根据首字母或汉语提示补全句中单词.使句子通顺.语法正确. 1.In a times.people traveled by riding horses. 2.He didn't understand French.so I offered to t for him. 3.There are many books on those s in his room. 4.After that fire.nothing r in the house. 5.The people in this village have to walk a mile to f water. 6.Lights were by Thomas Edison many years ago. 7.She is very about art. 8.The factory about 900 cars a year. 9.Can you help me my broken bike? 10.I the dish.It was delicious. 查看更多




1. Xiaoqiang is y                than Xiaoming.

2. Sam is                   (更强壮的)than Mike .

3. The monkey is t                 than the elephant.

4. ---- What’s the m                , John?  ---- I have a sore t                .

5. Did you go to the                   (公园)?

6. Mary c                  her room yesterday.

7. Tom went                  (钓鱼)yesterday .

8. ---- How do you feel?  ---- I feel e                  .

9. ---- What did you do on your holiday?   ---- I learned                     (中文).

10. I w                 my clothes yesterday.


1. Actress Zhang Ziyi was criticized because her English hadn't ______ (提高).
2. Chinese people were the first to ______ (发现) the South China Sea.
3. Drivers should be told to ______ (严格地) obey the traffic rules.
4. On March18, the Chinese government ______ (拒绝) Coca-Cola, who attempted to buy China
    Huiyuan Juice Group.
5. Chinese ______ (飞行员) Li Feng was so brave and calm that he saved the 200 million yuan airplane.
6. After the bell r______, all the students rushed out of their classrooms.
7. After the long trip, we were all tired and t______.
8. The markets around our school often p______ us with fresh vegetables.
9. Pork isn't a______ to be bought from Mexico (墨西哥) because of the swine flu (猪流感).
10. Just i______ how happy she will be if you suddenly appear before her.



1.Actress Zhang Ziyi was criticized because her English hadn’t      (提高).

2.Chinese people were the first to      (发现) the South China Sea.

3.Drivers should be told to      (严格地) obey the traffic rules.

4.On March18, the Chinese government      (拒绝) Coca-Cola, who attempted to buy China Huiyuan Juice Group.

5.Chinese      (飞行员) Li Feng was so brave and calm that he saved the 200 million yuan airplane.

6.After the bell r    , all the students rushed out of their classrooms.

7.After the long trip, we were all tired and t    .

8.The markets around our school often p     us with fresh vegetables.

9.Pork isn’t a     to be bought from Mexico (墨西哥) because of the swine flu (猪流感).

10.Just i     how happy she will be if you suddenly appear before her.


1. The f________horse can\'t be controlled. What should I do?
2. One of my f________sayings is "Where there is a will,  there is a way. "
3. The door is too narrow for the elephant to go________(通过).
4. While he was on holiday,  he________(宁愿) doing something to doing nothing.
5. The teacher explained the maths problem to the students________(耐心).


1. Mind your table manners. It is _____ (polite) to talk with your mouth full.
2. Miss Wang speaks English with excellent _____ (pronounce).
3. Tony is badly ill. We are all _____ (care) about his health.
4. J_____ is the first month of the year.
5. If you try your best, I'm sure you can a_____ your dream one day.
6. Pandas' favorite food is bamboo l_____.
7. Robert enjoys _____ (收集) stamps. And now he has 300 of them.
8. She will be the _____ (第五个) to speak at the meeting.
9. I am really sorry I was late. I just _____ (错过) the early bus this morning.
10. Nancy is _____ (在楼下). Go and find her yourself.

