77.Edision is a inventor. 查看更多




1.China is a d_______ country.

2.Jack has a c_______ of paintings.He has collected about 1000 pictures.

3.Mary is very i_______ in Chinese.

4.He is an h_______ man.He will say the truth.

5.Please don’t speak loudly in p_______ place.It’s impolite.

6.Don’t _______ (提及)it.

7.Edison is a_______(成功的)inventor.

8.Looking for new _______(友谊) can make you happy.

9.His mother will be _______(自豪) of his success.

10.He fell off his bike and _______ (受伤)badly.


1. The sun rises in the e_________.
2. France is a country in E__________.
3. Tom felt sad because he f__________ the math test.
4. Look! What a bright moon in the s__________!
5. The soup s__________ good. Can I have a taste?
6. Mr. Black is a __________(成功的) businessman.
7. The baby was hungry so he __________(哭) loudly.
8. Thank you for ___________(邀请) me to the dinner party.
9. Our English teacher is very ___________(严格的) with us.
10. The dress cost me more than 70 ___________(美元).



1.The old woman is crying______(悲伤). What happened to her?

2.Kitty got______(结婚) last year. Her husband is a computer programmer.

3.It is ___________(有意义的) for us to help people in need.

4.Shanghai EXPO was a ____________(成功的) exhibition.

5.I’d like some bread and apple ___________(馅饼)for my breakfast.



She was a poor girl who worked to get money to pay for her lessons. She became the famous woman scientist of her time. That's the story of Marie Curie's life. She didn't mind working and she didn't care about the honors(荣誉)that were given to her in later years.

    Marie was born in 1867. Her name was Marie Sklosovska then. She lived in Poland. Her father was a teacher. Everyone soon saw that Marie had a quick mind.

    Marie's mother died when her youngest daughter was only ten. From then on, Marie knew that she would have to work hard at her lessons if she wanted to be successful(成功的)in her life. She studied very hard and was one of the best students at her school.

    Marie and her older sister, Bronya, wanted to study in France at the Sorbonne. But their father didn't have enough money to send them there. It was Marie who had an idea: she would teach at home and send her money to Bronya. After her sister finished studying in Paris, she would get work and send Marie the money to study there herself. So Marie worked very hard for six years to pay for her sister's studies. At last it was Marie's turn but when she got to France, her sister was married and could not give her much help.

    Again Marie worked. She studied in a small room without heat or light. She lived on bread and tea most of the time. But all she thought of was her maths and science. This was her world.

    After four years' hard work, Marie and her husband found something which was called radium(镭). They were given the Nobel Prize(诺贝尔奖)for their great discovery(发现). But they were too ill to go Stockholm themselves to receive it.

    Marie always said that it was because of her children that she want her work. And she discovered a hidden power and gave it to the world. It was the same power, however, that killed Marie in 1934.

1.Marie Sklodovska was born in_______.

A. France                B. Poland                 C. Stockholm          D Sorbonne

2.Marie did not go to Paris with her sister because_______.

A. She did not want to

B. He always thought of her maths and science first.

C. She had to earn money to pay for her sister's study.

D. She thought it more useful to make money.

3.She received her higher education(教育)at_______.

A. Poland       B. Stockholm          C. the Stockholm   D France

4.The greatness(伟大)of Marie's life in fact is that_______.

A. She received two Nobel Prizes

B. She was the first woman to work at the Sorbonne

C. She helped her sister finish school.

D. She worked hard without taking care of the fame and honors she received



许多学习生活中的烦恼都会使人产生压力,为了更好地发现及解决同学们中存在的心理压力问题,你们班特意开展了一次以“Less Pressure, Better Life”为主题的英语演讲比赛,请你准备发言稿,谈谈你的一些缓解压力的好办法,与同学分享,内容包括:




注意:1. 文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名;

      2. 词数80~100词;

      3. 短文的开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

      4. 将答案写在相应的位置上。

Less Pressure, Better Life

Hello, boys and girls! Pressure is a serious problem in today’s world. Students in our class are under too much pressure. __________________________________________________________






That’s all. Thank you!


