73.Do you enjoy letters in English? 查看更多



Hi, everyone! I will graduate from high school in June. Some of my foreign friends have asked me about the process of entering an American university(综合性大学), so here I will tell you how it works.
First you have to choose which university you want to go to. This is not easy, as there are over 3,000 universities and colleges in the USA. Do you want to stay near home, or do you want to go far away? What do you want to study? Once you have decided what is important to you, I would suggest choosing about five schools to apply to (申请). This way, if one or two schools do not accept you, you still have a chance of being accepted by the others.
After you have chosen which schools you would like to apply to, you have to finish an application form for each one. You also need to ask two or three of your teachers to write letters to the universities explaining why you would be a good university student. For many people, the worst part of applying for university is taking tests. Depending on which college or university you want to go to, you have to take either the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), which tests your language, math and writing skills, or the American College Test (ACT), which tests your knowledge in English, math, science and history.
After you have been accepted to a university, you need to be able to pay for your study there. To help students pay for their education, the government offers loans(贷款)which students do not have to repay until after they graduate. Scholarships(奖学金)are also available to students who have excellent grades, who are good players or who have financial(财政)needs. Because university tuition is so expensive, many students also work part-time while they are at university.
University courses are quite different from classes at high school. You only go to each class two or three times a week, you have to study a lot more outside of class. Classes are much bigger too and some can have as many as 200 students in them. There will be many new things to learn, but I think I will enjoy university.
Main items
It is   小题2: to choose only one or two universities to apply to. Choosing more universities can add to(增加) the   小题3:__of being admitted to by one of them.
Applying for university
Fill in an application form for 小题4: university, with your teachers’ reference letters.
Take 小题5: in the proper tests according to the university you have chosen.
for education
Apply for the loans  小题7: by the government, which can be repaid after graduation.
Scholarships can be given to those  小题8:_ have excellent grades, etc.
Find part-time 小题9: while at university.
Attending classes
There are fewer classes in university than at high school.
The 小题10:of the students in each class is also larger in university than at high school. Sometime it can have 200 students.


A Letter to a Friend

February 12,2001

  Dear Mary,

  It is early afternoon and I am sitting in a small restaurant close to my work. It is raining and I'm feeling homesick(思乡的). I'm thinking of you and all of my friends in Mexico. I miss everyone. Outside the streets are crowed with people. All of them are wearing coats and carrying umbrellas. Everyone is in a hurry to get to a dry place. Buses and cars are moving up and down the street. Inside it is warm and pleasant. There are two old women at the table next to mine. One of them is wearing a funny hat. They are talking and laughing. A young man is sitting at a small table near the window. He is eating a piece of pie. It looks delicious. You know, the food in New Orleans is very good. I am fine. I am learning a lot in my classes. I like most of my teachers and classmates. I have classes every morning. I work every afternoon and I study every evening. I don't have much free time, but I like my life in New Orleans.

  I hope that you are well and happy. How is school? How 1s your English? Can you read my letter? Please write soon. I enjoy your letters with news from home.

Your friend,



1.Where does this letter come from?

It comes from________ ________.

2.What does Maria do every afternoon?

She ________ in the restaurant every afternoon.

3.What was the weather like that day?

It ________ ________.

4.How was Maria's life every day?

He was ________ ________ every day.

5.How was Mary's English? Do you know?

Mary's English is ________ ________ than Maria's.



Dear Sir or Madam,

  I have seen your advertisement for a teacher in the magazine Guangzhou Education.I think I'm fit for the job.

  I am 28 years old.I finished high school education in Xiamen, and then went to university in Fuzhou.I studied languages, with English as my major.I always got good   1   for all my subjects.At university, I was a very   2   student.I was chairman of the English Film Club and a member of the university chess team.

  I have traveled to   3   English-speaking countries.I think my English language skills have been   4   as a result and I can teach senior classes without any problems.

  I have worked as a teacher for four years.I have taught at a well-known school in Hangzhou.This has been a good experience.I have taught special courses in writing for business, showing people how to write good business letters and email messages.I have started a new course   5  Spoken English for Tour Guides.All these experiences have helped me become a good teacher.

  I am a warm and friendly person, and my students enjoy their lessons.I would like my students to work hard, but I think language learning can be fun.I encourage students to use English   6   the classroom, do projects and take part in English language activities.I have helped students   7   plays and give concerts of English songs.

  I hope for an   8   so I can tell you more.I want to live in Guangzhou and teach in your school.

Yours faithfully,

William Fang


  My name is Chau Kai Fat. I am 72 years old. I was born in China. Before we moved to Macao in the 1940s, we were farmers in a small village in China. We used to fly kites, take turtles for walks, jump ropes and watch grasshoppers fight when we were small. My father made kites for us. We had a pond in front of our house. These were many turtles there. We gathered around the pond after school. We took out the turtles and tied a rope around their little necks. Then we started taking them for walks. In summer, the grasshoppers were everywhere. We caught them and put them in a jar and watched them fight. The winner got a sweet and the loser had to sing. It was fun.

 I am Peter, Mr. Chau's son. I was born in 1963. When I was at primary school, the most popular game was football. Everyone played football and we listened to football games on the radio. When I was in Form 3, our English teacher showed us an

English game ?--- Scrabble. We took seven letters from a bag.

Each letter has points. Then we made an English word with all

or some of the letters. We counted the points. The one who had

the most points would be the winner. The first time we played

the game we thought it was never-ending because everyone took so long to come up with a word. We began to enjoy it more after we played the game several times.

 I am Wilson, Mr. Chau's grandson. My grandpa told me he watched grasshoppers before. My father told me he played ‘Scrabble’. However, I love computer games. A few weeks ago, a new game came out. It is called ‘Julio's Adventures’. I downloaded it from the Internet. In the game, Julio has to go through 14 levels to save the princess and to get the treasures. Sometimes, there are puzzles for you to solve. Sometimes, you see a monster in the tomb. You have to control Julio's movements and fight with the attacker by pressing the space bar. You can choose the weapons you like. I am still trying to get through level 8. lf you know the secrets, please e-mail them to me at ezboy@sunshine.net.cn.

There are pictures showing Mr. Chau Kai Fat, Peter and Wilson on the web page. Read the web page articles on page 34 again. Write the names of the persons in the blanks.

Kitty is showing the articles to her mother. Her mother has some questions for her. Help Kitty answer her mother's questions. Circle correct letters.

(1) Mrs Zhang: Where was the pond?

  Kitty:   ...

 A. In front of his school.

 B. In front of his friend's house.

 C. In front of his house.

(2) Mrs Zhang: Who showed Peter the game ‘Scrabble’?

  Kitty:  ...

 A. His father.

 B. His teacher.

 C. His friend.

(3) Mrs Zhang: What does Julio try to do in ‘Julio's Adventures’?

  Kitty:   ...

 A. He tries to save the princess and get the treasures.

 B. He tries to solve the puzzles.

 C. He tries to find the tablets.

