17.( ) to bring your homework tomorrow! A.Not forget B.Aren’t forget C.No forget D.Don’t forget 查看更多



The Guidance Department (教导处)at Berryville High School has a staff of eleven teachers. Most of their work is done with the students. But the staff sees a lot of parents, too.
“Parents meetings make clear monthly diagram(图表).”says Mildred Freman, head of the Guidance. “This diagram stays much the same from year to year. The busy months are October, March and May. ”
September, the beginning of a new school year, starts rather slowly. Few parents come in. Most of these want to talk about the schedules. October brings many problems caused by some students. Some parents are called in. Others come by themselves. Things quiet down in November. December is a quiet month. “It’s the holiday. ”Ms Foreman says, “People want to come in, I know, but they decide to wait until after New Year’s Day.”
Report cards go home just before Christmas holidays. Bad marks bring parents in as school opens again. This happens again in March, another report card month. May is always the year’s busiest month. That’s when parents begin to think that their children may be asked to stay in the same grade again. They come in to see if anything can be done before things are decided in June.
【小题1】The teachers in the Guidance Department usually ______.

A.do most of their work for the students
B.answer all the questions from parents
C.help other teachers get along with students and parents  
D.only bring report cards to students and parents
【小题2】In December parents usually ______.
A.stay at home with their children for their holidays
B.wait for the teachers to bring report cards to their children
C.wouldn’t like to visit the teachers in the Guidance Department
D.let teachers have a good rest during their holidays
【小题3】Why do some parents come to school in March? Because ______.
A.they want to see their children’s teachers after Christmas holidays
B.they are called by the teachers of Guidance Department
C.bad marks have them do it
D.it’s the beginning of a new school year
【小题4】Which of the following is Right?
A.In June the school decides who will stay in the same grade again.
B.Almost all the parents come to meet Mildred Foreman every month.
C.April is also the second busiest month for the staff.
D.The parents help to do most of the work for the staff.


Long ago, in a small village of Wakefield lived two farmers, Harry and Peter. Harry was very hard working while Peter was            , Every day Harry got up early and came home late, but Peter walked around for fun.

    One summer there was no            and the crops(庄稼)were dying. Harry thought, “I must do something to save these crops, or they shall die.” With this            in mind, he went out to find a river so that he could dig a canal (沟渠) to his field. He walked on and on, feeling tired and thirsty. After a            search, he found a river full of blue water. He was very happy. He started digging a canal to his field.            it was noon his wife sent their daughter to bring Harry home           lunch. But Harry did not go. He did not want to leave his work unfinished. He completed his work            at night. He was very satisfied.

  He went home and had a good meal and           into a sound sleep.

  Peter did the same. But he was not at all determined (有决心的). He also            digging a canal to his field but he didn't have his work completed. His field did not get            water and all his crops died.

  Harry’s field would be watered when needed. He had a good harvest because of his hard work.

1.A. cruel                B.1azy                 C. careless  

2.A. rain                B. wind                 C. cloud  

3.A. dream              B. problem              C. thought

4.A. quick              B. long                  C. slow   

5.A. When              B. Although              C. Unless

6.A. to                 B. for                   C. with  

7.A. early               B. late                  C. deep

8.A. fell                B. looked                C. turned  

9.A. stopped             B. forgot                C. started

10.A. clean              B. fresh                 C. enough



Dear Annie,
I have never written a letter to a newspaper before, I have just never felt the need to do such a thing. I have always felt I was quite able to do everything by myself. But now I know I was wrong.
Sometimes you really need help in life, I guess. And that’s why I’m writing this letter to you.
I have a happy family. I love my children and they love me . I’m a mother of three children. I know well how to bring up (带大)children, and two of them are already over twenty, so it is nothing new for me.
But now I have a serious problem:the Internet problem. My little son is just sixteen, and I feel he should do a lot of homework now , but he doesn’t seem to be interested in it . He can happily spend six or eight hours at a time on the Tnternet every day , He chats with pelple that he has never met before , but speaks little to us .He does lots of useless things on the Internet. And he sees red if you ask him to do his homework.
I just want him to be a good student . Now he seldomdoes his lessons at home. I’m afraid he will drop behind in his class soon. His father is a doctor , a very kind man . He never seems to be afraid of his father.
What can I do ?And don’t tell to talk to him. We’ve tried that and it didn’t work. But this is really a big problem in our family. I have tried everything I can think of . I
wonder how the Internet is so attractive(有吸引力的).You’re my last hope. Please tell me what I can do!
Ellen Smith
(   )【小题1】 Mrs Snith wrote to Annie because       .
A.she often asked others for help
B.she thought she was a great mother
C.she didn’t know how to stop his son surfing the Internet
D.she didn’t know how the Internet was so attractive
(   ) 【小题2】What might NOT Mrs Smith’s son do on the Internet?                        
A.Send e-mails to his friendsB.Prepare for his lessons
C.Chat with strange peopleD.Read the news
(   ) 【小题3】 What does the phrase “he sees red”mean in this passage?                   
A.He feels sorryB.He feels happy
C.He becomes frightenedD.He becomes angry
(   ) 【小题4】 What do you think of Mr.Smith?                   
A.An irresponsible(不负责任的)father who nerver taught his son
B.A very excellent doctor who was busy with his work and had no time to teach
his son
C.A very kind man who loved his son
D.A man who always made his son be afraid of him but failed


 Laboratory work is your chance to learn science firsthand. It can be fun but you must be careful to prevent injury. Listen closely when your teacher reads and explains the rules before your first lab lesson.


    Throughout the lesson

    ·Do not enter the science lab without the teacher’s permission.·No food or drinks are to be alowed in the science lab.

    Before the Experiment

    ·Read al instructions carefuly before every experiment.

    ·Prepare al apparatus(仪器)and arrange them so that you wil not knock them over while doing the experiment.

    During the Experiment

    ·If you are unsure of how to use any apparatus or how to operate, ask your teacher for help.·Never smel or taste chemicals unless your teacher gives permission.

    After the Experiment

    ·Wash al apparatus after use and return them to the places where they were.

    ·Throw waste materials in proper waste baskets.    First Aid    

    ·Report al accidents to your teacher immediately.

    ·If you spil( 溅 出 )any chemicals onto your body or clothing, wash with plenty of water and report to your teacher.

   1. Your teacher wil probably tel you the rules above _____ the first lab lesson.

    A. before     B. since    C. during    D. after

2. Before every experiment, you should _____.

    A. taste the chemicals first

    B. clean al the apparatus

    C. read al instructions carefuly

    D. report al the accidents to the teacher

  3. When you are not sure how to use al apparatus, _____.

    A. try them on your own

    B. read the rules carefuly

    C. ask your teacher for help

    d. put them back

 4. It is clear that you can _____.

    A.  bring food into the lab

    B. enter the lab anytime

    C. smel chemicals as you like

    D. learn science directly in the lab

    5. If you get chemicals on the clothing, you can find ways to solve it in the part _____.

    A. Before the Experiment

    B. First Aid

    C. During the Experiment

    D. After the Experiment



 Laboratory work is your chance to learn science firsthand. It can be fun but you must be careful to prevent injury. Listen closely when your teacher reads and explains the rules before your first lab lesson.
Throughout the lesson
·Do not enter the science lab without the teacher’s permission.·No food or drinks are to be alowed in the science lab.
Before the Experiment
·Read al instructions carefuly before every experiment.
·Prepare al apparatus(仪器)and arrange them so that you wil not knock them over while doing the experiment.
During the Experiment
·If you are unsure of how to use any apparatus or how to operate, ask your teacher for help.·Never smel or taste chemicals unless your teacher gives permission.
After the Experiment
·Wash al apparatus after use and return them to the places where they were.
·Throw waste materials in proper waste baskets.    First Aid    
·Report al accidents to your teacher immediately.
·If you spil( 溅 出 )any chemicals onto your body or clothing, wash with plenty of water and report to your teacher.
【小题1】 Your teacher wil probably tel you the rules above _____ the first lab lesson.
【小题2】 Before every experiment, you should _____.
A.taste the chemicals first
B.clean al the apparatus
C.read al instructions carefuly
D.report al the accidents to the teacher
【小题3】 When you are not sure how to use al apparatus, _____.
A. try them on your own
B. read the rules carefuly
C. ask your teacher for help
d. put them back
【小题4】 It is clear that you can _____.
A.bring food into the lab
B.enter the lab anytime
C.smel chemicals as you like
D.learn science directly in the lab
【小题5】 If you get chemicals on the clothing, you can find ways to solve it in the part _____.
A.Before the Experiment
B.First Aid
C.During the Experiment
D.After the Experiment

