Ⅰ.听句子.从每小题A.B.C三个选项中选出所听到的词语. 1.A.paper money B.robots C.computer 2.A.a tutor B.a teacher C.a tourist 3.A.serious B.scared C.safe 4.A.hard-worker B.work-hard C.hard-working 5.A.take it out B.take it away C.take it off Ⅱ.听句子.从每小题A.B.C三个选项中选出恰当的应答语. 6.A.Yes.it will. B.Yes.it does. C.No.it doesn’t. 7.A.Ask her tot urn it on. B.Ask her to turn it up. C.Ask her to turn it down. 8.A.In the library. B.In the barber shop. C.At the gym. 9.A.You can copy my homework. B.I am luky. C.My teacher said it was boring. 10.A.Let’s have it today. B.Half the class won’t come. C.You can’t do that. Ⅲ.听对话和问题.从每小题A.B.C三个选项中选出正确答语. 11.A.Yes.she think so. B.No.she doesn’t think so. C.There will be less pollution. 12.A.His clothes are not in style. B.He should buy some new clothes. C.His clothes are in style. 13.A.She was eating ice-cream. B.She was standing in front of the Center Store. C.She was in the UFO. 14.A.Lana. B.Mary. C.Marcia. 1 5.A.On Saturday. B.On Friday. C.On Sunday. 查看更多




1.(  ) 2.(  ) 3.(  ) 4.(  ) 5.(  )



6.Bob has changed a lot.

7.Now Tina has long hair.


8.Jim and Alice have to stay at home on school nights.

9.They are allowed to go out on Saturday nights.

10.They are talking outside the classroom at the school.



11.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Joe’s problem.

B.Mr.Andrews’ problem.

C.Mrs.Wilson’s problem.

12.What is the relationship(关系)between the two speakers?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Mother and son.

C.Parent and teacher.


13.How does Mary feel about her new neighbors?

A.She doesn’t like them.

B.She’s mad about their son.

C.She feels silly to talk with them.

14.Which of the following is Mary most worried about?

A.Her children can not get enough sleep.

B.Her new neighbors’ radio makes great noises.

C.She doesn’t know how to deal with her neighbors’ son.

15.What suggestion does the man make?

A.Mary should call up her neighbors to complain.

B.Mary should talk with her neighbors about the problem.

C.Mary should try her best to get her children to sleep early.








[  ]






[  ]


B.Mark Twain.

C.Thomas Edison.

D.Jacques Cousteau.


[  ]

A.By train.

B.By boat.

C.By plane.

D.By bus.


[  ]






[  ]

A.She didn't want to lend her eraser.

B.She hasn't got an eraser.

C.She didn't hear him clearly.

D.She felt sorry for the man.



[  ]

A.Tom and Jack have already seen the film.

B.Tom hasn't seen the film, but Jack has seen it.

C.Jack hasn't seen the film, but Tom has seen it.

D.Neither Tom nor Jack has seen the film.


[  ]

A.There is nothing in the box.

B.There are a few books in the box.

C.There is a box in the house.

D.There is little water in the bottle.


[  ]

A.The girl isn't ill and she can go to school.

B.The girl will go to work in a week.

C.The girl is too weak to go to school.

D.The girl is strong enough to go to school.


[  ]

A.Jim could eat up all the fruits.

B.Jim could eat only some of the fruits.

C.Jim didn't like the fruits at all.

D.Jim didn't feel like eating the fruits.


[  ]

A.It took him thirty minutes to buy this pair of shoes.

B.He paid thirty yuan for the trousers.

C.This pair of shoes cost him thirty yuan.

D.He wanted to buy this pair of shoes, but he had only thirty yuan.


16.A guide is talking to the tourists.

(  )

17.The tourists are on the way to London.

(  )

18.People in London don't like to help foreign tourists.

(  )

19.People working there often have a lot of time visiting the museum.

(  )

20.There are many parks and gardens in the city.

(  )




1.A.Yes, please.

B.Good idea.

C.Of course, it is.

2.A.Certainly you are.

B.Sure.Hold on, please.

C.I’ll do that.

3.A.Oh, they are over there.

B.I’m glad you’ve found it.

C.Go straight and turn left.

4.A.OK, I will.

B.Yes, I think so.

C.Good for you.

5.A.Never mind.

B.You are welcome.

C.I’m sorry.


6.When will Mrs White come back?

A.Right now.

B.Quite soon.

C.At four.

7.What sport does the woman like?




8.What does the woman prefer to do?

A.To see the new play.

B.To do some shopping.

C.To visit the museum.

9.What are the man and woman doing?

A.They are looking for a CD player in a shop.

B.They are learning how to press the button.

C.The man is teaching the woman how to use the CD player.

10.Why was Frank on the news last night?

A.He walked along the beach at night.

B.He swam alone in the cold water.

C.He got the boy out of water and saved him.


11.Where could the dialogue happen?

A.In a shop.

B.In a library.

C.In a hospital.

12.Why did the young man go to see the doctor?

A.He didn’t know where to begin his talk.

B.He felt difficult to fall asleep.

C.He felt unhappy most of the day.

13.How long has the young man been ill?

A.For about two years.

B.For about three weeks.

C.For about six months.

14.In what season did the young man feel worse?

A.In Spring.

B.In Autumn.

C.In winter.

15.What did the doctor ask the young man to do?

A.To take some medicine.

B.To burn away his worries.

C.To take more exercises.


16.What happened to the three boys in a cold day?

A.They lost their way.

B.They couldn’t find the big house.

C.They had to spend the night in the open air.

17.What did the three boys ask the farmer to do?

A.To give them some water and food.

B.To let them stay in his house for a night.

C.To tell them the way to walk out of the forest.

18.Why did one of the boys have to sleep in the big house?

A.The farmer didn’t like the third boy.

B.One of the boys made a loud noise when he slept.

C.There wasn’t enough room in the farmer’s house.

19.Who was the first to sleep with the horses?




20.Why were all the horses outside at the house door?

A.Because someone drove them out of the house.

B.Because the smell in the big house was really terrible.

C.Because the horses didn’t like to stay with people at night.




1.A.You're welcome. B.That's all right. C.Thank you!

2.A.It's Saturday. B.It's 9∶02. C.It's June 14th.

3.A.Never mind. B.You're right. C.Why not?

4.A.Bad Luck. B.I don't agree. C.I'm afraid not.

5.A.Please be quick. B.Oh, sorry. C.Good idea.


6.What’s the weather like today?

7.What sport does Eric like best?

8.Which glass is Amy's drink?

9.Where are they talking now?

A.In a hospital. B.At a school. C.At home.

10.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.A painting. B.A book. C.A person.


11.What's the relationship(关系)between the two speakers?

A.Friends. B.Passengers. C.Relatives.

12.How many flights did the woman take before this one?

A.Once. B.Twice. C.Never.

13.Which city does the plane fly to?

A.New York. B.Paris. C.Sydney.

14.What does the man fly to Australia for?

A.To see his grandson. B.For a holiday. C.On business.

15.When does the conversation happen?

A.Before the plane takes off.

B.While the plane is flying.

C.When the plane nearly lands.


(     )1.A.Nice to meet you, too.   
(     )2.A.It's Friday.             
(     )3.A.OK. Here you are.        
(     )4.A.I have a toothache.       
(     )5.A.Yes, sure.              
(     )6.A.You'll have a good time. 
(     )7.A.I hope so.               
(     )8.A.How do you like them?  
B.How are you?                
B.It's June, 20th.         
B.Yes. It's on Center Street.
B.I'm sorry to hear that.    
B.Yes, you can.              
B.Let's have it today.      
B.Somewhere relaxing.         
B.Never mind.    
C.I'm fine, thanks.                  
C.It's ten thirty.                 
C.Please hurry up.                   
C.You should see a dentist.         
C.Sorry, you can't.               
C.If you do, you'll be late.    
C.Good idea.                        
C.Well, I don't agree with

