29.Write your answers English.Don’t write Chinese. A.in,it,in B.with,it,in C.with,them,with D.in,them,in 查看更多




Ted worked in a factory, but he was not very good, He 1               (lose) his job. One

day, while he was sitting on the sofa and watching TV, his wife came in with a newspaper in her hand and said," One of the banks wants a guard. "

   " I′m going there tomorrow," Ted said ," and I2        (ask) for that job. It's quite an easy one and I am quite strong. "

   The next morning he went to the bank at half past nine and said," I would like 3       (have) the job here. The guard's job. "

   A man gave him a piece of paper. There were a lot of questions on it. "Please 4         (write) your answers under the questions," the man said to Ted.

   One of the questions was," Have you ever been in prison (监狱) ?"   

Ted smiled happily and wrote" No" under this question.

Then he looked at the next question. It was "Why?"

He 5     "(think) for a long time and then he wrote," Because the police have never caught me.


“Write your answers in the blank ________”, said the teacher.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.


A good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in the year, You may fail in an exam if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the exam. If you are taking an exam, don't only learn rules of grammar (语法规则) . Try to read stories in English and speak in English whenever you can. A few days before the exam, you should start going to bed early. Do not stay up late at night to study and learn things. Before you start the exam, read carefully over the question paper. Try to understand the exact meaning of each question before you pick up your pen to write. When you have at last finished your exam, read over your answer. Correct any mistakes which you see and make sure that you have not missed anything out.


1.The best way to pass an exam is not to work hard all the year around.

2.You should read lots of English stories whenever you can.

3.You should go to bed early every night.

4.You should read over the question paper very carefully before you begin to  answer it.

5.You should check your answers when you finish the paper.



     What is your favorite English letter? Many of you may say QQ. Why? Because so many of you chat with
your friends on QQ. What do you like about QQ? What do you talk about? The CCTV reporter, Miss Wang,
interviews three kids. Let's listen to what they say. 
     When do you chat on QQ? What do you talk about?
     Lin Yuhan, Xi'an: On weekends. We talk about homework and chat with each other.
     Tang Xuting, Shanghai: At weekends and when I don't have much homework. We exchange test answers
and chat.
     Yang Yuhang, Dalian: Our class goes online together at 4-6 pm on weekends. We complain about
homework, chat an talk about computer games.
     What do you put on your QQ blog (博客)?
     Lin: I put good articles I have found online on my blog. I also write articles myself. They are about funny
things that have happened in my class.
     Tang: I put pictures on my blog. Not my own photos, but pictures from my favorite Japanese cartoons
(动画片) like Tennis Prince and Conan.
     Yang: I put DV films on my blog. I shoot (拍摄) them during sports meetings and school parties. The most
popular one is about a dancing teacher. It is so funny that everyone watches it.
     How do you like QQ?
     Lin: It's a good space for us to make a record of our lives, of both good times and sad times.
     Tang: My friends and I may not have time to chat at school. But we can do it on QQ. It isvery helpful to
our friendships.
     Yang: If you chat with friends on the telephone, your parents sometimes listen in on your conversation.
There's no such problem with QQ You can relax and talk freely.
1. How many kids are interviewed about QQ?
A. Nine.
B. Six.
C. Three.
D. Two.
2. come from Shanghai.
A. Miss Wang
B. Lin Yuhan
C. Yang Yuhang
D. Tang Xuting
3. What does Yang Yuhang talk about on QQ on weekends?
    ①homework   ②chat   ③test answers   ④computer games
A. ①②     
B. ②③
C. ①②④    
D. ②③④
4. What does Lin Yuhan put on her QQ blog?
A. Some pictures.
B. Good articles.
C. DV films.
D. Japanese cartoons.
5. Which one is TRUE according to this article?
A. Lin says QQ is very helpful to their friendships.
B. Yang says he can Chat freely with many friends and relax on QQ.
C. Tang says QQ is a good 8pace for them to make a record of their lives.
D. Tang says he chats on QQ on weekdays though he has lots of homework.


Do you want to do well in exams? Sometimes your knowledge is not enough, you also need good strategies. Here are some for you:

●Before you answer the questions, if you feel a little nervous, take a few deep breaths to help you relax.

●Always read the question carefully and make sure that you understand it. Read it a few times if possible.

●Find out how much each question is worth or how many points you need.

●If it asks to give one answer, only write one.
  ●If there is a difficult question, don’t worry. Go on to the next question and come back to it if you have time later.

●Try not to leave questions unanswered when you finish the test. Sometimes a guess may get you points.

●When you finish, go back and check your answers. You will need to check your writing for spelling mistakes.

41. From the passage, we know we can _____ to help ourselves relax if we feel a little nervous.

A. tell ourselves not to be nervous           B. ask the teacher for help

C. go out for a walk              D. take a few deep breaths
42. To make sure we understand the question, we had better __________.

A. read it fast               B. read it till we finish it

C. read it a few times if possible             D. read it slowly

43. When we finish answering all the questions, we need to _________.

A. hand in at once          B. check spelling mistakes

C. worry about our points            D. check with classmates

44. The underlined word “strategies” in the passage means __________.

A. 策略        B. 思维           C. 途径             D. 智慧

45. Which of the following is NOT RIGHT according to the passage?

A. Find out how many points we need or how much each question is worth.

B. Try not to leave questions unanswered when we finish the test.

C. If it asks to give one answer, we’d better write more.

D. Sometimes we should guess the answers to get points.

