Neil is not very often late for school. A. always B. seldom C. sometimes (B) 选择最佳答案. 查看更多



Neil is not very often late for school.
[     ]
A. always
B. seldom
C. sometimes


Peter likes playing in a river .But there ___1__ a river near his new house .He is not very ____2___. One day ,he asks his mother ,“___3___ a river near here ?”“No, there isn’t ___4___,”his mother says ,“but our new house has a garden .”“I don’t like it,”says Peter .

One morning his mother says ,“There is a beautiful park near here ,Peter ,and there are two pools(水池)in it .We’ll go there this afternoon .”Peter is very happy .

After lunch, Peter and his mother ___5___the park, and he plays in one of the pools .He has a very good time.

1.  A. isn’t       B. is            C. aren’t        D. are

2.  A. cheap     B. busy         C. happy       D. cold

3.  A. There is   B. Are there    C. There are     D. Is there

4.  A. some         B. one       C. two         D. no

5.  A. go to        B. comes to      C. go         D. come



Two magazines recently listed the best cities to live in. Here are two of the cities listed as “the world’s best.”


The city has comfortable weather all year round (15℃ to 26℃). Housing is not very expensive in San Jose. Also, many of the city’s older neighborhoods are very beautiful and have small hotels and cafés. Beautiful mountains are around the city. There are many natural sights . Lots of people go sightseeing every year. But air pollution is a problem in the city center.


  This lively city—once a small fishing village—is today an international business center. It is an interesting mix of East and West, old and new. Modern tall buildings are next to small temples (庙宇). Popular nightclubs are close to traditional teahouses. Busy people fill the streets at all hours of the day. But outside the city, there are parks for walking or relaxing. Hong Kong is famous for its wonderful native dishes. There’s also food from Europe, North America, and other parts of Asia. However, this small city has a large population of nearly seven million! That’s why housing is often very expensive. Traffic and air pollution are also a problem.

1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about San Jose?

A. The weather.                 B. The mountains.     C. The air.      D. The traffic.

2.What makes Hong Kong the world’s best according to this passage?

A. The lively city and the wonderful dishes.      

B. The large population and the traffic.

C. The expensive housing.                       

D. The beautiful temples.

3.What do the two cities have in common?

A. They both have beautiful mountains.   

B. They both have a large population.

C. Air pollution is a problem in both.          

D. They are both crowded.

4.From the passage, we can know that       .

A. San Jose and Hong Kong are the only two cities of the world’s best

B. San Jose has more natural sights than Hong Kong does

C. the weather inboth cities is fine

D. San Jose used to be small fishing village 




A School Report

Name: Andy Smith(An Australian boy)

Grade: 7

School: Moonlight Secondary School

Term ending: 1 July


Chinese: He is a little weak in it, but he is trying his best all the time.

Maths: He can work out many difficult problems. But he is someitmes careless.

English: He is the best in the class. Keep it.

History: He is not very good at this. But he is doing better than before.

Geography: He knows a lot about it. It’s one of his favourite.

Music: He sings well, but he seldom sings.

Class teacher: Bill

Principal: Thomas Allan Green

School reopens: 1 September

1. After reading this, we know this is      .

  A. a studying plan of Andy Smith   B. a teaching plan of Bill

  C. a school reprot of Andy Smith    D. a working plan of Thomas Allan Green

2.      is not mentioned(提到) in the paragraph.

  A. PE   B. Music   C. Maths  D. History

3. Andy Smith does best in      .

  A. Chinese   B. English  C. Geography   D. French

4. Andy is not so good at      .

  A. Chiese and Geography    B. Maths and History 

C. History and Chinese     D. Music and English

5. According to the paragraph, which of the following sentences is true?

  A. Andy can’t sing songs very well.          B. Andy doesn’t do well in English.

  C. Andy doesn’t work hard enough at school.  D. Andy will have a two-month holiday.



The first English week at our school started on May 4th, 2009. The whole school was filled with an English learning atmosphere. A series of activities was held. There were handwriting activities, story writing, English songs, role playing in English, and so on, all the teachers and students were very happy. They spoke English, sang English songs and enjoyed all the activities. Handwriting was for the students in lower grades. Although most of them couldn’t write so well, they were all very careful about it. In the show window, there were a lot of colorful handwritten papers. They copied some articles from books or newspapers. And then they decorated(装饰) them with pictures in different colors, and some even put their own photos on them. How cute and lovely they looked!

Story writing was for students in Grade 7 and Grade 8. These students are always fond of cartoons, so they got interested in this activity. Reading the stories they made up, all the visitors couldn’t help speaking highly of them.

The most important event was the English show on the last day. The students and teachers presented (上演) a lot of English songs and English operas. Each program won storms of applause.

    One week is not very long, but all the students and teachers learned a lot. Just as the headmaster said, “It is a helpful week. It will certainly lead us to enjoy and learn more from our English studies.”

1. In this passage, the English week is described as__________.

A. surprising            B. boring       C. enjoyable               D. serious

2. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. All the students took part in the handwriting contest (比赛).

B. The story writing contest was for students in Grade 7 and Grade 8.

C. The English show was the most important event.

D. Teachers also took part in the English week.

3.What does the underlined word “applause” probably mean?

A. Noise      B. Cheer      C. Sound             D. Music

4.What does the writer probably want to tell us at the end of the passage?

A. The activities are a good way to learn English.

B. Students usually don’t like English.

C. The activities last longer.

D. Learning English in the classroom is invaluable.


