32.-Where is Tina? -She . A.likes football B.often plays soccer C.is playing soccer 查看更多



--I don't know _________ now.

  --Her mother says she is much better.

  A. what is she    B. where is she   C. who is she  D. how she is




--I don't know _________ now.

  --Her mother says she is much better.

  A. what is she    B. where is she   C. who is she  D. how she is





                                                 Where is Mimi?   
1. In Picture D: _____________________________________________________________


      A               B

1. What’s this in English? A.The one behind the door.

2. Are these knives?        B.He‘s my father.

3. Who’s that man? C.It‘s orange.

4. What colour is that orange? D.Yes, they are.

5. How old are you?        E.It’s here.

6. Which boy is your brother?   F.No, it‘s blue.

7. Where is Polly?         G.It’s an egg.

8. Is that coat black?       H.Fourteen.



  A. Please give it back soon.

  B. It's over there

  C. Certainly. When do you want it?

  D. Thank you very much.

  E. Black and red, and it's not very new.

  A: Excuse me, Lin Tao!

  B: Yes?

  A: My bike is broken. Can I borrow yours?

  B: __1____.

  A: This afternoon.

  B: OK. Here's the key.

  A: ____2__. But where is it?

  B: __3____.

  A: What colour is it?

  B: __4____.

  A: I see. I think I can find it.

  B: ___5___.

  A: All right. See you!

