(三)录音中有一段对话和五个问题.听对话和问题2遍.然后从每小题A.B.C.中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案. ( )11.A.She is carrying some milk. B.She is going to feed the cow. C.She is going to milk the cow. ( )12.A.He is making a tree house. B.He is looking for James. C.He is helping Annie milk the cow. ( )13.A.Yes.She is free now. B.No.She is busy with some washing. C.Yes.She can do that after finishing the washing. ( )14.A.Milking the cow. B.Picking apples. C.Doing some washing. ( )15.A.In an hour in the playhouse. B.In half an hour in the tree house. C.In an hour in the playground. 查看更多




1.A.It's raining.                           B.It's windy.                      C.It's sunny.

2.A.By bus.                                B.By bike.                         C.By car.

3.A.One kilometre.                      B.Two kilometres.              C.Three kilometres.

4.A.She hurt her left leg.              B.She hurt her right leg.   C.She hurt her left arm.

5.A.At 2:00.      B.At 1:45.       C.At 2:15.



1.A.No. 5.                 B.No. 15.              C.No. 25.

2.A.The traffic is bad.    B.Every place is crowded.

   C.It has many old buildings.

3.A.He's a student.

   B.He just arrived at this city.

   C.He also goes to the National Palace Museum.

4.A.To see an exhibition(展览).  B.To meet her friend.

   C.To visit her son.

5.A.On a bus.              B.At a bus stop.       C.At a train station.


1. Where are Lily's parents?
A. They are in their bedroom.
B. They are in Lily's bedroom.
C. They are at Lily's uncle's home.
2. What is Lily's computer like?
A. It's new.
B. It's old.
C. It doesn't work.
3. What does Bob use the computer to do?
A. Send an email.
B. Play games.
C. Do his homework.
4. Which country is Bob's mother in now?
A. England.
B. America.
C. China.
5. Which of the following sentences is RIGHT according to the passage?
A. Bob is Lily's brother.
B. Bob doesn't have a computer.
C. Lily's computer is in her bedroom.


(     )1. A. Shirley         
(     )2. A. At the desk.      
(     )3. A. Talking to a customer.
(     )4. A. At 10:30.        
(     )5. A. 3.              
B. Helen.     
B. At the gate.  
B. Counting money.
B. At 5:00.    
B. 6.        
C. Bill                  
C. At home.              
C. Working on the compuer.
C. At 4:30.              
C. 7.                    


(     )1. A. Victor.          
(     )2. A. At home.           
(     )3. A. To give him a ticket.
(     )4. A. 7183369.          
(     )5. A. 4:40.           
B. Jim.       
B. In the cinema. 
B. To play soccer.
B. 7188369.    
B. 6:00.     
C. Mrs. Green.       
C. Out playing soccer.
C. To see a film.    
C. 7183669.          
C. 7:00.             

