her around and saying “Why 9 this? It will look good on you.” Sometimes she will get mad with the sales person and she will 10 go to that shop again. Mr Lee has 11 problems. He love reading. So 12 his wife is in the shop, he is in a library. Sometimes people will talk to him in the library. If this happens ail the time, he will get 13 and shout at them “Would you mind 14 away?” He knows it is not very polite. He said “I try 15 rude. But they are too noisy.” Do you have any problem like them?

(1) A.like
(2) A.so
(3) A.The other
(4) A.in
(5) A.salesperson
(6) A.call
(7) A.to wait
(8) A.follow
(9) A.don't try
B.not try
C.you not try
D.not to try
(10) A.not often
(11) A.the same
D.lots of
(12) A.before
(13) A.annoyed
D.to annoying
(14) A.going
B.to go
(15) A.to not be
B.not to be
C.to be not
D.to no be


Comic Books, Yes and No?

  In our house, there are lots of comic(滑稽的) books. Some are on the table in the living room. Some are under my bed. Some are under Neal's bed.

  Neal is my brother. He is seven, two years younger than I am.

  Every Saturday we do our work first. Then mother lets each of us buy a comic book about animals or children.

  We can hardly wait to get home to read them! We lie on the floor between our bed. Everything is very quiet then-until we burst out laughing. Mom calls our laughs “explosions”. I guess they sound that way to her.

  Yesterday I heard Mrs. Easton ask Mom, “Do you really LET your boys read comic books? I must say I am surprised!” Mom said,“Of course I let them!” Then she said, “That is, I let them read comics about animals and children. Not all comic books are bad. Some are very good.”

  “I wonder why children like comic books?” Mrs. Easton asked.

  Mom laughed. “I really don't know,” she answered. “But we know they do!”

  Well, no one asked me. But I could tell Mrs. Easton and mother why we like comics!

  The ones Neal and I read are funny. The people and the animals in them are smart. They are not goody-goody (虚假的), the way they are in some stories.

  Comic books are something like space ships. They take Neal and me to the planet Mars or to a rabbit's house. They bring us old friends and new friends. Donald and Mickey and Bugs and Elmer seem like real people to us!

  We like comic books most of all because we never know what will happen next. In some books, you can always tell what's going to happen.

True or False

1.The stories in the comic books often make the two brothers very sad and angry.

2.The two brothers won't get new comic books before they finish doing their work every Saturday.

3.All the grown-ups know clearly why children like reading comic books.

4.The stories in comic books can take children to places they have wanted to and help them meet a lot of friends.

5.The two brothers like comic books best of all because they can always guess what will happen next.



  One day Bill went to a restaurant in London. Suddenly a young woman sat down next to him. Bill could not think what she wanted. She didn't look happy. Bill asked her what was wrong.“The problem is…”she began. But then she stopped. She didn't find it easy to tell Bill about it, it seemed.

  “My husband and I wanted to meet here for lunch at 12,”she said at last,“but he hasn't come.”

  “Well, don't you know where he is? Can you ring him up?”

  “No, I can't.”said the woman.“And I've had lunch now and I can't pay the bill(帐单). Because I haven't got any money with me.”

  “Never mind, I'll pay the bill for you. You can pay me back later.”Bill said.

  “If you give me your address. I'll send you the money as soon as I get home.”With these words, she left the restaurant.

  A few weeks later, when Bill was having lunch at another restaurant, he suddenly heard another familiar voice(熟悉的声音),“Excuse me, May I just sit here for a moment?”

  Bill turned round It was the same young woman again. This time she was talking to a man with grey (灰白) hair at a table not far from the gate. Bill smiled at the woman and got up from his chair and walked across the room.

(1)One day Bill come to restaurant ________.

[  ]

A.to meet a young woman

B.to help a woman


D.to have the last meal of the day

(2)The young woman sat beside Bill because she wanted ________.

[  ]

A.to eat with him

B.to wait for her husband there

C.to make friends with Bill

D.Bill to help her

(3)The young woman became happier because ________.

[  ]

A.she found her money

B.Bill would help her

C.she had her meal

D.she saw her husband

(4)The woman said she would ________.

[  ]

A.return Bill's money as quickly as possible

B.go to Bill's home to return the money

C.give Bill's money back the next day

D.return Bill's money at the restaurant

(5)Bill walked across the room ________.

[  ]

A.to pay his bill

B.to: say hello to the man with grey hair

C.to meet the woman

D.to go away from the woman


My Grandpa Will Pay the Bill

   Charlie had to return to his hometown.He   1   all his money in dancing and traveling.He got into trouble and had little money to pay for his   2   .He wrote a letter to his parents,but they didn’t answer.He   3   some money from his friends and bought a ticket for the train.

    Now the young man knows his father is ill   4   and his mother has to look after him there.They didn’t   5   him at all.Their small shop was,of course,closed.

   “We’ve paid a lot of money for the   6   ,”said Charlie’s father.“I can’t give you any money now.Open our shop tomorrow and it’ll be   7   to you,I think.”

  The young man thought it reasonable(有道理的)and agreed.He   8    four pairs of shoes and got some money on the first day.The next morning,a very   9   girl came in the shop.He watched her carefully while she was   10   a pair of shoes.And then she asked,“How much are they?”

   “A kiss a pair,”   11    the smirking(嬉皮笑脸的)young man.“That’s fair(公平的),”said the girl.“I’ll   12   two pairs.”

    Charlie brought two pairs of shoes and handed them to her.And then he   13  the counter(柜台)and came up to the girl.She wasn’t   14   at all.Pointing to an old man who was standing outside,she said.“Wait a minute.My grandpa will pay the   15   !”

1.A.used               B.made            C.spent            D.planned

2.A.books             B.car               C.drinks           D.food

3.A.borrowed       B.stole             C.lent              D.found

4.A.at home          B.in hospital    C.at school        D.in town

5.A.listen to          B.hear from      C.meet with     D.look after

6.A.tickets            B.presents        C.operation      D.wine

7.A.helpful    B.friendly         C.safe              D.useless

8.A.lost               B.broke          C.produced      D.sold

9.A.short              B.pretty                  C.fat                D.healthy

10.A.choosing        B.repairing       C.washing        D.touching

11.A.asked            B.expected       C.wondered    D.answered

12.A.order            B.double          C.take             D.return

13.A.reached          B.left               C.knocked at    D.stood on

14.A.surprised      B.shy               C.pleased         D.afraid

15.A.bill               B.word            C.menu            D.show




  One day Bill went to eat at a restaurant in London. Suddenly a young woman sat down beside him. Bill could not think what she wanted. She didn't look very happy. Bill asked her what was wrong. “The problem is …,” she began. But then she stopped. She did not find it easy to tell Bill about it, it seemed.

  “My husband and I wanted to meet here for lunch at 12,” she said at last, “but he hasn't come.”

  “Why not go home now?”

  “No, I can't,” said the woman. “And I've had lunch now and I can't pay for the bill, because I haven't got any money with me.”

  “Never mind. I'll pay the bill for you. You can pay me back later,” Bill said.

  “If you give me your address, I'll send you the money as soon as I get home.” With these words, she left the restaurant.

  A few weeks later, when Bill was having lunch at another restaurant, he suddenly heard a familiar (熟悉的) voice, “Excuse me. May I just sit here for a moment?”

  Bill turned round. It was the same young woman again. This time she was talking to a man with grey hair at a table not far from the gate. Bill smiled at the woman and got up from his chair and walked across the room.

1.One day Bill came to a restaurant ________.

[  ]

A.to meet a young woman

B.to help a woman


D.to have the last meal of the day

2.The young woman sat beside Bill because she wanted ________.

[  ]

A.to eat with him

B.to wait for her husband there

C.to make friends with Bill

D.Bill to help her

3.The young woman became happy because ________.

[  ]

A.she found her money

B.Bill would help her

C.she had her meal

D.she saw her husband

4.The woman said she would ________.

[  ]

A.return Bill's money as quickly as possible

B.go to Bill's home to return the money

C.give Bill's money back the next day

D.return Bill's money at the restaurant

5.Bill walked across the room ________.

[  ]

A.to pay his bill

B.to say hello to the man with grey hair

C.to meet the woman

D.to go away from the woman

