3.一What’s the p of China? 一About l.3 billion. 查看更多



A: (1) over there?

B: Where?

A: Over there, (2) the floor under the desk .

B: Let’s go and see. Oh, it‘s a new watch. It looks (3) yours.

A: Is it a black one? My watch is (4).

B: No, it’s a white one.

A: I know it‘s Jim’s. Jim can‘t find (5) watch.

B: Let’s go and ask (6). Hi, Jim. (7)?

C: (8). I can‘t find my watch.

B: Is your watch a white one like this?

C: Let me see. Yes, it’s (9).

B: Here you are.

C: Thank you (10).

B: That‘s all right.

(  )1.a.Who’s that   b.What‘s that  c.How is that

(  )2.a.on       b.in c.over

(  )3.a.at       b.after c.like

(  )4.a.a black    b.black c.the black

(  )5.a.his      b.her c.my 

(  )6.a.them      b.him c.her

(  )7.a.What’s that  b.Who‘s that   c.What’s the time

(  )8.a.Ok       b.Sorry c.Right

(  )9.a.mine      b.hers c.his    

(  )10.a.very     b.much c.very much


A: Good morning, madam.   
B: 1________   
A: Well, I'll try. What's the problem?   
B: 2________    
A: I see. Well, we must get it down.   
B: 3________    
A: By sending one of our police around to your house.   
B: 4________    
A: Oh, I think so.   
B: 5________    
A:  How will you do that?   
B:  Oh, it is 21 Oxford Street.   
C:  It's my cat, Jennifer. She went up a tree, and she couldn't get down.   
D:  Hello, could you help me?   
E:  OK. Thank you.   
F:  Will he be able to help?   
G:  Good morning, sir.


      The story happened in a street in an English town. A policeman stops a car. In the car there is a visitor
from another country.   
      Policeman (holding up his hand): Stop!   
      Visitor (in car): What's the matter?   
      Policeman: Why are you driving on the right side of the road?   
      Visitor: Do you want me to drive on the wrong side?   
      Policeman: You are driving on the wrong side.   
      Visitor: But you said that I was driving on the right side.   
      Policeman: That's right. You're on the right. And that's wrong.   
      Visitor: A strange country! If right is wrong, I'm right when I'm on the wrong side. So why did you
                  stop me?   
      Policeman: My dear sir, you must keep to the left. The right side is the left.   
      Visitor: It's like a looking-glass. I'll try to remember. Well, I want to go to Bellwood. Will you kindly
                 tell me the way?   
      Policeman: Certainly. At the end of this road, turn left.   
      Visitor: Now let me think. Turn left! In England left is right, and right is wrong. Am I right?   
      Policeman: You'll be right if you turn left. But if you turn right, you will be wrong.   
      Visitor: Thank you. It's as clear as daylight.
判断句子是否与短文内容相符,符合的写T, 否则写F。   
______1. The visitor is driving on the left side of the road.   
______2.The policeman stops him because he is driving on the right side of the road.   
______3. In England you must keep to the left.   
______4. The visitor will keep to the right and turn left.   
______5. The visitor will keep to the left and turn left to get to Bellwood.


1. The bags on _____ (销售) are fifteen yuan each.
2. My sister likes to go to that _____ (服装) store to buy clothes.
3. The boy in _____ (白色的), not the one in black, is his cousin.
4. You can buy the shirt for eight _____ (美元) or twenty RMB yuan.
5. They _____ (卖) the soccer balls for only ¥40.
6. Green, yellow, black and red are all c____.
7. The white pants are too s____ for Jim, but the black pants are too long for him.
8. Come and see for y____ at Xingfu Clothes Store.
9. —What's the p____ of this bird?  
    —It's 100 yuan.


1. You should eat lots of v_______ and fruit to be healthy.
2. -What's the p             of sweater?-It's $25.
3. They are talking a________ the movies and the movie stars.
4. David brushes his t____________ and takes a shower in the morning.
5. I am usually t_______on Friday, because I have volleybal1class for two hours in the club.

