39.Which box is .this one or that one? A.heavier B.heavyer C.more heavy D.heavy 查看更多



1.Where was Tony born?
2.What is the most dangerous sport?
3.What will they do next?
4.Who is Tom?
5. Which box is the heaviest of all?
A. The white one.
B. The black one.
C. The brown one.
6. How did Lily go to school this morning?
A. By bus.
B. By bike.
C. On foot.
7. How many people are there in Peter's family?
A. Four.
B. Five.
C. Six.
8. Whose school has the most teachers?
A. Peter's
B. Jack's
C. Lily's
9. What did the man ask the woman to do?
A. He asked her to get him a magazine.
B. He asked her to get him some bread.
C. He asked her to get him some Coke.
10. Why didn't the girl catch the plane?
A. She didn't set out early.
B. She didn't know the way to the airport.
C. The traffic was too heavy.
11. What will they do on holiday?
A. Go climbing
B. Go hiking
C. They haven't decided.
12. What can we learn about Bill?
A. He's fine.
B. He needs to have more rest.
C. He has to stay with a doctor.
13. What can we know about Li Lei?
A. He's friendly and helpful.
B. He likes playing footbal1.
C. He wants to be a doctor.
14. Which is cheaper, meat or vegetables?
A. Meat
B. Vegetables
C. Both
15. When did the plane arrive at the airport?
A. At 7:20
B. At 7:00
C. At 7:40


1. At what time does the post office open?
[     ]
A. 7:45
B. 8:00
C. 8:15
2. What day is it today?
[     ]
A. Monday
B. Tuesday
C. Wednesday
3. Which box is the heavier of the two?
[     ]
A. The white one.
B. The black one.
C. The brown one.
4. How much does the beef cost?
[     ]
A. 12 yuan.
B. 24 yuan.
C. 6 yuan.
5. Who has the most sweets?
[     ]
A. Daniel.
B. Simon.
C. Peter.
6. How did Lily go to school this morning?
[     ]
A. By bus.
B. By bike.
C. On foot.


1. What day is it tomorrow?
[     ]
A. Monday.
B. Tuesday.
C. Wednesday.
2. Which box is the heaviest of all?
[     ]
A. The white one.
B. The black one.
C. The brown one.
3. How much will the man spend on the beef?
[     ]
A. 24 yuan.
B. 12 yuan.
C. 6 yuan.
4. Who has the most sweets?
[     ]
A. Daniel.
B. Simon.
C. Peter.
5. How did Lily go to school this morning?
[     ]
A. By bus.
B. By bike.
C. On foot.


1.I don't understand what they are saying because they speak too____(quick).
2.Which watch is____(beautiful),this one or that one?
3.She is writing the letter      (careful).
4.-What's your father?  
-He is a____(cook).
5.I feel      (comfort),because I am ill.
6.Everyone will       (send)their homework to the  teachers by email.
7.There      (be)a computer on every desk in the future.
8.I am going to____  (revise)for my test.
9.Planes will be very large so____(fly)will be very  cheap.
10.-Would you like to go to see the new film Hero?    
-That sounds       (interest).


1. They can plant _____ ( hundred) of trees every year.
2. —Is Beijing _____ ( hot) than Wuhan?
    —No, it isn't.
3. the building here is rnuch _____ ( high) than that one.
4. Washington D. C. and New York are big _____ (city) on the east coast of the USA.
5. The town _____ ( have) a population of 2 thousand people.
6. An elephant is _____ ( heavy) and _____ ( strong) than a sheep.
7. My classroom is bigger than _____ ( she).
8. Which problem is _____ ( easy), this one or that one?

