What colour are your eyes? A.It is black. B.They are black. C.They are big. 查看更多



1. The woman in the blue skirt is my mother. (就划线部分提问)
2. I can see a map on the wall. (改成一般疑问句)
3. What colour are your trousers? (写出回答)
4. What's this? It's a box. (改成复数)
5. The trees are on the hill. (就划线部分提问)
6. Who's your English teacher? (按实际情况回答)
7. I can find my bike. (改成否定句)
8. What are those? They are buses. (改成单数)
    _________________________ ________________


1. What's the time, please? Let _____ see. It's two thirty. (I)
2. Are these Lily''s shoes? Yes, they are _____. (she)
3. Is this _____ watch? (you) No, it's not _____. (I) It's _____. (Jim)
4. What colour are your _____ (shoe)? They are black.
5. What are those? They are _____ (bus). They are new _____ (one).
6. _____ is this car? (who) It's _____ (Mr. Green).


1. What colour is the sky?
2. What colour is a banana? 
3. What colour is the snow?
4. What colour are your shoes? 
5. What's your favourite colour?


(     )1. Whose shirt is this?            
(     )2. How do you do?                  
(     )3. Is she in Team Two?             
(     )4. What’s the time?               
(     )5. What row are you in?            
(     )6. Can you see a bird in the tree? 
(     )7. Who’s that girl?               
(     )8. What colour are your shoes?     
(     )9. Sit down, please.               
(     )10. Which man is your friend?      
A. Thank you.                        
B. The one in the black car.         
C. It’s eleven.                     
D. How do you do?                   
E. She’s Mr. Read’s daughter.                                 
F. They are black.                   
G. It’s Bill’s.                 
H. Yes, she is.                    
I. I’m in Row Five.                 
J. No, I can’t.                   


My shoes are black. _________?

[     ]

A. What colour is yours?
B. What about yours?
C. What about you?
D. What colour are your?

