Lucy didn’t TV last night. 查看更多



1. —Lucy, where is your mother?  —She is busy cooking in the k________.
2. I looked for my cat around the house, but I can't find it a____.
3. In ________(现代的) society, people use computers to help them finish some hard  work.
4. It is _______(奇怪的)that Tom didn't come   to school today.
5. Do you think the writer's experience____(令人惊异的)?
6. I saw a UFO_________(land) on Center Street at 10:00 last night.
7. Ted had a very _________ (usual) experience  yesterday. He saw an alien.
8. —What ________ you _______ (do) when he  arrived? —I ________(watch) TV at that time.
9. I can't imagine what ________(happen) in the  future.
10.The boy ______ (climb) the tree when the  teacher came over.

