用方框中所给短语的适当形式补全句子.使句子通顺.语法正确. pretend to, be willing to, take pride in, be used to, run out of , hand out, take after, cheer-up, make up, put off 1.Tom was one of the top students in his class and his parents almost everything he did. 查看更多



Learn, poetry, thought, poem, express, decide, poet, wish
     We studied    1    in school this week. I read my different kinds of    2   . Poetry is a beautiful
way to    3    feelings and     4   . I    5    I could be a great    6   . So I    7    to work hard and 
   8    some poems by heart.
1._______ 2._______ 3._______ 4._______ 5._______ 6._______ 7._______ 8._______


mother, she, meet, cousin, son, yes, friend, her, brother, is, no, sister
Dave: Hi,  Mom ! This is my good   1  , Jack.
Mom: Nice to   2   you, Jack.
Jack: Nice to meet you, too.
Dave: Jack, this is my   3  , Anna.
Anna: Nice to meet you, Jack. Is Jeff your   4  ?
Jack:   5  , he is my friend.  6    this  your sister?
Anna: No, she isn't. She is my   7    8   name is Sonia.
Jack: And this is...
Anna: Oh,   9  . is my' aunt,  Aunt Lucy. Aunt Lucy is Sonia's  10   
Jack: Nice to meet you, Aunt Lucy.
Lucy: Nice to meet you, Jack.


Learn, poetry, thought, poem, express, decide, poet, wish
     We studied__1   in school this week. I read my different kinds of   2    .Poetry is a beautiful way to    3     feelings and    4    . I __5      I could be a great   6    . So I    7    to work hard and   8     some poems by heart.    


be good for  hear of  be off  turn off  a lot of  pollution  worry about 
plant some trees  join in look after throw away
Mike: I hear you    1    to the Caribbean for a long holiday! Lucky you! But aren't you    2    the dangers 
         of such long flights on the environment?
Ken: Why should I be worried?
Mike: Planes cause    3   .
Ken: I know, but what can I do about it? I already try my best to protect the environment. I recycle,
        and I don't just    4    things if I don't want them any more. I    5     the lights when I leave a room. 
        Don't tell me we shouldn't travel by plane any more!
Mike: No, of course not. But there is something we can do about it. Have you    6    future forests 
           company? It's an environmental group that helps to    7    trees. By planting more trees, We can
           help keep the air clean, because trees    8    the environment. In this way, we can reduce the 
          dangers of pollution.
Ken: Good! So I can enjoy my holiday, and when I come back, I    9   !
Mike: That's a good idea! Maybe we can all   10    and start a small forest!


go off, take off,   run off, put off,  set off
1.  Don't _____ setting up this factory.  It's very important to our city's development.
2.  His speech was so convincing that it _____ panic across the whole country.
3.  When the policeman came here, the thief _____.
4.  By the time I got to the airport, the plane _____ already.
5.  These children had woken up before the alarm _____.

