Clark has to clean the room. Clark to clean the room. 查看更多



There are lots of rules at Selina’s school.
She agrees with some __1__ them. For example, they can’t arrive ___2___ , they can’t  run in the hallways, and they can’t eat in class. All___3___ rules are okay because they’re reasonable(合情合理的).
But there are some rules Selina___4___agree with. For example, at her school they have to wear a uniform and they can’t wear jeans. But she thinks jeans are___5___because they’re comfortable. In school, they can’t listen to music in art class. Selina doesn’t agree with this rule. She thinks ___6____ music in art crass is okay.
Selina___7___ has to follow some rules at home. For example, ___8____ she wants towatch TV, she has to finish her homework first. And she can’t go out with her friends ___9___school nights, that is, from Monday to Friday, she also has to clean her room ___10___week. Luckily, she doesn’t have to take out the trash(垃圾). She hates it.

A.listeningB.listening toC.listen to D.listen


"Mary, come and clean your room!" Mary’s mum says. Mary wants to go outside to play, so she puts (放) all the rubbish (垃圾) under her bed. "Mum, the room is clean now, "she says. "I am going outside to play now."

She runs into the garden. This is her favorite place. A small bird is on Mary’s hand. "You are a nice bird, "Mary says. "①Does your mum ask you to clean your room every day?"

"Everyone has to clean his room or his garden. If I put my rubbish all around and don’t clean it, do you have ②一个玩耍的好地方?"asks the bird.

After hearing (听到) the bird’s words, Mary runs into the house and says to her mother, "I’m sorry, Mum. ③"


1. The correct order (正确顺序) of the things is ________.

a. Mary plays in the garden.

b. Mary puts the rubbish under her bed.

c. Mum asks Mary to clean her room.

d. A bird comes and talks with Mary.

2.在第二段“This is her favorite place”句子中, "This" refers to (指的是) "Mary’s ______".

3. 将划线部分①翻译成汉语


4. 将划线部分②翻译成英语


5. 选择一个恰当的句子放在③处________

A.I’ll play with the bird every day.

B.I’ll clean my room every day.

C.I’ll do my homework every day.

D.I’ll put all the rubbish in the garden.



There are lots of rules at Selina’s school.

She agrees with some __1__ them. For example, they can’t arrive ___2___ , they can’t  run in the hallways, and they can’t eat in class. All___3___ rules are okay because they’re reasonable(合情合理的).

But there are some rules Selina___4___agree with. For example, at her school they have to wear a uniform and they can’t wear jeans. But she thinks jeans are___5___because they’re comfortable. In school, they can’t listen to music in art class. Selina doesn’t agree with this rule. She thinks ___6____ music in art crass is okay.

Selina___7___ has to follow some rules at home. For example, ___8____ she wants towatch TV, she has to finish her homework first. And she can’t go out with her friends ___9___school nights, that is, from Monday to Friday, she also has to clean her room ___10___week. Luckily, she doesn’t have to take out the trash(垃圾). She hates it.

1.                A.of             B.from    D.under


2.                A.busy           B.late            C.scary D.happy


3.                A.this            B.that            C.these


4.                A.didn’t         B.isn’t          C.don’t   D.doesn’t


5.                A.good           B.heavy          C.bad  D.expensive


6.                A.listening        B.listening to      C.listen to   D.listen


7.                A.too            B.else            C.also  D.other


8.                A.because             C.but  D.if


9.                A.on        D.with


10.               A.two            C.every D.last




      Yang Yang is not happy. She has too 1_____  rules in her house. She 2_____  to get up at  6 
o'clock. And she has to go home before 5: 30 in the afternoon because she has to 3_____ her 
homework. She can't watch TV 4_____   school nights. And she has to  5_____  in bed by 10 o'clock. 
On weekends, she has to clean her room and  6_____ her clothes. And she has to help  7_____  
mother make dinner and help her father clean the car. She  8_____  go to the movies because she has
 to do much homework. What  9_____  does she have to do? Oh, yes, she has to play the piano. She 
 10_____  has fun. Can you help her?


Dear Gina,

How are you? I feel very sad and tired.I have too many rules in my home.I have to get up at six o’clock every morning.And then I have to practice speaking English.After breakfast,I go to school.I can’t meet my friends after school.I have to help my mother with housework.I can watch TV for only thirty minutes in the evening.My parents only let me watch CCTV news.I can’t watch my favorite TV shows.(4)And I have to go to bed by 930 pm.On Sunday I have to cleans my room in the morning.Then I have to go to the library.In the  afternoon.I have to learn the guitar.In fact,I don’t have any fun.Can you help me? Please write tome soon





1.After getting up,Emily has to________________.

2.Emily can’t________________ after school.

3.On ________________she has to clean her room in the morning.




5.What does Emily feel?


