7.Thanks. G.New 查看更多




1.How are you?

A.I'm Jim.

2.What day is it today?

B.Yes, B-L-A-C-K.

3.What's your name?

C.Hello, Miss Li.

4.Can you spell “black”?

D.I'm fine, thanks.

5.This is my teacher, Miss Li.

E.It's Tuesday.

6.How many cars are there?

F.It's green.

7.What colour is the tree?

G.Yes, I am.

8.Are you a new student here?


9.Let's play basketball after school.

I.There are two.

10.What's two and twelve?

J.Good idea!




(1)What are those in English?

[  ]

(2)Thanks very much.

[  ]

(3)Is this your pencil?

[  ]

(4)What color are the new shoes?

[  ]

(5)Who is the girl?

[  ]

(6)When is her birthday party?

[  ]

(7)How old is your father?

[  ]

(8)Happy birthday!

[  ]

(9)Does she like the photo?

[  ]

(10)How much is the birthday cake?

[  ]

A.Yes, she does.

B.My sister Rose.

C.Thank you.

D.They are pens.

E. Blank.

F. Yes, it is.

G, You're welcome.

H. 12 dollars.

I. He's thirty-nine.

J. December 15th.



(1)What are those in English?

[  ]

(2)Thanks very much.

[  ]

(3)Is this your pencil?

[  ]

(4)What color are the new shoes?

[  ]

(5)Who is the girl?

[  ]

(6)When is her birthday party?

[  ]

(7)How old is your father?

[  ]

(8)Happy birthday!

[  ]

(9)Does she like the photo?

[  ]

(10)How much is the birthday cake?

[  ]

A.Yes, she does.

B.My sister Rose.

C.Thank you.

D.They are pens.

E. Blank.

F. Yes, it is.

G, You're welcome.

H. 12 dollars.

I. He's thirty-nine.

J. December 15th.




1.What are your favourite clothes?

2.I like your skirt.

3.I like skirts.

4.Whose pants are these?

5.Is this your hat?

6.What’ s your favourite colour?

7.How many trees can you see in the picture?

8.Are they new?

9.Do you like English?

10.Thank you very much.


A.No, it isn’t. It’s too big.


C.We’re the same.

D.You’re welcome.

E. Yes, I do. Very much.

F. Yes, they’re new. They’re from my mom.

G. Shirts are my favourite clothes.

H. Red.

I. They are Li Ming’s.

J. I can see six.



Complete the following dialogues with proper sentences(选出适当的句子,完成下列对话,用A、B、C等表示)

   A.That would be great.

   B.You look great.

   C.How about Friday?

   D.Oh, I'd love to.

   E.What's up?

   F.No, thanks.

   G.What did you have in mind?

A:Hi, Janet.   1  

B:Oh, thanks, George.   2  

A:Do you want to go out on Saturday?

B:  3   But I'm busy then. I'm going out with Terry.

A:Oh.   4  

B:Well, I guess so.   5  

A:I was thinking of seeing that new movie starring Julia Roberts.

B:Cool, I love that actress.

A:Should I pick you up around seven?

B:Sure.   6  

1.(  ) 2.(  ) 3.(  ) 4.(  ) 5.(  ) 6.(  )

