Dear Gina. It’s Monday, October 29th.I'm really busy today! At 8:00.I have Chinese.I don’t like Chinese.It's boring.Then at 9:00 I have math.I like it very much because it's very interesting. Next, at l0:00.I have English.It’s my favorite subject.At 11:00.I have music.I like it.I think it's relaxing.I eat lunch at l2:15.After lunch.I have art It’s fun.Then I have P.E.It’s exciting.We can Play soccer.After P.E.we have history.The history teacher is strict.I go home at around 5:00. How about you? Can you tell me about your day? Love. Liu Lin 根据短信内容.填入恰当的单词完成下列句子.每空一词.71.Liu Lin Chinese. 查看更多



  It was seven o'clock on the morning of August 29th.The Kelly family were going to Brighton,a town
by the sea.  
  "Can we have breakfast 1 we leave?"asked Gina Kelly.
  "No,”said her mother. “We must leave now,or the traflic(交通)will be 2 . We'll have breakfast when
we 3 the seaside. "
  Gina ran downstairs. “I’m ready,"she said.    
  The family climbed into the 4 , and Dad started driving.In the front of the car was Mike. He was
eleven. He didn’t talk but just 5 music. In the back of the car were Gina, her mother and Ellen. Gina was
nine and Ellen was three.   
   Dad drove very fast. “You’re driving too fast,"said Mum. “You don’t have to drive so fast.It’s 6.”    
  Dad laughed and drove more slowly.There wasn’t 7 traffic , and they reached Brighton at nine
o’clock. It was a sunny day, and the sea 8 very blue.    
  "There’s a cafe,"said Gina. “Can we have breakfast there?"    
  "Yes,” said Mum. They went into the cafe,and ate a very big breakfast.   
  "Oh dear,I am full,"said Gina. “9 can I swim when I’ve got all that food inside me?”    
  "Easy,"shouted Mike. “Just watch me!”He ran towards the sea,followed by Gina happily.    
  What a(n) 10 day it was going to be!

(   )1. A. before    
(   )2. A. wonderful 
(   )3. A. move      
(   )4. A. bus      
(   )5. A. heard    
(   )6. A. late      
(   )7. A. too much 
(   )8. A. sounded  
(   )9. A. Where   
(   )10. A. exciting  

B. after      
B. safe      
B. leave    
B. car        
B. listened to  
B. great      
B. much too  
B. tasted     
B. How      
B. boring   

C. while    
C. terrible    
C. clean     
C. train      
C. listened   
C. busy      
C. too many  
C. looked    
C. Whether  
C. useful   

D. when
D. easy
D. get to
D. ship
D. heard of
D. early
D. many too
D. felt
D. Why
D.  noisy


  It was a Saturday afternoon. Mr Green was reading a newspaper when he
heard his wife crying in the next room
. He hurried to her and asked, "What
happened to you, my dear?"
  "Oh,dear!" his wife called out. "My head hurts! Send for a docto. Hurry up!"
Their two children were both out at that moment and something was wrong with
the telephone. Mr Green had to go to a hospital himself . Bad luck! That day all
the hospitals in the town were closed. Mr Green didn't know where to go. Just
then a friend of his saw him and asked,"What is the matter?"
  Mr Green told his friend. The man said,"Why not go to Mr Black? He can
help you. "
  Mr Green was told by his friend Mr Black was a good doctor. He hurried to
Mr Black. When he got there, Mr and Mrs Black were having their evening meal.
The doctor asked Mr Green to drink with him. He was happy and sat at the table.
After that they began to chat(聊天). And when Mrs Black asked," How is your
wife?" "She is fine,thank..."Mr Green stopped at once-he remembered his wife
was waiting for a doctor at home.
1. What was wrong with Mrs Green on a Saturday afternoon?
She had _____ a _____.
2. What did Mrs Green want her husband to do?
She wanted him to _____ a _____ to come at once.
3. Who helped Mr Green when he didn't know where to go?
One of _____.
4. When did Mr Green think of his wife?
He _____ think of his wife _____ Mrs Black asked him how his wife was.
5. What was Mr Green like?
He was a _____.
6. 文中画线的句子用的是什么时态?
7. 将文中画线的句子译成汉语。


 首字母填空。根据短文内容和首字母填入适当的单词,使短文意思完整。每格限填一个单词。 Dear Dad and Mum

Now I am in London. And I am writing to you in my flat.The flat is small, but very comfortable. I have my (1) o        bedroom, but I don’t have a study. I must      (2) s        one with another boy when I need to do some reading.            The(3) k        is small. But it’s just OK, because we don’t cook much food often. We have a big (4) f       . It is now (5) f        of food and drinks. And the flat has a good (6) s       . It has warm water 24 hours a day. I like it. The living room is very big. And every day, we enjoy sitting on the (7) s        and chatting about our school life. It is great fun.

Life here is (8) d     from that in China. I am learning to use a  (9) f       to have meals. But I am still not good at using (10) a  k        with my left hand.

Lots of love

(1)o__________ (2) s__________ (3) k__________ (4) f _________ (5) f__________

(6)s__________(7)s___________(8) d __________(9) f __________ (10) k________



今年暑假,李芳和家人去青岛游玩了。在她给英国的网友Gina 的邮件中,她向Gina 介绍了此次游玩的情况。假设你是李芳,请你写这封邮件给Gina 。要求:使用一般过去时;60 词左右。
Dear Gina, 
  How was your vacation?  Please write back to me.
                                                             Li Fang


Dear Connie,
  Thanks for your last letter. Everything is OK here now. I am _1__ to know that everything is going well with you. 2__also for the photos. Linda looks healthier and 3_ than before.
  It is very hot here now, but it sometimes 4_. We love the rains very much. We are _5_ our stay here. I am now studying in a 6__ school. There are more __7_ and students in this school than in my school in England. My teachers and classmates are all very _8_ to me.
  Time goes so quickly. I am having new experience all the time. It is difficult to _9 Chinese. But I am making progress _10_ the help of my teachers and classmates.
  The summer holiday is __11_. Here in Jinan the summer holiday usually __12__ about two months. So I'II be free for over sixty days. I hope you and Linda could __13__ to Jinan for a __14_. Then I can show you _15__ the famous “Spring City” in China.
  Love to you and Linda.


1 A. glad       B. angry       C. surprised         D. sad

2 A. Thanks     B. Ask        C. Hope            D. Wish

3A. slower     B. taller       C. shorter           D. smaller

4 A. floods      B. winds      C. snows            D. rains

5 A. fond       B. disliking     C. enjoying          D. hating

6 A. shorter     B. taller       C. smaller           D. bigger

7 A. libraries     B. teachers     C. buildings          D. classrooms

8 A. rough      B. friendly     C. unfriendly         D. rude

9 A. know      B. find         C. learn             D. see

10 A. as         B. under       C. by               D. with

11 A. finished     B. coming       C. going             D. over

12 A. takes      B. spends        C. lasts             D. costs

13 A. run        B. walk         C. go              D. come

14A. sight        B. visit         C. job              D. work

15A. around      B. to           C. for              D. visit


