(二)单句理解:听录音.选出与你所听到的句子意思相同或相近的选项.每个句子朗读两遍. 6.A. I want to have supper. B.It's time to have supper. C.I must go to the restaurant. 7.A.The strange man has an eye and an ear. B.The strange man has eyes but no ears. C.The strange man has no eyes and no ears. 8.A.There isn’t anything in the room. B.The room isn’t full. C.The room is small. 9.A.Can I help you? B.I want some help. C.You can give me some help. 10.A.She wants to know the policeman. B.She is the policeman’s friend. C.She asks the policeman to help her. 查看更多



(     )1. A. My father is busy every day.
           B. My father is busy on Sunday.
           C. My father is free every day.
           D. My father is free on Sunday.
(     )2. A. The movie theater is beside the school.
           B. The movie theater is in the school.
           C. The movie theater is far from the school. 
           D. Let's buy some tickets in the movie theater near the school.
(     )3.  A. Jimmy does well in English. 
            B. Jimmy studies English hard.
            C. Jimmy is good at English.
            D. Jimmy's favorite subject is English.
(     )4. A. The history class started at 8:13.
           B. The history class began at half past eight.
           C. The English class began at 8:30.
           D. The Chinese class started at 8:30.
(     )5. A. It took him thirty minutes to buy this pair of glasses.
           B. He paid thirty yuan for the gloves.
           C. This pair of glasses cost him thirty yuan.
           D. He wanted to buy this pair of glasses, but he had noly thirty yuan.


(     )1. A. My friend and I are old.    
(     )2. A. I would like to see your
(     )3. A. I have nothing to do.  
(     )4. A. The first box is heavier.   
(     )5. A. The sun is the biggest of
                 the three.
B. My friend is older than I. 
B. Nice to meet your parents.
B. I have time on Saturday.        
B. The second box is lighter.
B. The moon is bigger than 
    the earth.
C. I am older than my friend.   
C. Your parents are ill in hospital.
C. I have time on Sunday. 
C. The second box is heavier than 
    the first one.
C. The earth is bigger than the su


(     )1.  A. Your books are
             on the sofa.               
(     )2.  A. Where's the lost
            and found case?          
(     )3.  A. Do you have a
            volleyball, Barry?          
(     )4.  A. Please read aloud
                 in class.               
(     )5.  A. My aunt took us
       out to the park last week.
B. What's your
    telephone number?                      
B. The buses are dirty
  and crowded when it rains.     
B. In the future, humans
  will have less work to do.   
B. Could I invite my friends
    to the party on Saturday?
B. Running star Sandra Clark
    eats lots of healthy food.
C.  Rick takes the number 17
    bus to his company every morning.   
C.  I need to take the video tape
    back to the store after school.
C.  Come and buy your clothes at
      Huaxing's great sale!           
C.  Our readers want to know
     something about famous people.      
C.  Why not come over to my home
     on  Wednesday evening?           





             A                     B                   C                    D                     E                    F
1.______ 2. ______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

